I'm back!

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The Comic-Con was great but after six hours there, I started having back pains from all the walking, so I took some time to take pain pills, relax and then I drove home. People really liked the Quillian color pages I handed out to a few friends and pros and I touched base with almost everyone I know in the industry. I even got a half-hour to talk to Bob Burden! (Flaming Carrot, Mystery Men).

I got back to more than the usual number of problems in a day but everything is copasetic now, I think. :)

I may go back to the con on Sunday to see if I can meet with the people I missed, but I probably won't. :)



Erin, I'm jealous :-)

Zoe Taylor's picture

I'd love to go to Comic Con, but sadly these conventions are always hundreds, if not thousands of miles away.

Still it sounds like fun. Hope your back feels better!

* * *

"Zoe, you are definitely the Queen of Sweetness with these Robin stories!"
~ Tychonaut

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

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