Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

There is a WHAT up there?

This is a true halloween story that happened to me and my family the first halloween after we arrived in England in 1953.
We were living in Cambridge, in a house that had been built in 1863, per the date etched into a stone, above the front door on the second floor. The house was a three story house, and did indeed look old.

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The Blood Red Tombstone

My entry for the All Hallows Eve Contest is a work in progress but it will be a story attached to my "That Summer I Found Her" Universe. The story is called "The Blood Red Tombstone" and it takes place during the month of All Hallows Eve in the same year Jessica, Kara, Lyndsey and Allysa get married. The story behind "The Blood Red Tombstone" will be told by Kara's grandmother and it will go back to 350 years previous before the Clans were forced to flee to America. It should be up very soon!

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HTML regulations?

Ok,I am a little confused (This is my first story) I understand that HTML format is used on BC to post stories, and also there are certain commands that I should leave out. I searched for a FAQ page or anything that had these rules, but I couldn't seem to find one. So, for a new author, what formatting rules should I be aware of?
Efren Rose


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maybe off topic

Been out for a run last night, my first real big hill route since my ankle tendon decided to complain in May. Only 4 or 5 miles and the legs still remember what I forced them to do.
Still good it is good to be able to go out even if I am about 25% slower. I do hope my speed and endurance recovers soon as I am now looking forward to which races I might do. Edale skyline next year is favourite at the mo

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The Magic Eight Ball - They really work!

Last weekend we had our garage sale (I hate garage sales by the way) anyway, my daughters decided that they would try to sell some of their old toys as well.

One of the items they put out was a Magic 8 Ball. You know, you ask a question, shake the ball and look on the bottom for the 'magic' answer.

One of the neighbor kids came over, I think he's around seven. He was checking out the girls Magic 8 Ball and they were explaining it to him. He thought it was great.

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Ready For Prime Time?

Pure coincidence, I'm certain, but I read Grover's steamy story, Men and Gods today, and then I found this article in Slate on the popularity of "smutty stories" on the Kindle. [Read it here]. In particular, the description of the novel Office Slave was reminiscent of scenes in several "forced slut" stories I've seen on these TG fiction sites.

So, could it be that "mainstream" literature, TG literature, and electronic reading devices are all in convergence?

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NaNoWriMo Response

Edeyn I have signed up and won every year since 2004, including last year when I severely broke my arm on November 6th! I finished my novel on day 1 last year, so just had to wait for verification to open up. 50,000 words -- depending on how it's formatted, is anywhere from about 115 pages to 200 pages if you stretch it... but it really is much less than what it sounds like, folks! Don't be daunted by the wordcount. One screen of typed text is about 500 words. So, approximately 100 screens. That's really not a lot!

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NaNoWriMo: Any takers?

National Novel Writing Month
November 1st—30th: Thirty days and nights of literary abandon

National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.

Further details are available on the NaNoWriMo Website.

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A Way I Hadn't Thought to Look at Things But Should Have

Another entry so soon!

I've been thinking about how "he" was not only a facade - and I am speaking only for myself on that - because "he" had a presence in this world, an influence, a purpose. "He" was still never the real me, of course, make no mistake there. However, there was a reason for "him" to exist. There were things "he" did that affected other people, like songs "he" wrote and stories "he" wrote and things "he" did. "He" had a very real and very valuable purpose in this world.

And thank God that's over with. lol

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New Chapter of Weight Problem

a new chapter is going to be up in a few days....I'm suffering from that horrible thing called writer's block. I've got some idea where I want to go with it but I can't seem to put it to page. So I'm hoping to have it up in a few days...hopefully tomorrow but you never can tell.

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With Sorrow

I had asked a number of you to pray for for brother Jeff. It is with Deeppest sorrow I share with you that at sometime around 2:30 this morning PST my brothher died.

While rough around the edges Jeff absolutely addoredd me growing up. I was his big brother. Please keep the family in your prayers. This has been a horrid shock to the whole family. He was 44 years old.

