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Update on petition to Amazon

So yesterday I started my petition to Amazon. I really should have done it much sooner because it is something that frustrates me to no end. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords etc. have no dedicated transgender fiction genre and expect us to lump our work either under gay and lesbian or erotica. I don't think either is fair or right. But Amazon isn't going to do something solely for me, so I got organized.

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Augmented Reality or near future science

Recently I watched a TV programme about the Prophets of Science, Asimov being my favourite. Anyway in one of the articles I heard the phrase "Augmented Reality" about implanted video displays and cameras that take facial recognition to a personal level. Of course we all know that this would be great as we get older and struggle to remember where we know someone from or even what there name is.

Later in the programme they talked about the process where brainwaves can be used to control limbs, devices, or communicate with others. Here comes the weird thought for a new story.

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Aren't you tired of not be recognized for what you do?

Can you believe that Amazon doesn't have a transgender fiction genre, even though there are over 1500 titles available. To put that in perspective, it does have a Transgender memoir section with under 200 titles. I think that needs to change because fiction is a great way to educate while entertaining. Please sign and share this petition. Thank you, Katie Leone (Transgender fiction writer and a good one).

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To those who care

I seem to have struck a note in mentioning that I was thinking of living in my car and camping for a couple months. I was looking at it as more of an extended camping trip away from the city in far North Eastern Oregon. It has been my experience so far that if one can get more than 100 miles or so from the big city, there is just less trouble.

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That's what I turn tomorrow. An auspicious date certainly. After all, the Titanic sank on April 15th, Lincoln died on April 15th and, just to top that off, there will be a Blood Moon at 2AM EST(EDT?) on the 15th. Quite a trifecta,to say the very least.

I seem to have reached that awkward age. You know, the one where most of the people in the newspaper obituaries are younger than I. As Red Green so eloquently put it, "when I furrow my brow, it looks like a rump roast made of corduroy."

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forgotten memories and baby-hood stories

Well, I learned some things yesterday because of a combination of a story from when I was born my mother told me and a memory from before I met my first girlfriend that I had not thought about since.

The story my mom told me is that I almost died just after I was born. I wouldn't gain weight, so they decided to leave me with my mother so she could feed me whenever I would take it.

It would be three months before I was out of the woods.

Now, for the memory.

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Okay, I don't have a clue how to share something from Facebook to here so I hope a cut and paste works. This was posted today by David Gerrold, a noted author best known for writing the all time best Star Trek episode "The Trouble With Tribbles". It seemes it might have some relevance to certain on again/off again conversations here on Big Closet.

David Gerrold

So a guy I don't know plonks down in one of my threads and promptly starts criticizing.

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Is it time to quit

Every so often I get this bug up my ass that makes me think I can be commercially viable as an author. I don't know why I get it. I mean, out of all the transgender publishing houses out there, not one will touch my stuff but I see other authors who I outsell by considerable amounts continue to get publishing contracts.

But, I digress.

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Westworld / Futureworld Type Older Story

I'm trying to find an older story on a Westworld/Futureworld theme where the customers mind is transferred to the selected theme character while the body remains in his room at the park. Things go wrong and the guy/customer becomes a girl,falls in love with another customer,etc.

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Computer issues and possible solution

I knew it was coming, I just hoped it wouldn`t be so soon. My laptop has been having enough issues with the memory and hard drive problems and various other problems with USB ports, network card, and a lot of the other onboard motherboard related hardware. Now the onboard video is going too. I`ve been plagued with various screen and graphics errors the past several days and It`s getting progressively worse, I can hardly see what I`m typing through the damn lines on the screen..

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Reaching the Point of No Regrets, the self published version

As promised, the final polished version of Reaching the Point of No Regrets is now available as an ebook on I think you'll enjoy some scenes that I added, as well as some necessary editing that, in my opinion, really helped improve the flow of the story. Aside from that, it's only $3.50. I hope everyone enjoys this unofficial second edition. Thanks for reading.


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Tour de France

Its possibly come to some of your attention that a certain big sporting event is starting in Yorkshire this coming July. A couple of BC authors are event volunteers and I know a few more are cycling 'fans', it has therefore been suggested that we have a mini Gabycon over the weekend.

Question is, are any of you up for it? we are most likely looking at getting together after the stages for food, chatting and possibly having some TdF themed Gaby readings. Location will most likely be South Yorkshire-ish.

Let me know what you think, if you are interested or want to know more.

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Not writing tonight.

Sorry folks, Bonz is out and Whizz is refusing to dictate the story to me, so I'm not going to do a bike tonight. If the truth be told, I'm too tired to be arsed to think enough to write anything coherent.

Thanks for all the comments and kudos for my short story, 'let him wear a skirt then.'

Hopefully, normal service will resume tomorrow. If you're desperate for Bike, might suggest reading some back numbers, I've been doing so for a few weeks and apart from the typos and other mistakes, I've quite enjoyed the experience.

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My muse is a fickle thing...

I've basically been stalled on the writing projects I've been working on for a while. I kind of know where I want to take them, but sitting down and getting stuff written has been hard. But last night, on a whim, I was poking through Melanie Ezell's Ultimate Writer's Challenge, one of the challenges caught my eye, and now I'm over 2000 words in to a new story.

