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Or "Ow, My Brain Hurts!"
Two hours ago I tried to go to bed, but resulted in my just laying awake and thinking. I have so many plot threads going around in my head right now, and to add to that complexity, Aria Blade's sub-story just became a TG story in and of itself in the darker reaches of my warped imagination too.
I've been trying to figure out how I want to organize and 'handle' the Aria Blade thing in regards to Robin's main story, and what I think I'm going to do is just start writing right now, and let what may come from there. It's going to be written alternate-universe, but *probably* still from Aria/Robin's perspective, just.. as a teen superhero who's in way over her head in an adult's world. ;-)
If it's long enough I'll give it its own seperate organizer page, and if not, I'll tie it in under the relevant chapter that spawned this freakish mental shockwave of creativity I now find myself surfing :-D
I'm going to be up all night writing again, but sleep is a worthy sacrifice to be feeling this maddeningly inspired.
*ahem* Sorry. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
Edit: I couldn't help myself. I suddenly recalled talking to Edeyn about the big November novel writing thingie, how it's about just writing without going back and spending countless amounts of time editing, so I decided to try it. Granted this isn't November, and I'm not writing a novel here :-P I hope I don't massacre Aria and Raven's story too badly >_>
If need be I'll take it down for proper editing/rewriting at some point in the future. We'll see :-)
Do not worry
We, your humble fans, will relieve you from this head hurt, by making your head swell with pride from our honest praise! ^_^
Because if it becomes bigger, it can contain more wonderful ideas! ;)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Well, I've successfully
Well, I've successfully written myself into a corner with the Aria/Raven saga, which I think is a good thing because it gives me more time to think without the pressure of "MUST WRITE NOW!" feelings. There's still the matter of the main story of course, but this way, one less tangent, and the beginnings of one more offshoot.
I'm so tempted to post it now while it's 'hot', but I think I'll wait and see where it goes. It may, ultimately, deviate quite a bit in terms of how the alt-universe story reaches the ends that the in-story comic book reaches, but they're both traveling toward the same ends ultimately ;-)
I totally blame all the wonderful comic-themed stories here on BC, as well as the one(s?) I know are being worked on by others. That and four years playing City of Heroes/Villains spawning more offshoot fanfic than I want to admit to having written :-P
... And now I went and wrote myself back OUT of the corner. No rest for the wicked! ;-)