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A Ritual: Goodbye and Hello

So, it was suggested to me that I do some kind of ritual for letting go of the old (male) me and embracing the new (female) me because I said I'd not done that, I'd just kind of moved on. I thought about it and decided it might be a good thing to do. So, on Monday I came up with something and went out and did it.

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Bowel Prep-Funny!

Anybody who has had SRS probably had some form of bowel prep, back in the day it was "Go Lightly" a deception on the part of the marketing department! Tasted like whale snot too.

Here is a piece on bowel prep by Scottish comic Billy Connolly

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Funeral Day

Today we say goodbye to Hazel, my aunt and godmother. It's going to be tough on me, so I don't know what sort of state I shall be in later and therefore can't comment on whether or not I'll be able to do the next episode of Bike.

Apologies for last night, but I went to pay my personal respects and it took quite a lot out of me. Today, I am next of kin and presumably leading the mourning. I'm presenting a celebration of Hazel's life which I hope won't be too depressing, after all she had a wicked sense of humour and very dirty laugh. I shall try and remember both in the days ahead.

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I'm back

It's been a rough few months. My wife of 36 years passed in mid-June after a 9 years of being bed-ridden during which I was her primary caregiver. She had MS with complications and we both knew the outcome. Still, it took a lot out of me. We'd been dating since high school, 41 years ago, and I've never done anything as an adult without taking her into consideration, especially during her illness. While I miss her, she's in a better place waiting for me. She told me she'd be waiting for me but that I should take my time.

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Up Dates On Posted Stories

Up Dates On Posted Stories

By Stanman63
Thanks To Nora Adrienne for

Synopsis:I have updated two of my Gaby Verse Points Of View Drew's View and Maddy's View for you to enjoy

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Tonight might be “Bike-less”

I have just had a ’phone call from Angharad to ask me to warn all you Bikefans that EAFOAB Part 1128 might not appear on BC tonight. Her ex-partner and their daughter are arriving by train during the evening for her Aunt's funeral tomorrow, so she will probably be unable to find time to write it.

She said not to rule it out completely, but that it was highly unlikely that she will find time tonight.


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Whacked, whacked, and whacked again- Updated

1- There's a Tropical Depression south of Cuba that likely will become Tropical Storm Nicole. All the computer models predict the storm to come through South Florida. Which is where I live.

It will be either a strong TD or weak TS. Still 40 MPH winds can cause power outages and other inconveniences.

2- Our family car was hit yesterday by a woman backing out of a parking space as my wife was going to visit her mother. The car is running but has over $1,000 worth of body damage. Most of which consists of the front passenger door being banged in and not able to open now.

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Confused About Comic Characters

It's going to rain an inch today. I wonder how they know that? Outside there are few birds about, I wish I could show you the view out my window; of the bird feeder beneath the ancient Beech or what ever it is; the tiny river down the bank; the private boat docks across the way. At 9:00 AM, the world outside looks quite dreary, yet comforting; leaving me plenty of time to introspect.

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Free Info

Noah Lukeman has written a number of excellent books on writing. He is a successful literary agent and has decided to give back to the community with free advice on his website and with his ezine.

I get the ezine and enjoy his comments go to the following site and click on "contact".

You might like it as well.


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Too 'sweet' for Halloween? *grin*

So I just finished the rough draft on a Halloween-themed story. Like Becoming Robin this is seated very much in the Sweet / Sentimental category. Unlike Robin this isn't a novel-going-on-serial :-P

It's an actual, real-live short story, from me, the Queen of babbling endlessly. Can you believe it? ^_^

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Damn You Monte Python!

Despite living in the city, I spent Saturday helping a neighbor cut down several dead trees. This was after two days of indulging myself in front of the computer comfortably dressed in a skirt and blouse. Each time I fired up the chain saw this tune ran through my head:

I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK...

You know the rest!

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Organizer pages: now or later

Ok, so I started writing a story out of order. I know, not the usual way to go about things, but anyone who told you I was normal was lying ;)

I know it will be a story in 4 parts.

Rising Star
First Love
Betrayal and Loss
Phoenix Rising

I can get those to organize, no problems. That makes it so I can devote 3 weights per month and not run out of weights, and so my months organize.


