A very beautiful lady made the transsition.

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A beautiful person sent me this data and I'm sharing it with the BC family. First I want to say never judge another person by what you see. The clothes, the mortal body is only a covering. What and who that person is, isn't always what we see. The real beauty is deeper than looks. Some of you will understand, others not so much, and a few will think I've gone off the deep end. There is nothing in or on this earth that is what you think it is. I wish I could share with you my life, my experiences, what I see, and have seen. In time you will see and understand yourself.

Am I jealous of the lady? Silly question. Of course I'm jealous. She's damn beautiful and knows how to present herself. I'm also proud of her for taking that journey because she makes it easier for all those who follow. You understand don't you? It isn't the one who made that crossing. Such as those like Lynn Conway but every single one whether we know them or read about them. Each one made the path a little easier for those who follow.

My fondest prayer for those as such, is there were no boy=girl caught up in the gender blender. It's not a life I would wish on anyone. Yet there are. My second fondest prayer is one day the world understands. The five year old (and all who don't know until later) can live life as his or her mind tells them they were born as.


I wish everyone health and happiness
May the desires of your heart be reached

I'm going to go kiss a cow, dogs, cats, sit with the chickens. Life is great...,