Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Holly Happy Hart - Prayer Needed

I'm passing on a prayer request (or good thoughts, wishes, whatever your tradition is).
Holly moved from the San Francisco area to Indianapolis in June. Those of you who know her, know what a loving and caring woman she is. She has been to the doctors, and will be undergoing surgery most probably next week.
Holly has pancreatic cancer.
Earlier this year, Holly had difficulties. The doctors did a biopsy, and it did not show any cancerous cells.
It does now.
PLEASE, according to your tradition or beliefs, pray for Holly.

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Looking for an older story...

Okay So I am first off curious if anyone pays much attention to Fictionmania, because I found that site before any BigCloset site. But mainly I am looking for a story, I was reminded of it because I saw SpaceTran and was like oh! I loved that story nostalgia ensued upon seeing Skipper as well and I had the thought, oh, I wonder what the name of that one story was. Anyway long story short I decided to reach out and see if anyone knew it, but as I had only seen it on Fictionmania I am not certain, and it was a few years ago.


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Sorry I've had everyone worried

Let me start by saying, I'm sorry I worried everyone. I really and truly mean that. I'm going through a lot of crap right now in the real world, but I promise it's been worth it, even if I'm more uncertain now about myself than I've ever been.

I can't promise that any of this will make any sense at all to anyone else; it sure as hell doesn't make any sense in my head right now. It's been a lot of jumbled, raw emotions.

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Singin the MP-3 Blues

So, I don't know a lot about 'puters and don't want to know more than I have to about the Devil's machine. :) I just wanna use one.

So, I have this CD called "Tabla Turbo" that is belly dancing music, and not on I tunes or any place like that. So, my roomate told me that I could just buy a thumb drive and use my computer to copy the CD to the Drive. I did not think I could do it due to copyright crankiness, but he insisted I could, so I tried. Well, as you can probably guess, that did not work. So for music CD's that are not main stream, how can this be done?

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The Evilest Day of the YearTM, REALLY evil. Would *I* lie?

Today is The Evil BlondeTM's birthday.

BOTH she, my baby sister, and Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley Cyrus AKA Hanna Montana's dad turned fifty.

As her OLDER brother I, of course, remain the youthful one.

John in Wauwatosa

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I always find it interesting when characters have revelations about things that the author (or authoress) has known for some time...

Take for instance Chapter 41 of Mistake, which I am working on in a window not far away from the one that I type this post in. Morgan has finally realized that she's been submitting to Katie for the better part of a year. (Did anyone else see this coming?) Right now the two of them are at the mall, and Katie picked out their clothes when they got up and Katie is wearing pants and Morgan's in a skirt...

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Well, this isnt working out according to plan

Well, today is not going well. I had the idea of creating a little Spells R Us story, something light and fluffy and full of wish-fulfillment. So I started with the simple idea of me (with a different name, but me, nevertheless) running into the Wizard. Unfortunately, its not going according to plan. I may end up with the most depressing SRU story in history ....

Ah, well.

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Interesting news item

I heard on the news a bit ago that Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, IL will become the college in the United States to directly ask prospective students on admission forms if they consider themselves members of the LGBT community. The question is optional and doesn't affect acceptance. Answering yes might qualify them for up to a 30% scholarship against tuition.

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Anyone out there self published for Kindle?

I'm keen to publish some of my stories for Kindle and following the instructions on the Amazon website, I dutifully downloaded Mobipocket to compile and produce a Kindle compliant file.

The issue however came when I discovered that instead of the four or five simple steps Amazon put in their instructions, which should't have taken more than a few minutes, I have spent the best part of the last day and a half trying to compile and build my story into Kindle format. Getting the story into the right format wasn't the problem ... well, not entirely anyway.

So what was the problem?

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Jack's life postponed for health reasons

I am working a new version of Jack’s life but it will be a while before I get it done. I have been seeing several doctors over the last six months as my health has not been so good.

I will continue the story when I get to feeling better.

I have been losing a lot of weight and having severe migraines’ that make me cry.
they last anywhere from 3 to five days at a time.

Will post more info when all the tests are done.


