Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

A Definite Problem

I've actually read four postings here in the past week in which a renegade spellchecker has rendered the word "definite" or "definitely" as "defiant"/"defiantly".

(If anyone's actually confused over the two words, a one-word definition of "definite" would be "certain", "defiant" would be "uncooperative".)

Anyway, for a spellchecker to get confused, it's clear that some of you are trying to put an "a" in definite. Please try to remember that there isn't one.


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Why Can't I Own A Canadian?

Leviticus rules
Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 15:38:30 +0800

This was sent to me today. It is self-explanatory and, in my opinion, very, very funny:

In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a US resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:

Dear Dr. Laura:

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New, PDF generation

Bob has added a new capability to BC. Near the bottom of each story, in the mass of links down there, you should find one labelled, |PDF Version|

This will produce a PDF file saved on your hard drive of most of the stories on BC. Some stories with poor or wrong HTML will not be properly converted, but if you need a PDF version for some reason, this may be handy.

Thanks, Bob.


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Well, I learn tomorow if I could get a loan to return to school and take medical administation assistant. Yet, I find myself hesitating. It wouldn't be a bad job, but I cant see how I would transition doing it. You are still in the public eye, and nowhere to hide while making the changes nessasary to live as a woman. On the other hand, the company that does training might be a better fit, but untill I have my appointment with them at the end of the month, I won't know for sure. I could use some wisdom in making a right choice.

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Our Dark Shadow

Here I am thinking that I had put my Dark Shadow away when I came out, had SRS, and began living as a woman. In the last few years I have really tried to cultivate my spiritual side and to really begin to understand more about God or who ever did this humanity thing.

Still, from time to time, I have really felt something pulling at me from deep inside; something that I have tried so very hard to put away but it is still in there waiting for the tiny spark that would trigger a bonfire in my soul. It is there lurking and sometimes I get really frightened by it.

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Becoming Robin 15 & 16: a conundrum

As I sit staring at my screen, I wonder if I've taken too much, too fast with Robin's life.

The 'problem' is that Robin has lived in role all of a week to a week and a half, but she's taken to being Robin so absolutely naturally because of the loving support of her friends and family. She's been allowed to be who she always was inside, and she wants to take that a step further as quickly as possible.

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That Summer I Found Her ! Part 1 Of 3

I started writing this story last night and my muse threatened to be uncooperative, but when I got into it, things just started flowing. I plan to add another part of it tonight because the ideas are flowing once again. I really don't know if anyone likes it, but I assume they do because at least 560 of you have read it. I plan on revealing some more surprises before I'm done so stay tuned!

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The Working Girl Blog #25:Pretending to work

The Working Girl Blog #25:
Pretending to work, or
Don't bother me - I'm too busy to talk to

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

I got in early yesterday morning - I was in the office by eight (It's sorta become like a routine lately, this coming to work early, 'Coz I was a little anxious about our project - in a couple of days, it'll be ready for application testing, and then UAT.), so I decided to surf a while and log on to BCTS and my other favorite sites as well as check my email while I waited for the troops to come in. And lo and behold, one of my BCTS friends, whose name I will not mention, was online and logged on in Yahoo. (See, Aunt Andrea? I didn't mention your name... ooops! heehee)

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Farscape has returned on FX

I wonder if any of you remember this excellent series that came out about ten or more years ago?

Well, it's being shown on FX (which I think is part of the Fox network) here in England at 6pm each weekday evening.

I say this because I have just written a review of it here, so you might want to jog that memory and revisit an old friend. If you haven't seen it before, I can wholeheartedly recommend it, so go check out the review and if you can spare the time, watch the series.

You know you want to...

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Needed: A mushy romantic romance. :)

I'd really like to see one of our good authors write a story from the point of view of a Big Hunky Manly Man who meets a special girl. At first he doesn't suspect at all, though she is sort of Tom Boyish. He likes her brashness, and sturdiness, but he is also attracted to her kindness, modesty and bright mind.

Maybe she's a lady fire fighter, or landscaper girl, or Doctor, or even a Fighter Pilot?

The whole point is they meet, work together for a long time and then he finds he is becoming attached to her and ... well good things happen to her after that.

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Rewriting - Thoughts?

