Hey all,
I just wanted to leave a little note here that this past week I've been pretty under the weather. It's not anything serious, but it's left me feeling drained, so that's why the big delay so far. Next chapter (or two, maybe) of Robin should be up by Sunday, if not sooner.
Sorry for the delay. I don't like to let my writing go this long normally, but when all your muse says is "Shut up and take some medicine!" it's kind of hard to get anything done. :-D
Hope you feel better soon
Hope you feel better soon and listen to the wise advice of your muse!
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Waiting in patience
No problems dear Zoe. In the meentime I have tried to make your heroine's tour on a map. I think she will have a fairly stressed ending of her summer. So do as her, collect your forces and prepare for the long run.
Best greetings from
Get well soon! Wren
Get well soon!
I just wanterd to drop and say Hi zoe and let you know Aria Blade is getting kind of intresting so keep up the good work, although I'm finding it a but dry you might say IDK, I may be crazy. Lol don't hold that aginst me though lol.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart