Coming out of the closet

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There was an interesting article in a local paper yesterday about a woman who had lost her hair due to an autoimmune disease, and for the last 3 years refused to be seen in public without a wig, until she finally decided to "come out of the hair closet" by letting herself be photographed without it.

In some ways, my transition has been like her story - years of hiding and self-hate, then coming out and discovering just a big a relief it is to be honest, and then finding out that most people ignore me, some accept me, and some love me regardless.



Acceptance for what ever you are looking for with people will fall into one of three areas. Some will accept you and love you, some won't accept you and some won't care. Here is to hoping that most will accept and love the person, some won't care and, very few won't accept the person regardless of thier situation in life.

The Sinead O'Connor look.

Trying to cultivate hair on this head is like trying to grow bananas in the desert. I have been thinking of shaving it all off, and let the devil care.

Grow it long

Angharad's picture

under your arms and comb it up over your head :)