Hey all,

I haven't posted a serious, personal blog in awhile for pouring all my energy into working on Becoming Robin

Spoiler warning: If you haven't read chapter 13 yet I'm going to be touching on plot elements ahead. Feel free to skip to "[The Main Point]" section if you just want the point of my posting this minus spoilers :-D

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major event in tallahassee, fl

Last night in Tallahassee, FL they passed a new human rights ordinance that protects against discrimination based on sexual and gender orientation. Employers can no longer hire or fire someone based on their sexual or gender orientation. Businesses must now provide access to all now including restrooms this even covers chrurches. This covers all of Leon County. This now provides everyone basic human rights in Leon County.

Who would have thought of this passing in a bible belt city.



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Meaningless Grand Gesture

It's nice to see contributions running slightly ahead of projections. Obviously, people appreciate this site and understand that Erin needs financial help to sustain it.

Should any of those who subscribe to Hatbox find the stories I've written to support this site "less than compelling", they should let me know. I will immediately send them triple the money I receive as author.

Jill M I
Angela Rasch

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Question for those that have read my stories (penname Alexis)

I'm contemplating writing something off the wall and different than what usually gets posted. If you see my stories April and June, or The Conversation you might have an idea when I say off the wall what I mean. I haven't written anything in quite a while, and have been feeding most of my ideas to a fellow author whose skills greatly outshine my own (and who thankfully will edit if I get that far)

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The Working Girl Blog #24:Mother's Day

The Working Girl Blog #24:
Mother's Day, or
Another humdrum mother's day dinner with the folks, in other words, it was a wonderful day

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

I went to my mom n dad's this Sunday, for Mother's day, and it was just a normal Mother's day. Nice lunch, regular, light family talk. The expected mother's day gifts. Cake and coffee, and then home. Very boring. Very routine. In other words, it was wonderful.

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Small French translation request

Just a quick question. How does one refer to two or more females as "very beautiful" in French?

It's part of the next chapter. I want to be absolutely certain I get it right, but I haven't studied foreign language since High School ;-)

The exact sentence is,

“My young friends, you both look very beautiful!"

I can't remember if it's tré or trés. I remember 'Belle' means 'Beauty' because of Beauty and the Beast, but that's about it.

Thanks in advance! :-D



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Why so long? Finally another Flip Side chapter

I'm sorry it's been so long. And I know this latest chapter probably is littered with typos and errors, but its been stuck in my head and I wanted to get it out there.

I've gone through a lot of trials lately. My teenage daughter overdosed and is struggling with issues relating to my ex, who doesn't care about her.

We've also been struggling financially.

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My mother's loot

Edeyn Okay, so... my mother's birthday is usually in the 2 to 3 weeks around Mothers' Day. This year, it was exactly 2 weeks before.

I love my mother, and though she's sometimes ashamed to admit to me being her child (let alone daughter instead of son), I know she loves me. I mean, there's a LOT of reasons to be ashamed to admit being related to me...

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good news. bad news, and camp fyrefly

Well, its been a mixed bag emotionaly the last couple of days. First the good news - I gave my mom a card from her daughter, and she seemed to really appreciate it. The bad news was I got into a fight with my ex at her church today. I wore my bracelet, and my daughter noticed it, and my ex insisted i take it off. I refused, and left the church rather than make a scene. As far as I am concerned, thats the last time I will go to that church. There a couple of accepting churches, and I am going to go to one of them instead.

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For all the BC girls.

Well, today is the 9th of May and Sunday at that. More importantly today is Mothers day.
I don't know who celebrates this and who doesn't and I don't want to offend anyone.
There's a lot of really great gals out here who deserve the mothers day love and respect even if they were once counted amongst the guys. There's a lot of you girls who in my opinion are great Moms, Mums, and both to be if fate is kind. Some of you are even that to others here.
Much Respect.
This one's for you sweet ladies.




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limbo: a look at married same-sex couples in states that don't recognize

limbo: a look at married same-sex couples in states that don't recognize such unions
05-09-2010 09:15 AM PDT |By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer

When government forms inquire of her marital status, Isabelle Barker sometimes resorts to an asterisk and an explanatory note.

She and her wife, Cara Palladino, got married five years ago in Massachusetts. Six months later, for job reasons, they moved to Pennsylvania _ one of the majority of states that do not recognize same-sex marriages.

Hence the asterisk.

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Story Idea for Anyone That Wants It - Phases

I couldn't decide whether to post this under the Writing Forum or Writer's Challenge, since technically this isn't a writing challenge, but a story idea.

Something I said in a blog awhile ago has really stuck with me. I commented about how my feelings tend to travel in cycles, where there are times I feel just ridiculously over-feminine, and then there are times when it's the farthest thing from my mind.


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All Those Things You Always Pined For

Do yourselves and Erin a favour in one go.

