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Review: The Constantine Affliction by T. Aaron Payton

The Constantine Affliction by T. Aaron Payton (Night Shade Books, 2012) is a steampunk detective story, set in an alternate London where a sexually transmitted disease has recently begun spreading, killing many and changing the sex of the survivors. This is central to the plot, but not in the way that it would be in a story that’s solidly in the TG fiction subgenre; none of the viewpoint characters are transformed, though a couple of major supporting characters were transformed in the backstory, and one other is transformed in the course of the story, though not onstage.

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New ElrodW / Whateley tale

I just posted part 1 of a multipart Whateley Fan-Fic to the Crystal Hall in the fan-fic area of the forum. So far, I have a LONG story outlined. (Okay, it's no Morpheus epic tale, but then nothing but a Morpheus epic tale is a Morpheus epic tale!) Because of this, I'm posting it in parts, and metering it out so that by the time I get to the being ready to post the end of Kayda 1, I will have written the last part of Kayda 1.

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Charlotte Dickles - Personal Announcement

It's been several months since I last posted anything on BC. This is because I went to see my doctor about what I thought was a minor medical problem. Within hours I was admitted to hospital with a serious, life-threatening illness. I have spent many weeks in hospital and am now having treatment as an outpatient.

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Milestones and near milestones

As I general rule, I always picture myself as a bottom rung kind of person who is trying to get to the next level but always seem to have some difficulty. I hardly ever see myself as popular or good at something and that mindset helps me continue working and improving. I oft times have this theory that something bad is going to happen and that people general dislike me for various reasons. I know my writing doesn't appeal to everyone, but whose does?

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I am still alive

Yes, I am still in the land of the living, but work has me jumping. I am working on both Through the years and Hope's Ranch. I know I've been horrible about updates, but I have been trying to build a buffer or stuff that is ready first.

Hopefully things will get better and I can dedicate time to writing.

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A question for authors

There is something I've always wondered about. Some authors seem to refuse to real world references. They write a story set in the US, but the characters shop at stores called Q*Mart, drink Fake Cola, eat at Tennessee Fried Chicken, and so on. Other authors seem to have include a TM or Copyright sign after every trademarked or copyrighted name. I don't see this in mass market fiction. Are those authors afraid of being sued? If I'm Coca Cola I'm suing someone with money, not some unknown writer on the internet.

Can someone that does that, or did that explain why?

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Apparently, my univese cross-ref went unnoticed

There was a surprise cross-reference in Temptation of Anya - Part 3, but apparently nobody noticed it, or if they did notice, they didn't comment or PM me about it. DID anyone notice it, or was I too subtle? I thought it was as blatant as a 2x4 across the forehead!

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Transgender Latinas from Queens, NY.

This turned up on the Guardian website and I found it very sad. There are some links to reports and also some photos of the 'girls' working as prostitutes. Sometimes I think I need to count my blessings more often. The intolerance they have had or still receive is beyond my experience no wonder the health issues, substance abuse and other problems are so prevalent.

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National Let Your Boy Be a Girl Day

I was web surfing and happened across an article entitled "National Let Your Boy Be a Girl Day" An interesting idea. I definitely could have used such a day when I was growing up. My family tried to toughen me up (see my "Silence is Golden")but it didn't work. I only hid my femininity (not entirely successfully) until after I was married and had a child.

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looking for a story

I am looking for a story. In it there is a boh who is staying someplace else, as his parents are out of country. While at the other place. The son there picks on him so he goes to ride his bike and is hit and pinned under the car. He loses his male parts and a nurse keeps putting makeup on him in the hospital. Any ideas?

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Congratulations Tanya Allan

I think it's important to celebrate when one of us does well in the commercial markets. I don't think people quite understand how difficult it is to get ranked on Amazon within any Genre, especially bigger ones. Tanya has always enjoyed great success right out of the gate with anything she has published, so well that I'm down right jealous, and her newest release "In the Shadows" is no surprise. I'm glad to see something of length and value do so well.

So, what has me singing her praises....

