Overheard conversation

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A totally crap day at work today, involving a paedophile, just to set the scene. It could have been a totally shitty day, but while at the other side of a partiton I overheard a discussion between some colleagues.
SRS/SCS/ whatever set of initials you use,the process is given special treatment for purposes of sick leave where I work, as is IVF treatment. This was being dscussed by some colleagues, and after the ususal, predictable jokes about getting a sex change and then demanding fertility treatment, one of the two men suggested that being trans was a learned syndrome.
The other man, mister big, beardy testosterone factory, replied in a measured way, about his trans friend, the brain differences, etc, etc, and I was astonished. They soon returned to jokes about bad make up and 'mickey mouse hands', but under all that was the fact that two men I would never, ever have dreanmt would be sympathetic clearly were.

A totally shitty day became much better.



Wow live and learn, you never know who is smart and who is an ass

glad to see

that some stereotypes (even ones we dont realize we carry) can be broken


Not that unusual

I'm a Merchant Seaman. A "Manly man" kind of occupation. I've sailed with a few M-F transsexuals and I haven't seen them treated with anything but respect. On ships, the important thing is, can you do the job. Yes, there are crass attempts at humor when they are not around, but that's how people deal with the unknown.

Mr. Ram

Well Done Mr Ram

That's right. The merch' is pretty tolerant of all sorts of people and their situations.
The only things we mariners don't like is thieves and dirty people. (This was especially so when seamen often shared their cabins 3 to a watch.)
I ended up as a Master Mariner and master and I have had hundreds of sexually disphoric pass through my commands, including of course my very own self.
You're right, if you could do the job you were tolerated and yes, if you did not 'pass', people did make jokes about you but they always seemed to treat most transgendered people respectfully to their face. Naturally TeeGee crewmembers got my covert support if on the very rare occasion one of them received undeserved treatment, (usually for BEING a transsxual,) and yes I have had to occasionally sack the abusers. I also became pretty good at spotting the abuse and the victim because I was sensitive to it.
I say all this in the Past tense because I've retired now.
Cyclist is totally correct.
When one of us gets the slightest support, especially from an unexpected quarter it really gives us a lift and our day becomes just sooo soooo sunny.

Are you still at sea?


Growing old disgracefully.




Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Group dynamics

Angharad's picture

In small groups serious conversation is possible and often more objective, in larger ones, especially if any drink flows, it all becomes less controlled and old prejudices flow.

In one referral letter preceding my back surgery (2007) my previous op was referred to as 'Gender Transformation' surgery.

As for the paedophile, presumably his 'customs' weren't acceptable to HMRC/Immigration for which I am truly thankful. Because I don't smuggle things, I think these people do a brilliant job trying to protect us from those who do.



People are not always who you think they are!

I think of my own case. I'm big, in dang near every direction except my feet and my penis. When they cut off my left foot and 1/2 of my right, I suddenly began to fit much smaller shoes! My real feet were size 15 WWW, but the left fake foot is a size 11 medium, and my right-well, what was left spread to something like a 9WWWWW. My penis has just about disappeared, but I look like a living version of Popeye's Bluto (or as I prefer, a lot like Santa with a smaller beard). I've always compensated for my mental issues (I'm a gentle girl inside) by being a tough, imposing person. I don't have many Real life friends, as folks are generallyt afraid of me. This is one reason I treasure my friends on Big Closet. Some of you mean a great deal to me. I have never had as many friends as I have now, But if one of you were to meet me, you would never believe it.
It's okay, I deal with it. But it makes my point. Nobody would guess the heart of a girl is inside this big, ugly body.


Is the last taboo broken.

WebDeb's picture

I find this overheard convesation very encouraging.Could this mean that society as a whole are beginning to comprehend about gender identity issues?
I as a hetrosexual male with the soul of a girl find myself envious of the gay community who are more socialy accepted than transgendered people regardless of their sexual orientation.
All respect to the gay community,but would'nt it be nice if the tg community recieved as much tolerance from the confused and insecure society we live in.