Make tracks to Hatbox NOW and read this wonderful story by Angela Rasch. It has to be one of the finest pieces of TG fiction ever to have graced this site.

Go on! Now I've made you curious. Resistance is futile!


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Retooling Reality

H'okay so...

VA VocRehab is willing to send me to school to become whatever I want to be. Now while I could get an MFA I think I might want to go after something else. For a while I was thinking of an Advocate of some sort because I would be paid to fight with people and I can do that.

However, that doesn't fit me as much as this next job/ field... Ethnolinguist. I would basically study where language and culture make sweet sweet love. So I get to play with language and culture. That works for me.

Now all I have to do is get into Vanderbilt or UT Knoxville. Whee!!

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Hello, I'm trying to compile some music and would love to get some help!

Think girly, feminine, empowering. That which to mince or sashay to, wail down the hairdryer to, shake your hips to. That to bring out the diva within. Even music which is masculine in a very tongue in cheek way can emphasize femininity, especially in contrast to the madeup reflection in the mirror.

Of thus far;

ABBA — Dancing Queen
ABBA — Fernando
ABBA — Gimme Gimme Gimme
ABBA — Happy New Year
ABBA — Mamma Mia
ABBA — Money Money Money
ABBA — Take A Chance On Me
ABBA — Waterloo


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The Working Girl Blog #23: Sucker for punishment

The Working Girl Blog #23:
Sucker for punishment, or
Yes, it's cold, it's windy and it's been raining. But I'm jogging anyway

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

Yep, I'm back from my self-imposed vacation from writing blogs. And I am enough of an egotist to assume that people missed my blogs. (Yes, indeed, I DO suffer from delusions of self-importance. Heehee)

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Homophobic candidates suffer at polls, according to the Guardian.

Honestly, I sometimes wonder at people's intelligence, homosexuality is caused by demonic possession - duh? So how would they explain transsexualism? In this day and age, to judge persons on their sexual orientation is so ridiculous it's pathetic. The evidence is stacking up that most of these things are organic or genetic in origin, so why can't they get the message? Oh I forgot, most of them think the world was created in six days...


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a letter to a relative - posted with permission

This letter was writen by a friend of mine to a relative

Dear Relative --

You’ve no doubt noticed that I have had a lot of things on my mind lately and that I haven’t been myself for…well, years.
I’ve been trapped in depression and self-loathing for years…all because I took everything that people have dished out at people like myself and internalized it.
The message from school to people like Bernie was made clear. Don’t do that. Don’t act like that. Don’t BE that.
So, I took who I was and buried it for years.

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Orbits Two

Hi again everyone! Guess what? Once again I've traveled all the way around the sun! You know what else? I've had some good company on the trip. So much has happened in this last orbit. My Southern Comfort Conference Scholarship, the amazing time there at the conference and many other wonderful things. There has also been the sad ones of losing both our beloved dog Delta and our cat Zoe. I've learned more about myself and the harm I did to myself. Denial is more than just saying no or refusing to admit certain truths.

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still stuck in wait mode

Well, I am still stuck in wait mode. My counsilor got back to me with the name of a company that might help me get training, so I will be calling them monday, but i am having trouble remaining hopeful. I feel like i need to brace myself for the worst, and then if something good happens, it will feel like a bonus.

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So. Sunday is Mother's Day, & A Bonding Experience between best friends

The year I began my RLT, I wanted to do something special for my best friend's daughter, my Goddaughter. So, I took her to a nail salon and we both had our nails done, both of us got acrylics. It was a special bonding thing for us both, I think.

Anyway, Sunday being Mother's Day, I racked my alleged brain trying to think of something special for my best friend, Tina. Now, Tina is not what you'd; call a girly-girl. In truth, she's more of a tomboy than anything else...however.

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Chaz Bono gets legal recognition as a man.

For those of you who didn't know, it's on the Daily Mail Website. I hope he'll find some peace now, though I also think he could do with losing some weight from the photos they show.


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A thought about the in Memoriam links - Your thoughts?

On the main page of this site there exists a link box called "In Memoriam" If I understand this correctly the names listed there are departed friends who used to write for this site. Clicking on those links takes you to the authors page. I think it would be a fitting tribute to our departed friends if those links would go to a page describing the person's life, thier accomplishments, maybe saying something about thier hopes and dreams. The tribute page could then link to thier story page.

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Ride with Gaby or not?