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Wes Boyd's The Girl in the Mirror

I just finished reading Wes Boyd's The Girl in the Mirror, and was very impressed. While not trans myself, it struck me as being a very good novel following a trans girl through her late adolescence, RLT, and following on post-op. Very sympathetic, very well written. I heartily recommend it to all of you.

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Happy endings are not always the best call

In a story I am contributing to together with my Anglo-Irish literary shadow, I imagine there will be a desire on the part of the reader to see the protagonist, named Alev, and her love interest find a way of being together in the end. Alev’s love for him, however, is too precious to her to risk it by telling him the truth. By leaving as it is suggested at present, she can always live with the notion he loves her still in a way that is pure, unsullied by the harsh realities of the corrupt and venial world they both live in.

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Some days you can't win

There are days that are so f'ing depressing where nothing goes right, and you have to wonder why keep trying? Still have a bad headache from the concussion that makes concentrating - and thus work - very difficult, so I'm getting further behind every day. Son's truck died inexplicably on the freeway yesterday, which means more $$$ I can't afford. Oldest is home from college and already making a mockery of house rules, and I'm getting zero backup from my spouse.

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buzz or not buzz

Later in the day,I will explain more in details inb my blog why I felt personnaly attacked by all this buzz and why I was evidence of humour in speaky of the LGBT community and not to the trans.I said that somebody had the queen that they can.MP green held a press conference yesterday and apparently the trans aid association to which I belong has not been invited.What I said in the form of humour may be always misunderstood by some people in anglo-saxon cuture which I can understand and I don't want.I haven't watched this show.I'd rather spend the time to read that you write.We did not need

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Newest Hatbox Story: Sexy, Cute and Popular by Angela Rasch

We have a new story in The Hatbox, btw, by Angela Rasch, author of the "Voices Carry over Water" that is still on the front page for free for another day or so. Angela's new work is called: Sexy, Cute and Popular by Angela Rasch

Here's the blurb:

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Progress and a Thank You

I know I haven't been too productive since Martin and I got Frank working but things have been a bit crazy around here. First, Frank doesn't always cooperate (sometimes the video card just doesn't want to boot with the rest of the system). Second I've been really exhausted for the past three weeks. A little over two months ago Martin and Francine were trying to work out a choreography for an ‘invitational spectacular’ that is held every year, it’s sort of a year-end party for the local dance community. Francine is Martin’s mom, fellow choreographer, and my other dance teacher.

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blog d'Isabelle

For all the friends of Big Closet.I advice to read the article on Huffington Post today from senator ecologist Esther Benbassa following the victory of Conchita Wurst in the Eurovision song contest.Tomorrow I shall say you while it's very important for me.I'm a french transgender.Isabelle.

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Editors Are Awesome

We here in the Closet don't often give our editors the credit they deserve publicly, and that's something that I'm hoping to correct here, not only because I feel she deserves it, but also because I think that there are a few of you who might appreciate how her work has helped me.

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I Hate Mother's Day

I'm truly happy to see so many celebrating Mother's day. Mothers go through a lot bringing a new life into the world, nurturing that child, then sending them out to stand on their own two feet. Bravo


I would much prefer it to be "Mommy's Day." Any genetic female with all her pieces parts working correctly can become a mother. It takes someone special to be a Mommy.

WHY do I hate it? It is widely acknowledged that my soon-to-be-ex wife never was, never will be a Mommy. She freely admits this.

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Bike blog

Back in January 2011, I couldn't believe I'd written episode 1234 of Bike. I wondered if I'd get to 2345. Now I know the answer. Why? is probably best not asked. Astonishingly, there are one or two people still reading it - still, there's no accounting for taste.

My best wishes to all my readers and thank you for encouraging and supporting me this far. I'm not making any predictions about 3456 even I might have run out of ideas by then - or will I?



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Broken Cup = Dana International

Dana International won EuroVision in 98. She had a long hard emotionally bruising fight getting to the contest and then another to win. However if one read the story of her life they would understand why this amazing woman never quit. Her music is outlawed in most Muslim nations and yet is the most pirated music in those same nations. She sings and speaks fluently four languages.