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Reaching the Point of No Regrets, self published version

Soon, very soon, the revised version(and by revised, I mean going over it with a fine tooth comb) of Reaching the Point of No Regrets will be available on and for the nook e-reader. All you need is Adobe Digital Editions to download the story from the lulu site. Right now, someone is helping me search for just the right marketing image for my story. During this final revision, I edited a few scenes out while adding some others. Now the story flows much better. Whew! Editing certainly can be a bear, especially when you're OCD like me.

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Hooray for Buttercup and Bubbles! (and donations)

We've got BC up and running on the new server, Buttercup, and it does run faster! We have a few configuration bugs to work out and then we will get one of her sisters up and running to share the load. It's been a long and tiring road and we aren't done yet. UPDATE: As of Sunday mid-morning, we have Buttercup and Bubbles sharing the load! Site seems faster still and appears even more stable. We did lose about 1/2 hour of comments and edits in the changeover, but no stories.

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Want to really sell on amazon

There are a lot of people who have decided to sell their books on amazon, and it looks like the transgender fiction genre (that Amazon refuses to admit exists) is growing daily by leaps and bounds. One thing that I didn't realize is that over the past year I have really gained a wealth of knowledge. This isn't by trial and error alone, but also by reading a ton of books about marketing e-books. So I thought I would throw some gems out there for people.

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Favor for a fellow author

Many of you don't know Tom Peashey, but some of you do because he has helped several authors with his invaluable editing skills. In fact, part of the reason my stuff is remotely readable is because Tom takes the time to edit my work and he does it for free. He does it with a few other authors. I won't name them, but if they want to comment, feel free.

Tom is also an author, but he is languishing on Amazon. He is truly a nice person who has decided not to act on his Gender Identity issues because he is married and has kids, but he can always turn to fiction.

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Another Keizer Doctor passes muster.

Some time ago, my primary care physician at Kaiser retired and I was force to select another one. I just went online and picked out one who was accepting new patients. This time she's young. But then remember, at 69 it doesn't take much to look young to me; however, my last doctor was nearly my age.

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What am I to do !!!!! ?

Yikes ! A man on Facebook, actually more than one, has have expressed interest in me, and when I started to tell him, he said he did not care. He is an ocean away, so there is relatively little risk he will just show up on my door step ... I think. Hmmm.

He looks quite juicy, like perhaps the Duke of Bath?

Now I am being put to the test. What have I been playing at these last nearly 10 years? Am I a woman or just in love with the idea? This will by necessity move slow as I am not about to buy or let him buy me a plane ticket to cross the pond, um just yet, me thinks. :)

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The Orange

Once there was a Seder headed by a female Rebbe. On the Seder plate was a crust of bread. A disciple asked, "Why...?" She told the story of Puah, a girl from a family of women, asking her Rebbe "Is there room in Judaism for a lesbian?" He said, "There is as much room for lesbianism as there is a crust of bread on the Seder plate." That is why this Rebbe had a crust on the Seder plate. -- based on the Oberlin College Haggadah.

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It's been a while...

For my loyal readers who have been avidly following my story Out of the Blue Part II: Into the Fray, sorry for the delays. Since I came out to my parents and starting transitioning with hormones just about a year ago, I've gone through a couple of very dark patches, but now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, I'm feeling very peaceful in my mind and contented. It's good to be writing and posting again. Looking forward to the future!

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Bruce Jenner to be Muirfield's first female member

Golf Blogger Geoff Shackelford's idea of a April Fool's joke-


While the expected names have surfaced in rampant speculation over who might be a leading candidate to become the first female member of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, bookmakers have quietly moved Olympian Bruce Jenner up their lists.

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Geena Rocero: Why I must come out

I subscribe to TED Talks and today's was about Trans activist & Model Geena Rocero: Why I must come out. It's only about 10 minutes long in which she tells her story. Seems to me it took a lot of courage to get up on stage as a successful model and declare I'm trans.

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No Twice Removed this week

I had a good portion of the new chapter of Twice Removed written but I decided I didn't like what I wrote and that it wasn't consistent with what I want to do later in the story. Between that and some major depression I probably won't be posting it this week while I try to get my head straight and work on editing the first ten chapters of Raven's Blood for a bit of a break before getting back to Twice Removed and serials I need to post chapters of.

Thanks for your patience,


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Stolen Stories

A few years ago there was an issue with Authors on this page having their stories stolen. And, sure enough, when I went searching, I found "MS Frankenstein" on a pay site. When I confronted them, the story disappeared, probably just to another pay site.

So, the issue is in the news again. It just makes me shake my head.

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What is courage?

What is courage? Is it that thing that causes a soldier to rush a heavily occupied enemy fort, knowing he might die in the attempt? Is it that thing that causes someone to do the right thing even though it might hurt them? Is it making the right decision for oneself, knowing that all the other choices presented are worse in the long run?

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Taking a break

Later on today I will post my story "The Stranger at the Table" and then I am going to seriously cut back on the time I spend online. I am going to be starting Phenom later today (the fourth book in the God Bless the Child saga) and also working on a biography, so it's not like I'm taking a break from writing.

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Sorry folks, it's got too late for me to write tonight - fell asleep in the chair after doing a long bike ride today (long for me that is) with several climbs. I didn't sleep very well last night either, so hopefully, things will be back to normal tomorrow and Bonz can dictate the next exciting episode of Dormice in Space, or whatever it's called.


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