Maddy Bell posted her update as usual with a new chapter from Book 7 on Wednesday, along with the following statement.... "On the writing front I'm suffering not so much from writers block but rather from lethargy! I have started more Jamie but I really need to get to grips with some Nena and Gaby but I must admit that there seems little interest out there in reader land for me to continue with either, maybe they have run their course?

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Country Music Singer Chely Wright Comes Out

I found this story particularly interesting because I was literally JUST thinking last night about how I enjoy country music and bluegrass, but never really got into it because of the generally ultra-conservative attitude of its fanbase.

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Now that "Firefly: Double Booked" is done ...

... where should Serenity ... my Serenity, with Wash-as-Linda and all of the crew ... go from here?

For those of you who missed it when it fell so quickly off the front page, the last chapter of the second book can be found here. But now that we've reached a good stopping place, I'm curious as to whether folks want me to keep going.

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For Gabyzone or Cyberbrats chatters

A nice Hello to all Gabyzone or Cyberbrats chatters.

For those who can't access or any of the other Cyberbrats networked irc hosts, please use instead.

Once DNS is available again, we will tell you.

UPDATE: As of 16:30 MEST is available again, and irc services are working as usual. Sorry for the short inconvenience.

Many thanks


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Man in schoolgirl uniform goes to trial.

According to this link on MSN, the man had several asbos instructing him desist the practice of wearing school uniform including skirts and bare legs during school hours.

See link:

I wonder how much of a danger or offence he was causing? Probably more sad than bad.


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comment totals

Just for fun, I thought I would see what my most commented stories are. In order, they are:

The dead kid - 12 comments

Malfuntion! - 9 comments

A perfect opportunity - 8 comments

Grasp the sword tightly - 8 comments

A conversation with mother - 8 comments

The saga of E-Girl - 7 comments

A letter from a broken toy - 7 comments

Dear God - 7 comments

Summer Princess - 7 comments

I woke part 1 - 7 comments

and I woke part 6 - 7 comments.

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I have another recipe. This is for frosting an Angel food cake.

Angel food cake frosting

Fresh Strawberries

Chop 1 cup of fresh strawberries on a cutting board into small pieces. The smaller they are the easier they are to beat.
Add them to a large mixing bowl.
Add one cup of sugar
Add one egg white.

Beat until it comes to a nice fluffy mixture. The final product is very sweet and very pink. It is also very sticky, but YUMMY.

Warning: This frosting is very addicting and some sampling during production may occur.
Let me know what you think.



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BBQ Sauce Recipe

I have a secret recipe to share with BC authors and visitors.

It is mainly for chicken and pork ribs.

Here it is. Try it...

White Vinegar
Onion white

In a sauce pan mix
1 cup of ketchup
1 cup of Vinegar
1 cup of sugar
1/4 cup chopped fresh white onion

Stir contents until it boils then take heat away.

Spread on cooked meat just prior to removing from grill. Works best on a non-gas grill. This is very good for parties, birthdays and mother’s day.

Let me know what you think. SaraD.


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What goes around, comes around.

I know that it is not good form to cheer at the misfortune of another; forbidden in my religion, but I could not resist this. Maybe this is simply justice being administered in an unusual way? After so much crowing for racial purity and morality ...

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NARTH ex-gay group board member takes rent boy to Europe

Christian right leader George Rekers takes vacation with "rent boy"

By Penn Bullock and Brandon K. Thorp Thursday, May 6 2010

The pictures on the profile show a shirtless young man with delicate features, guileless eyes, and sun-kissed, hairless skin. The profile touts his "smooth, sweet, tight ass" and "perfectly built 8 inch cock (uncut)" and explains he is "sensual," "wild," and "up for anything" – as long you ask first. And as long as you pay.

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Snowstorm, and a mother's day dilemma

well, we had a major snowstorm today. Made things intersting at work, as I had to wrangle carts and nearly froze. Meanwhile, I was having a bit of a dilemma with getting cards for mother's day. Its so hard to find one for an ex-wife, but i found one I liked for her. Then I had a real issue for getting one for my mom. Frankly, i wanted to show her i am her daughter, not her son, but I didnt want to spoil things in front of everyone else. I compermised, and got her gender-neutral card, and also got a card from a daughter that i will give her privately as from dorothy.

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It Occured To Me

It occured to me,

There are many people on BC that I call friend. Many I chat with, some I talk with, and more that I correspond with. Among those some are Brilliant writers and some are well... let's say they try hard.

BUT, I realized that I haven't read stories by many of them, and RARELY looked at their old stories.

