Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins this year on Friday Night and runs two days Thursday and Friday. The New Year, commemorates the sixth day of creation, when humankind was called into being;, when Adam and Eve were created, the culmination of G-d's creation.
To all of my many friends here at BCTS I wish you, a Happy and Healthy New Year.
For all of you who celebrate Rosh Hashana:
May all your prayers be granted,
May you enjoy this holiday with your family and loved ones.
On Rosh Hashanah, it is written, On Yom Kippur, it is sealed. May it be written and may it be sealed that you have a new year that brings fulfillment and happiness, peace and prosperity -- all of life's very best things. Have a Happy, Healthy New Year
Shalom Rami
A happy new year to you as well. May your G-d go with you.
It might not mean anything...
Coming from an atheist, but I wish the same for you and yours.
May your life be filled with peace.
An interesting facts are that
Originally this wasn't the first day of the year : that will be the 1st of Nissan , which falls between mid March to early April , celebrating new year at the end of winter is typical for farmers' religions and Judaism is no exception.
This date was only proclaimed new year at the Mishnah, up till then it was a major holiday and was supposed to be a celebration of god's domain over man ( some weird thing to celebrate isn't it? ) .
So why was it changed ?
Well no one really knows how the trend changed but at the Hazal (a group of Jewish scholars )period there were several calender revisions that were tried due to the Jewish exile and the fact that the Jews just added the concept of a leap year (this was done to make sure that the most important of Jewish holidays , Passover , will always occur after the spring equilibrium ) . The one that stuck had was this one and as said no one really know why .
And as I am quite tired (its 07:30 in here and I went to bed @ 01:00 ) and the fact that I've got to get ready for tonight ( yes the actual first day of the year is tomorrow but the traditional stuff are done at the eve before as in Judaism the day officially ends when there are three stars at the sky)
And no I am religious or anything, I am agnostic and comes from agnostic family : we celebrate the holiday cause its nice and have kewl food ok? I mean how often do you get to eat a bunch of kewl veggies one majorly awesome fruit and OD on honey all in one night?
So happy new year to whom ever that celebrates, I am off to eat breakfast ( and fantasize about the pomegranate meringue I made :9 )