I sort of purged today, but in a good way :-)

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While on a fruitless search to figure out what I've done with my digital audio recorder, I started to run across stuff I've been holding onto for absolutely no reason. Most of it was just useless junk not even worth mentioning, but it eventually turned into spring cleaning. And then I noticed my old "I'm just a crossdresser, really!" stash.

This consisted of things I never wear anymore, ever, but held onto for sentimental reasons. You know, the sort of thing that wouldn't really be sanitary to donate, or was in no condition for reuse (First bra, first pair of pantyhose, that sort of thing).

I'd been holding onto this stuff for so long as a reminder that I was 'just' a crossdresser. The funny thing is, I haven't "dressed" in over a year and a half. I'll sometimes put on a pair of heels for no real reason other than that I love shoes, but I'm just as likely to slip on my canvas oxfords or my comfy fleece slippers. If I'm depressed and need to feel feminine physically, I'll put on some light jewelry or pull my hair up in a ponytail or such.

The point is, this stuff I was holding onto was, for me, a way I could point to it and say "See? Not really TS." In other words, Denial's not just a river in Egypt :-P

I still have more pairs of women's shoes than men's (For "guy mode" I have my gender neutral, all-white athletic sneakers for workouts, and my ratty old sneakers for everything else. I'd keep them both if I still have them post-transition, whenever that may be :-P) and some older things I'll probably donate to charity, but that's going to require having a talk with Mom, for that whole "I can't drive" thing.

Speaking of can't drive, I found something else I thought you guys might find interesting. I ran across the glasses I had to wear in high school, before my vision 'got somewhat better' - there's a long and, for those with weak stomachs, kind of gross medical story behind that, but I'll leave it out of this blog :-)

So, I'm going to sign off on this with a side-by-side comparison of what I wore then, and what I have now :-)

My old glasses.

And my current/new ones

That's not a trick of the camera. Those lenses really are half an inch thick at the end. It's to allow for a very, very deep curve at my center of vision. It usually took me a week just to get used to wearing a new pair because the focal point changed from pair to pair, resulting in my having no peripheral vision at all until I got used to the "curve". :-)

So, yeah. Zoe had problems WAY before being transgendered came into the equation. :-P

I'm probably going to throw them away. They're just another reminder of a depressing chapter in my life that I need to let go of. Mom might want them as a keepsake though, but that's the only reason they're not already in the trash.



Give old glasses to the Lion's Club

erin's picture

They run an international charity to redistribute old glasses, both here in the states and in poor countries all over the world.

Eyeglass Recycling.

Helen Keller challenged the Lions to be "Knights of the Blind" over eighty years ago and they have run such charities ever since. They also run blindness prevention programs all over the world.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I can't believe I forgot

Zoe Taylor's picture

I can't believe I forgot about the Lion's Club. They basically financed a free trip for me to see a specialist in Tennessee when I was little because we were just too poor to afford even a short road trip at the time.

[Rambly side-note memory moment]When I was a kid my dad worked at an auto parts store, and they had a little Lion's Club donation stand with rolls of mints on the honor system. It sort of became a tradition to buy a fresh roll before every trip to see the retina specialist in Little Rock.[/ramble] :-)

I owe them a lot, so a little donation like this is the least I can do to pay it forward. :-D

* * *

"Zoe, you are definitely the Queen of Sweetness with these Robin stories!"
~ Tychonaut

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

Hanging on to the past

Angharad's picture

has its uses, however, we should always live in the present and plan for the future.



weeellll I really do not have a bunch

of stuff from my 'crossdresser' period anymore, first thing I discovered that nylon, satin, lace realllly disagreed with me unless it is part of a gown which would only be worn for special occasions. Four inch heels? No can do, flat feet so maybe ebay one day. Spandex leggings, oh please. Off to good will they went. I keep only a small hand full as keepsakes only, including the first gown I had found as a discard that was the only one left after Mom found my stash. *sigh*. Funny thing is, the gown is waayyyy too big for me now and it was not too way off when I was a tween.

Anyway, I have no problem keeping some because I do not hold on to it for the wrong reasons and it is for me something to do show and tell and for a chuckle if one day I meet up with some of you here. Keep stuff that only has meaning to you.


That was the big step for me :-)

Zoe Taylor's picture

It had really lost any meaning other than a reminder that, not so long ago I only kept it around as an excuse I could use (One of many) not to face what everyone else, save my immediate family, already knew. ^_^

Next week I'll have to tackle the closet of old instruments. :-P The only one of those I'll spare (not counting my two 'primary' guitars) is my very first electric, buried somewhere waaay in the back, for exactly that reason. I have too many good memories to give that one up. ;-)

For me this is mostly another step forward, letting go of stuff that needs to be let go of, keeping the important stuff.

It's like 'Drea said the other day in a story comment, (To roughly paraphrase) however the clothes may change, I'm still 'me' underneath. If/when I do transition, I'll do what I need to help society accept me in my preferred role because that's important to me too, but I'm already beginning to accept myself. That's much more than I could've said a year ago :-D

* * *

"Zoe, you are definitely the Queen of Sweetness with these Robin stories!"
~ Tychonaut

~* Queen of Sweetness *~


Renee_Heart2's picture

Well hun you got rid of a lot of things you really didn't need & that is always a good thing As for your glasses well hun donate them to the lions club some one might be able to use the frames. I hope things get better for you hun.
Love Samantha Renee Heart

Love Samantha Renee Heart

It's not really purging

Penny Lane's picture

Although we are so conditioned to think of it that way.

This activity is just what any normal (ie not OCD) human does anyway from time to time. Women tend to discard more frequently these days because fashions change all the time. Men do it less frequently but waistlines still change over the years, shirt styles change and so on.

I got rid of a load of [female] stuff last summer and it was just the normal turnover: Dresses I couldn't get into, shoes that pinched, skirts that looked okay when I bought them but soon dated, 'bargain' buys that never worked. Nothing my partner doesn't do from time to time as well.

So, just be normal about it. You're having a wardrobe clearout. So?


*giggle* Well said

Zoe Taylor's picture

'Normal' is exactly the word for it. It's in that normalcy that I actually find some comfort/cause for celebration. I feel like at some point in the past year, I changed for the better, and it's finally starting to catch up with me.

Other than one mild 'down' last night, mainly caused by a combination of a lack of sleep and some bad chili, I haven't been truly depressed since the holidays either. I'm hoping that trend keeps up. I could get used to being a functioning member of society, independent of which gender role I find myself filling :-D

Who knew accepting oneself instead of constantly fighting it would bring one such peace?

And I'm even learning to stop before I start to ramble ... too much.

* * *

"Zoe, you are definitely the Queen of Sweetness with these Robin stories!"
~ Tychonaut

~* Queen of Sweetness *~