SO, I ASKED SOME if they had read any of my stories (Frankly I'm very slow in finishing things) and most of them hadnn't

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waiting for wednesday

Well, I am in "wait" mode, waiting for wednesday, when I will hopefully hear back from my counsilor's and maybe, just maybe, be able to fast track my transition. I need a back-up plan in case this doesnt work, so I dont get devestated and just give up hope. Still noodling that idea. meanwhile, I am slowly but surely starting to work on my next piece, but it might take a while. Ah, well.

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I wish to apologize

I wish to apologize for my previous behavior mew. Concerning keywords, in the past I have ranted that people have misused key words to try to hook certain types of readers, when I didn't think that maybe they DID fit the keywords just not in the way I was thinking. For instance, sweet and sentimental, it's hard to believe any sort of forced story could be sweet and sentimental, but there are ways. For instance, if there's a cute romance between two villains, then that's the romance tag, and could even count as sweet and sentimental.

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What if?

What if some time in the future they can tell if a fetus is TG (or gay or whatever). The parents have the option to "fix" him so his brain develops in such a way that it matches the body he's born in -- essentially someone with a male body would have a brain happy to be in such a body, and vice versa.

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Is this Angharad's secret identity?

Angharad and I share a couple of characteristics. We're both Guardianistas and we both ride bikes but I've long suspected that her 'real' identity is ... Lucy Mangam, Guardian columnist. The writing styles are so similar. Take Lucy's contribution this morning as an example and tell me you don't find similarities with the (allegedly) fictional Cameron family in 'Bike' :

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Laughing At My Predicament Not Allowed!

So, this week end, I got a call from my Brother and he needed my help. Well, actually he did not need my help, he wanted me to change the window motors and the Alternator on his Ford Pick Up. He was not intending to help. He gets to angry and frustrated with these things. Well, I wanted to say I couldn't do it because I'm a girl, but to be fair, he has the mechanical aptitude of a Frog.

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I am puzzled. Please tell me why?

I have noticed that the stories being written in The Home That Love Built universe are receiving considerably fewer hits and comments than I feel they deserve. Are they not exciting enough? Are they TOO full of emotion? Do they perhaps, strike too close to home for most of you? Am I expecting too much?

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The Working Girl Blog #22: Coffee Break

The Working Girl Blog #22:
Coffee Break, or
The Working Girl is going on a one-week hiatus

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

Had a bit of a "thing" happen, and it's made me think about taking a bit of a break from the world of the Big Closet. But be cool - the blog (and me) is coming back to the Top Shelf in about a week. In the meantime, have a cup of coffee, or in this case, a mug of hot chocolate, on me.

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Would You Believe This At Fictionmania?

Would You Believe This At Fictionmania?


Get ThisI have been posting PrairieGirl's story 'A Tragedy Of The Spirit at Fictionmania as per Melanie Dixon's permission. For awhile, in the synopsis, I said that I was posting to honor her, but when I stopped, people said that I was taking credit. Why can't the readthe story from the beginning?

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The Working Girl Blog #21: Bobbie's playlist

The Working Girl Blog #21:
Bobbie's playlist, or
Isn't that Bobbie Spears? No, it isn't - it's Bobbie Aguilera!

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

Well, here I am - twelve noon. Just woke up. Yes, still in my pajamas. Hot chocolate beside my keyboard. And typing up this blogpost.

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Ninjas in stilettos

I have been a regular follower of a blog call The Sleep Talking Man. He is, by day, a mild-mannered gentleman. He is soft spoken and doesn't swear or use foul language....until.....

When he sleeps at night, he'll start talking. Oh y'all are in for a great surprise! The night of April 28, he said something that I think everyone will enjoy.

Check out the entry dated april 29.

Hope ya'll have fun with it.

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A B C's of Science Fiction, and rebutting the "cure"

As a Science Fiction fan, the A B C's stand for (Isaac) Asimov, (Ray) Bradbury, and (Arthur C.) Clarke. I have now done little tributes to Asimov and Bradbury, but havent thought of one for Arthur C. Clarke.

(I can see the scene though . . . "Give me back my male clothes Hal!" "I am afraid I can't do that Dave . . .")

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I Could Be Homeless Soon

I am facing the possibility of being homeless soon. My family is wanting to throw me out because my Unemployment has run out and I have yet to be able to find a job. Adding to that, I am being given a hard time for daring to have any friends and if they dare send me anything in the mail, my whole family acts like someone would have to be crazy to be friends with me. I am almost at the end of my rope with the whole situation.

