Hi, my name is Tanya. Tanyalynn was my name a long time ago on Storysite, and the 51- well, a girl never reveals her age. I am a m2f ts, who has felt like I am in the wrong body, but with some truly heavy issues. I do write sometimes as an outlet, a chance to fantasize about how my life might have gone, although I did a couple of more action oriented stories, a mystery, and a superhero story on Storysite. I can also be influenced by movies (see "The Girl" on Storysite, inspired by the Bruce Willis movie "The Kid"). I think that was my favorite story. I guess Ill just be writing what comes up at the time. Generally, there isnt any sex in my stories, although the mystery I wrote, "Murder in Pink" was extremely violent, and had a rape in it. Hope you enjoy my stories, as I enjoy yours.
but you forgot to mention Wildfire
Wildfire was the most complicated of them all, but it was a labor of love. I actually wanted to be this brand new girl whose powers hadnt even begun to be understood, but she/he were clueless as to how to function.
Welcome to the family Tanya!
[email protected] I've only been here a few months myself and I absolutely Love this place! To me it truly is a family. One I wish I'd found long ago. I've made some great friends here and found huge amounts of love and support. I'm sure you will too.
Big Welcoming Hugs,
"If you don't create change, change will create you."
Albert Einstein
[email protected]
thank you
Thank you Jonelle- i appreciate you taking the time to welcome me. I hope to find this place as much a blessing as you have.
stories from other sites that I wrote but didnt finish.
I wrotethe stories I have already mentioned for Storysite at least 5-7 years ago, and have been through at least 2 email addresses since then. I no longer have the password, and want to get the stories and finish most of them and submit them here. I dont know what is going on over there, and I probably dont want to. If anyone can think of a way that I may be able to get and finish some of those stories, please let me know.
stories from Storysite
Ok, I have figured it out. Im just transferring them from Storysite. I dont know anyway to positively ID myself except that I know the heart and soul behind all of them.