Here is a moment from my work last night:
Me: (reading a book, giggling, snorting, barely suppressing laughter)
Co-worker 1: "What's wrong with her?"
Co-worker 2: "I think she's broken. She's been doing that every break since the shift began"
Me: (continuing to read, snerking, more giggles, laughs out loud)
Co-worker 1: "Yep, she's lost it."
Co-worker 2: "Totally"
Me: "But this book is FUNNY!"
Both my co-workers shook their heads at me ...
you forgot a detail
Are you going to tell us the name of the book you were reading or do we have to guess.
Here are my guesses:
Turned into a funny little girl
No, you're girlier
Pink is for Princesses and other awesome things about being a girl.
That's my reading list for you, is it any of those?
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
you're thinking of Jaci, she's the girly girl
I was actually reading a book called "How to be a Canadian" and it is HILARIOUS!
Really? I would have guessed you were reading...
...this pamphlet from the Canadian Public Health Association:
"So You Have Girl Germs: What To Expect Next."
Livin' A Ragtime Life,
Just One Victory
It took me a few moments to realise why you posted this, but the penny dropped in the end.
Somehow, someday
We need just one victory and we're on our way
Praying for it all day, and fighting for it all night
Give us just one victory, it will be all right
you figured it out, Nicki
both of the co-workers know my trans status, but the "she" was used without hesitation
It's not what you read but that it is your choice
I still remember 55 years later how much effort it took to take my book selection to the checkout desk at the village library. My choice?
'What Katy Did' and 'What Katy Did Next'
Rhona McCloud