I would like to take a moment and talk about the origins of the story i published called "A Cop's Story" It stared during a horrible moment, but by the time I finished writing it, it had become a sign of my progress. You see, I started having a flashback at work, and it was terrible, and i wasn't in a position to do much at that moment. But, instead of just being a victim, I responded by writing, and before long, i had mastered the flashback, and i had crafted (what i think) is a pretty good little story too.
I loved it!!!
Your cop narrator's compassion and sense of duty, dedication to protecting and helping those who need it most really came through. Unusual for stories like this---which mostly fill me with rage---when I was finished I was left feeling more glad there were people like him than I was obsessing on the evil of the tale's villian. So you weren't the only one it was theraputic or whatever for. A VERY good little story. Thank you Dorothy!
~~~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
That's how I saw it. A glimpse through a door in passing; the back story is there,but there is no need to resolve the issues. Not that easy to write,and nicely done.