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Happy bounce

I came back from my trip to forn paartz and tonight was the evening of my folk club. I played....and you have to understand the difference between the music and "the dots", which is the written notation.
A member of the club I really respect as a musician came up to me after my bit and complimented me on how I had made the piece my own.
It is difficult to get across to a non-player exactly how nice a compliment that is.

Happy bounce!

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Looking for a Story

For months I have been looking for a story, it starts with a man who has an ability to use his mind in a supernatural manner.

Later we see him helping out some older ladies when their car broke down. In turn he becomes friends with the family.

In turn he starts going out with the daughter who unbenknown to him is a witch. She in turn gives him an opportunity to experience what it is like to be a girl through a temporary body swap.

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Learning for writing

Well, as the story continues I begin to delve deeper into Cultural Anthropology and the crazy coolness of it. It is actually a pretty interesting topic and one that is I had the money I would go back to school for, specifically the Ethnolinguistics, where Culture and Language make sweet, sweet love. :)

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What Happens Now?

Not sure whether this is a Writers' Forum question or a Writers' Challenge. Certainly if anyone wants to use this as the basis for a story they're welcome to do so; it's really too involved for me to handle. But what I'm looking for is the most plausible wrap-up.

Here's the situation: in effect, it's Hannah Montana, circa 1980.


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Family Antiques

Tonight my family will eating food from a recipe passed down from my parents to me. Unfortunately the children aren't so crazy about we're having(Dad can we go to Lindburgers instead?). So what is the meal?

Tuna Casserole

The ingredients three cans of tuna fish
One can campbell's cream of mushroom soup
One pound ziti macaroni
bread crumbs

The meal takes 55 minutes in the oven at 350F

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The Working Girl Blog #50: Lecturing the Troops - Longest Day Ever

The Working Girl Blogs
Revision 2.0


Blog #50: Lecturing the Troops -
Longest Day Ever

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

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Think Small - The Scale of the Universe

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English for non English speaking people

THIS IS GREAT... took a lot of work to put together!!! You think English is easy???
Read to the end . . . a new twist!

1) The bandage was wound around the wound .

2) The farm was used to produce produce .

3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse .

4) We must polish the Polish furniture.

5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.

6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert ..

7) Since there is no time like the present , he thought it was time to present the present .


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For some unknown reason this weeks update despite being uploaded to the server isn't appearing. I have no power over this, i'm not getting any replies to my webmeister queries and my geek squad aren't talking either.

I quite enjoy doing the site but maybe it's outlived its usefulness so if i can't get it sorted by the weekend i'm taking a break from the updates until further notice.

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I'm rache, etc.

Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Rachael Ross or just plain rache. I've been writing for awhile and I don't really have a preference for subject matter, it's all good. I use a lot of pen names and for TG/TS stories I generally like to use "T.S.Severe" and she's one of my many alter-egos (the one who dresses better than the rest of me) ...Uhhh, let's see. I have a website hosted by ASSTR at:

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Out of the Ashes, errors, and request for advice

I've just discovered my recent Chapter 7 post is sans single quotes. Fixing requires reading the entire story as HTML... *whimper*

If anyone can suggest the preferred way to get text (containing italics) from RoughDraft (MS rich text) into "Create Content", I would appreciated it; as my way seems to require multiple editing passes.

update: Some partial search-and-replace fixes have been done, but I know there's more to do. I'll give it another pass tonight.

another update: I think I've got them all. Ouch. :)

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unintended Consequences

Pardon me if this story resembles a Rube Goldberg contraption but...

Around the 4th of July I went out to the garage to get something and discovered the neighborhood stray cat had decided to have her kittens on top of our camping gear. Not wanting a new batch of strays in the neighborhood I took the kittens inside, firmly intending to give them away or call the ASPCA or something.

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Yo friendly story finders I need some assistance

The story I'm trying to find basically goes like this:

undercover detective type about a TG that is living in a railroad shack on a trestle when he finds a bunch of suitcases and personal effects from a murdered woman then takes her place to solve her murder, she was an insurance co. investigator, looking into a bunch of deaths that end up being caused by a funeral home wacko and his crazy Post-op bitch that are running a sex club and killing people to make snuff films of the murders

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Rachel Anne

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Editors, or Previewer

Hey there,
I've had some real rough things going on in my life. Starting last October.

