Well, color me overwhelmed. The response to the first chapter of "The Lucky One" was amazing, and I thank everyone who has left a comment, you made a middle-age lady very happy. But I have other concerns to share with you all. I sort of have a crush, and its driving me crazy. She works at the day care that my daughter attends, and not only is she pretty, she is kind, gentle, and super nice. She is like a warm fire on a cool night, just being near her makes me feel better about everything. But, there are a few problems with asking her out. First, i am assuming she is taken. (I am too scared to actually ask). 2ndly,there is the whole issue of my baggage. I am still officially tied to the ex, and between her, my daughter, and my work, i would have almost zero time to spare to be with anybody. Lastly, there is the other sensation i get when i am around her, a envy so great it's agony. I would gladly bite my member off to look like her for one day....
The end result is my usual, a painful puzzle of a situation that i am unlikely to resolve. Ah, well.
Faint heart ne're won fair maiden.
God forbid girl! All you can do is ask! All she can do is tell you no, go for it girl!
Growin old disgracefully.
I agree with Bev if you don't ask you will never know and if I was the young lady in question I would be very fladdered to know someone is interested in me. The worst that can happen is that she is spoken for,GO FOR IT HUGS RICHIE2
Define Insanity...
The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.
This is what I get from this statement..."The end result is my usual, a painful puzzle of a situation that i am unlikely to resolve. Ah, well."
So.. do something different..ask her and tell yourself before hand you dont care if she says yes or no..This seems to help me a ton, I get stupid when I think about the women I am really attracted to, but as soon as I am sure I have no chance in hell, I become mr. swauve..Why? Becuase I quit caring about what they think and I am just myself.. which isnt normally mr. swauve, but for some reason, it always works out I have my swauve moments around women whos opinions I dont care about..
Also do you think you are the first single dad to ask a good looking day care working out? Do you think you would be the last one?
So just be casual, ask if she would be interested in getting a coffee with you sometime, or getting something to eat, or any innocent activity. Comment something about you be interested in getting to know her better. Honest, considerate and straight forward. If she is interested she will let you know, if she is taken she will let you know. If she is taken, smile, comment something about some guys have all the luck or whatever innocent comment, and tell her to have a great day as you leave. Why? becuase she works at your daughters day care, odds are you will see her again and you dont want it to be weird.
If she is really attractive, I bet she gets hit on alot, she is probably used to handling guys she is or isnt interested in. I even bet at most daycares they cover being hit on in thier orientation.."Welcome to daycare ladies, you will be hit on by single dads.." lol
In the end the only way you are ever going to get a yes from her is by asking her, all other options lead to no.
As for all your other concerns, baggage, envy, etc, they dont matter until she says yes. One step at a time.
So ask her! ;)