Despite having a tough day at work, mostly frustration over being given a job but not given the tools to do it, and being asked to do several jobs not actually part of what my assignment is supposed to be, then criticized for taking longer than expected (which was darn short even if I could have focused on the one task), I actually feel better. I focused on the fact I was able to go out as Dorothy to a restaurant on Sunday for brunch with other TS girls, and giggled listening to stories about some of the more humorous comments made to some of the girls. I also am trying to remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Some times the course requires me to slow down, but as long as I keep moving, that's the important thing.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
First of all, good on you for keeping your spirits up in such testing times - as I said in a response to an earlier blog, keep focussing on the times when you are able to let Dorothy come out to play to keep you going through more difficult times.
As for work, I'm sure many will be familiar with that situation. At mine, we're currently undertaking a helpdesk evaluation exercise - one person gave us a very negative score on the basis we took twenty minutes to respond to an email. Heck, we'd be ecstatic if we could respond to every email in under twenty minutes - we only have one person on the helpdesk at any one time, but as we staff it on a rota basis, we're convinced some of our customers (all internal) mistakenly think all eight of us on the rota are staffing the helpdesk simultaneously...
Anyway, if you haven't encountered it yet, here's a poem that sums up your work experience adequately:
We the Willing
Led by the Unknowing
Are doing the Impossible
For the Ungrateful.
We have done So Much
With So Little
For So Long
We are now Qualified
To do Anything
With Nothing.
(Unknown, usually attributed [probably incorrectly, as it's undated] to Mother Theresa)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!