Many years back Broken Cup was written and inspired by Miss International and all those like her. To know and experience the world is to be able to write about it even if we write in fiction for fun.

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A question for our UK/EU members concerning electronics

I was reading up about obsolete electronics today, as I am wont to do, when I started looking into SCART connections. It specifies that these were primarily a European thing, and I've honestly never seen one in the US, but reading about them it's obvious they had superior video quality to anything available here in the US prior to component, though for the life of me I can't seem to find information on WHY they didn't pick up in the US.

So, anybody know why? I'd like to know, if just to sate my curiosity.

Melanie E.

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Looking for a story

Found a story the other day and lost the link to it. It starts off with a mother and her son taken captive by a serial sexual assault prison escapee. They are tied up in an old shed and both are repeatedly raped and other assault crimes. He had decided to kill them both but the police arrived just in time. Mother and son are both severely traumatized.

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Atomic Rockets

I ran across this today while looking for information for a story. Since I know others have requested information about space travel and the craft to get you there I thought I would give everyone a heads up! Yes, Gwen I'm talking about you! :) I have no idea as the accuracy but it does seem to go over the basics.

Hey, they mention Heinlein and Clarke so they can't be wrong can they!

Oops! I forgot to put in the site link! My bad! :)

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Read it all

Okay okay. I admit. I've hardly read it all. I probably haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to what's out there to read. The problem is that most of it, doesn't appeal to me. I often even start reading a story, and then a few chapters in I'm like. Meh! Usually only because the main character suddenly starts fawning over guys. Yes I know. Kind of a lame reason to suddenly not like a story. That's just me though.

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Scammers are either getting stupider or I'm getting smarter.

Just received a call from Louisiana, well that's what Caller I D said. Answered and guy called saying he was from the IT department. Yeah we've heard them going around and yes his accent was pretty bad. Said he was calling about my computers operating system. I asked what type of computer I had. Sorry I'm not in the mood to play their little shit game. He said it didn't matter I have Windows OS. I asked what version, said it didn't matter, was the reply. I started on him like crap to the wall. Either he tells me what 'type' of computer I have else he ain't getting crap.

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Finally , here in New Hampshire at the foot of Ragged Mountain today had absolutely no clouds ,no rain and the temperature hit a balmy 70 degrees (f.) .I had thought that it wasn't going to happen this year at all. LOL so that means that the nuclear winter wont be this year. Enjoy the oncoming summer all.

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Funny idea

I´ve just seen some basketball match on TV and had funny idea. What if some disortographic wizard misspelled basketball as bastetball? What would consequences be? Would all players turn into furry cats playing with ball? How would they cope? I´m quite tempted to turn this into story somehow... though I´m not sure if it is enough as story base. What do you think? I´d appreciate your comments.
Thank you.

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A Warning

I love and respect so many of you. Those of you that have not been able to transition and live like I have are the brave, courageous ones. There is nothing brave about transitioning and having surgery. I just did what I wanted to do. It is you that sacrificed to keep the lives you have that are brave.

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Clownfish Pic

Well after carefully thinking about it, I decided to change the pic of Beth for Ch.5 of Clownfish. The pic I had of her did look a little old as a few people pointed out. She looked a little plain for an Alpha as well. I hope this new one fits better. Its more of what I had in mind when I envisioned her in my head :)

Take a look at Ch.5 if you're interested or just wait until Ch.6 when I release it sometime later this week or the beginning of next :)

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The End is nigh

Well, after long last I have finished 300 Rains. I wrote the last bit just a while ago. Once I edit it I will get that up here and people can see how it ends. I am happy with the ending and think it fits, rounding out the journey. What a long strange trip its been.

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Da Interwebz is sick

Da Interwebz is sick. Not that kind of sick but there is a problem going on between two of the large backbone companies that carry massive amounts of internet traffic. They seem to have a fiber-optic switch they share that is dropping about 5% of the traffic that passes thru it. That's only about .005% of all the traffic in the US but the starting number is HUGE!

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