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The Working Girl Blog #19: A minor wardrobe emergency

The Working Girl Blog #19:
A minor wardrobe emergency, or
No, I don't want aspirin, I need pantyhose!

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:


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Blog About: 


No more SKYPE?

Having used SKYPE for years, I am seeing a pattern that makes me wonder. I do not know if it is their fault or if my little "EeePC" is simply not up to the task. It's a funny little machine, runs XP, and is pretty slow. The screen really is too small for my eyes, so for a long time I used an auxilary screen. I use it mostly for running the programs that I do not want on my good machine. Itunes lives there, and SKYPE does too.

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Odd mood good day...

I just had to get out of my house today. I was bored so I grabbed my palm top and headed out. The Mount Allison kids are leaving the final exams are done. There these piles of junk out at the end of driveways and by dumpsters as the kids waste so much by just throwing it away. It makes me sort of sad to see the waste, this stuff so easily be donated. Sigh the university is a rich one, and so are many of the students.
I checked out a few things at the local used bookstore, bought a loaf of Patagonian corn bread from the Indie bakery...It smelled too good and it just came out of their hearth.

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I started this blog as a response to commentator's Blog, in response to a bit in Bobbie C's blog. Just as commentator felt her response belonged in its own blog, so did I. I was struck by commentator's comment that GCS isn't a 'cure-all'. This matches some of my thoughts as well. But, before I will talk about them, I think I need to provide some background so you can see where I'm coming from.

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Update. Re: Medical problem. Surgery finally scheduled.

Another trip to the Buffalo VA hospital yesterday wore me out. However... I finally have a surgery date. May 17th. What I am suffering from, initially diagnosed as a hernia has now been re-diagnosed as an internal cyst. Basically it's a swelling in my groin area. There is very little pain involved, but it scared the hell out of me when it first appeared, as I covered in my first couple of blogs about this.

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A Conundrum - Hits, Reads, Votes and Comments

Like many authors who publish, I get considerable pleasure from knowing that others have enjoyed my work, and the Vote counter was the way in which I could see the number of readers who did so. I have never paid much attention to Hits, equating that to people picking up a book in a bookshop, thumbing through it, and mostly putting it down without purchase. As such, there was always a vast difference between Hits and Votes. Whilst the comments are wonderful, they are always going to represent only a minority of readers.

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good news

Well, I have some good news. First, I weighed myself today, and I am down to 280 lbs from a high of 310. So thats a start. Also, I got a chance to talk to my counsilor, and she is looking into getting me help to go back to school. If I can, I will be able to get into the fast track in terms of transtioning. Keep a good thought for me, ok?

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The Working Girl Blog #18: I'm bored

The Working Girl Blog #18:
I'm bored, or
I'm bored, bored bored.... I'm BORED! ... borrrred...

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:


Got nothin' to write about again. As in totally nothing...

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Blog About: 


Just an update for the day.

Hello everyone, today's been a decent day compared to my horrible drama-wh... likeness of yesterday. It's my day off and after sleeping in then a cup of tea I had to do my weekly ritual of heavy housework. I wanted to cook something today but being out of yet another failed relationship there are times I just don't feel like eating alone.
As I get older the more I dislike the lonely thing.
But it was raining and a little chill out so after coming back from the laundromat I put some soup into the slow cooker. I made my strange version of minestrone.

Recipe as follows:
1 onion diced.

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Where Tina works.

If you're wondering if Tina will be back (in Something Feels Strange) to catch the bad guys, the answer is yes. I'm getting close to being able to continue the story. Thank you for your patience.

I did notice that is running a story today about the very facility where Tina works. If you want to see what it looks like, go to

Look for more SFS in about a month!

- Tiff

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Site Policies or Rules?

If the author was not the one to do the actual posting then either they must request it to be removed by the original poster or the administrator(s) of this site.

Is there a page with the site rules on it we can access?

If not, can one be created that covers the topics that rules have been established for this site?

1) Author's agreement when posting a story on this site.

2) Site rules governing commenting for a story or blog.

I'm just interested to learn the rules that HAVE been established and are considered as iron clad at this time.


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gave myself a present

Well, I had a bit of a rough day at work. It turned out i had not finished a job i was given yesterday, and I got in trouble. I had had a real struggle with it and made the mistake of not telling my supervisor before i left. So before i left, to cheer myself up, I bought a dozen pairs of women's socks, so I can replace my male ones. Then tonight, I stopped at the dollar store and bought a little bracelet and a bottle of lavander body spray. I also arranged to meet the pastor at the church on saturday, so thats done. So I feel better.

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