Same day I was injured at work, wife was informed job of 29 years going away to Minn.

Stage One breast cancer for wife.

She had the surgery.

Wife had car accident.

Radiation treatments.

Mother diagnosed Stage Four cancer in June.

Mother went in to hospital in July. Died july 20 in a crappy hospise. Thankfully she went peacefully.

August 10 I lost my job. By the way, I was born on Friday August 13. Happy Frigging Birthday to me.

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Faeriemage's blog #4

As I began to plan out what I am now calling "Monsters in the Dark" I thought I would be including it as chapter 13 of Through Death:Rebirth

There are two problems with that idea, however. While it does provide some necessary background information to Earth4, it isn't a direct part of the story, or I should say, it isn't part of this story.

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Thinking of Retcon Stories

With all the wonderful Retcon stories on BCTS it seems logical that the ''SUPERMARIONATION'' classics such as, Captain Scarlet, Stingray and Thunderbirds would lend themselves to some genderbending action.

Just thinking about Captain Scarlet in an elegant evening dress might make it easier to find (attract) the mysterons !

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Makeup. The Purchase thereof.

I recently purchased some Avon products from: and I find that I am very pleased with them. I met Peggy at The Southern Comfort Conference last year and I found her very understanding about us TG/TS/CD/whatever folks, and she is VERY discrete, respecting our need for secrecy/privacy.

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A nifty little shaver.

Having resorted to shaving my arms and legs, and face, with disposable shavers, and suffering innumerable cuts and so forth, I tried a new little shaver that works VERY well. It's called The Microforce and it's only ten dollars at Wal-Mart. To my pleased amazement, it works VERY well indeed, and not only on my appendages, but my face as well. It's battery operated, no recharging, and works dry or wet. I debated with myself about whether to buy a more expensive shaver, but I thought I'd try this little one first.

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Unexpected Attractions Delayed

I know (hey, I hope!) some of you are waiting for the next chapter in UA, but my editor wants me to wait until I finish the story. It'll be awhile, but chapter 2 is almost complete, 3&4 are just about ready for edit and I'm still working on 5. I'll try to convince Angela that they can be submitted soon, but she's working on making me a better author, something that isn't really easy, but I can see it happening. Ultimately, you get a better story, and that is worth a lot to me. Please accept my apologies, I shouldn't have submitted the first chapter yet, but I did. My mistake.

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Good and evil

Don't know if you have seen Amelie?

It's set in a dream of a Paris that may or may not exist, and it's a story about a girl growing up. What stroke me watching it was the interpretations made in the movie. Made me start to wonder what the world really is like. Maybe good and evil isn't as much the acts in them selves, not that some acts doesn't scream about egotism and inability of empathy, but in a greater perspective the way we choose to revile ourselves in them. Take a porn movie for example, then take those condemning those being in it, who turns the blinder eye?

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Hard choices

Well, I am really up against some hard choices. I let slip my trans status to a couple of co-workers, and I had a amazing response - My blood pressure, which was high, dropped, and my cluster headache went away. Then today, as I had to go back into hiding, the headache came back and my bp went back up. So I finally realize the truth - i either live honestly, and suffer the consequences, or I keep myself in the closet, and risk a serious health problem. Pray I make the wisest choice.

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A love story number 2

Since some of you liked the other 500 word story I wrote for a local radio competition I suppose I may as well post the second one (the competition allowed 2 entries per person). This isn't a tear jerker but may raise a wry smile.

Love in the slow lane

John self-consciously fingered the red carnation in the buttonhole of his sports jacket. He wasn’t used to it, not sports jackets nor buttonholes nor the flowers that go in them. He searched the tables in the Motorway café. Then he saw her sitting alone reading The Spectator, and walked nervously over.

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Faeriemage's blog #2

I seriously considered not writing a chapter today. Not because I wasn't interested in what had happened to the Jamies, but more that I was interested what was happening with another teenager.

