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Last week, I bought a wig, and I think the experience symbolizes everything I struggle with trying to be female. Having virtually no money, I bought a Halloween wig from the discount bin at my work. Like buying my makeup at the dollar store, it was about getting my feet wet and trying to keep moving forward, but because of the fact I had to buy the lowest end items, the end result falls far short of what it would take for me to look half-way presentable, much less "pretty". So when I look at myself in the mirror, I end up feeling like as much of a phony trying to look like a girl as I do trying to think like a male, and I struggle with self-hatred, feeling like I will never be anything more than a sad and pathetic parody. Ah, well.
Colleen. try this place.
I've had very good results from them, and their wigs are pretty nice and very inexpensive.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Dorothy, you did it wrong!
Buying a known Hallowe'en wig and hoping it would look good? You have to hire the right people to get a job done, and you hired a joker to do the job of a beautician. A quality wig costs much more, but an do the job you want so much more effectively. I know, it's very frustrating. Perhaps you could check out a beauty supply store? We have one here in our town, and they have a large selection of wigs in many different styles and colors, for a very reasonable cost. Just an idea! Love you!
People like us are trapped
People like us are trapped between a rock and a silky place. We feel like we can't measure up to either gender (speaking directly from personal experience here. I've struggled for years with these same feelings), and it is very depressing.
Little things do help, but it's important that the steps taken are always forward. You have to tell yourself that a Halloween wig is like any piece of Halloween costuming; think of yourself more like a woman who's pretending to be another kind of woman. Nobody's ever what they seem on Halloween. :-)
*hug* There's always hope, no matter how insignificant it might seem to everyone around you. It's easy for me to say, much harder for me to live by, but I'm starting to work on that part, too.
don't forget Paula Young. They often have very nice sales and you can see a good selection up close and in a wide range of colors, and they even come in several sizes. Range from inexpensive up to more than I have to spend on one.