I was given an interesting late birthday present today. It was a freshman work by a local author entitled I am not a Serial Killer

It is about a sociopathic teen trying his best not to become a Serial Killer.

My point here is not to give a review of said book, since it's subject material is not apropos of this site, although it is an enjoyable read.

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There might not be a Bikesode tonight.

I have just had a ’phone call from Angharad to say that her Aunt (who had lived with her since 1987) died this afternoon at the age of 83. She had been unwell for a number of days.

Ang says that she might not be able to post an a chapter of EAFOAB tonight, it very much depends how she feels. She hopes everyone will understand if she doesn't get "the muse" this evening. I don't know if she will be on her ’puter this evening, but you could PM her, or PM me and I will pass on any messages when she ’phones me later.


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Car saga

I've had my little Suzuki Alto since new (2002), and apart from a couple of incidents in late 2004 (one of which involved taking a corner too fast in icy weather, the other someone shunting the car's rear end), I'd driven without incident until last November...

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Wait, I'm the messed up one !

For most of my life, I have felt as if I was the messed up one, in spite of the fact that I worked for 40 years, raised 4 children, and all that. (One of the children was my wife :) )

So, after going through SRS, that firmly implants one in the Mental Health, section 8 envirionment, and one must really behave themself or there are dire consequences. Unless, you accidentally escape.

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NFL analyst: Reporter deserved harrassment due to how she was dressed!!

"If you come into the NFL dressed the way that she is dressed you are just asking for it."
-- Fox NFL analyst Brian Baldinger on Ines Sainz sexual harassment charges.

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Good heavens, we've got Midges!

I was in New York state a few days ago visiting a friend, and down by a lake, walked right into a cloud of bugs so dense that I was almost afraid to breathe. That night when I got home from there, we had similar infestations of the same thing. They were just awful, and I could hardly get into the house! Too bad we do not have bats. I'd have found them on the lawn the next morning, stuffed and burping ! :)

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"Honor " murder of post op TS in Iran

This is a sad story. A post op TS murdered by her brothers, in a country that trumpets they have no gays because they are required to have sex changes. Note the length of sentence handed out, and the attitude of the father. However, murder of TG and TS folks in the US and other "western" countries are often due, at their most basic, to some male thinking is reputation has been besmirched by him being attracted or having sex with a TS/TG. Not so different in motive, I think, but increasingly different in the way the crime is seen by law. Doesn't help the victim though....

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Today, I baked bread. ^__^ One loaf of wheaten bran bread, one of a rye-buckwheat country pumpernickel, and two of very, very complicated Russian black bread that's almost as good (but still different from) the bread I remember from Sankt-Peterburg. That's all. Nothing earth-shattering. Just a free day, and a plan to bake, and a few hours of effort, and I have product that I'd have to pay $25-30 US for at market (assuming I could find a market here that would actually >make< these, especially the black bread). ^__^ moderately #happy


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Thank you And...

I'd like to thank those of you who've prayed for me or the past 3 weeks. I have recovered as well as to be expected. Thank you.
I believe strongly in the power of prayer. And I have a prayer request for you all. My youngest brother, Jeff, is in the hospital. His kidneys have ceased functioning. He has a perforated intestine.

They are trying to match up a life flight with a hospital near that can handle his condition.

Thank you for whatever prayers you might have for Jeff.


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Catwalk Confidence Update

If you were wondering what that scream was you heard about an hour ago, it was me.

See at that point I realized that I left (hopefully) the flashdrive with all my stories on it, in my computer at work. At least I hope that's where it is.

As a result the next part of my little story will not be posted until Monday.

Insert your favorite dirty word here {_____}

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The Working Girl Blog #49: Stayed in the hospital for a while

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #49: Stayed in the hospital for a while,or
Thought I wouldn't get beat up anymore

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I've been in the hospital since Monday, so I've been incommunicado for a while. No internet or phone calls. Doctor’s orders. Yeah, bummer. I had to stay in the hospital for observation, as well as have some tests. You see, I had a concussion at work last Monday morning. I got beat up.

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