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fighting off PTSD

I woke up a bit shaky today, with flashbacks coming on and off all day, but I managed to keep my head, and focused on things like my little dog. Then this evening I decided I should write a letter to my step-father, since most of my flashbacks today were about him. I may publish it, I don't know yet. Anyway, the day ended on a good note with my daughter coming over. We took the dog for a walk, and ran into a huge desert tortoise being walked by its owner. My dog actually didn't mind the creature, and gave it a good sniff on its behind like it was a fellow dog.

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RE: Through the years: Tracy emerging part 10

So you know, the next chapter of Tracy's story will be a bit delayed. That's why I posted a second one today.

I will be out of town and away from my computer until possibly Monday. And I don't have another set up to send off of editing. Sorry for the delay, but I promise it will get better.

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I've got a silly little dog

This morning, I was using my electric shaver to remove the hair from my arms, legs, and chest when my dog decided she needed to investigate the noise. You'd think a dog would be scared of a shaver, but she seemed to think I needed comforting during the procedure, as she nuzzled me as I worked to remove my hair. I love my little dog.

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Virginia Earthquake.

I felt nothing, although my housemate and her Daughter said they did. It was a 5.9 quake centered in Mineral, Virginia. No word yet on injuries/deaths/property damage anywhere and no damage of any kind or injuries here in Southwestern New York State.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Andrew’s Dilemma

I have decided to continue the series,mostly because of the all the responses that I have received. At the moment I am not sure where the story will lead but that is part of the fun of writing. I would like to thank everyone who left comments because it's your input that helps me most when it comes to where the story is going to lead and I hope you have enjoyed reading Andrews Dilemma as much as I have writing it. The next part of the series should be out on the weekend provided I can find the time.

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Need help: checking grammar after translation from German -> English

Hi to everybody,

I'm new here from Germany. I write for some time stories for myself. Now I would like to post it here.

I need help to check my story for the right grammar.

My workflow in the meantime is as follow:

1. Write my story with In Design.

2. Translate part of my stories with Goggle translator.

3. Check the grammar with word.

4. Check the grammar personally.

But I think there are still mistakes.

So I search for an editor to check my grammar and it will be the best if he speaks German too. Because than She / He will be able to read the original story.


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Religious Characters In A Story - The Balance?

When you have characters that come from a religious background in a story, how far should you go in describing their background and avoid coming off preachy?

My character in Open Your Heart was raised LDS, he's gone pretty well inactive because he doesn't feel comfortable at meetings anymore, however, he still believes in everything, and his parents are still very active.


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Two stories you may have read

A year or so ago I got upset and removed my stories, the only one left behind was I, Actor,
I did write two stories under an alias they were A Bitter Wife and The Pawn, The name I used was Marcie Diane.
I am now at peace and contentment, my meds work for me and I learned to ask some simple questions for my self:

Did I do something to make the situation go bad?

Do I have control of the situation?

Is it my fault?

When I can answer no to each of them, I go about my business and do not rant or rave.

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about my last couple of pieces

I wanted to take a moment to talk about my last couple of pieces. First, to put "Night Entries" to bed, I wanted to mention that its sort of Maeryn's fault. I was reading her story "Trick of the Mind.", and I kept seeing the little blerb at the start saying it was for the challenge "Written from the heart." I started thinking - what if I wrote something from the heart? What would it look like? And then the idea of an autobiography just seemed to fall into place. Then I made the choice to write it like I had a diary in those days, and the story flowed from there.

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Am I being too descriptive in my stories,although I have received many complimentary emails about my descriptions I have also received others that my description are on occassions too much.

Okay I`m not the most elegant writer and my english. spelling and phraseology leaves a lot to be desired, but hey I`m an ex soldier turned truck driver with no fancy degrees just the basic state level of education for the 1950`s and 60`s.

One of my stories called "Control" was slaughtered so much I`ve decided to discontinue it.




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Britain's youngest drag queen.

Spotted this story about 12 year old Redvers Stokes who won his village's annual competion with a drag act character called 'Naughty Nora'. Personally, I think his parents have a good, healthy attitude to his act. All to often it is the negative responces that can cause problems for young males who enjoy dressing up.

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Since I write crap

Since I have been told so nicely that I write crap in my latest post and since the reads are so low I will be discontinuing my current series and will refrain from posting anything new for quite some time. I will continue to visit to check out some blogs and will most likely post a story some time during Christmas if I get around to it.

I thank all those who have been supportive. But spending 3 hours typing so I could post a story to be told I write crap and suggest that I enjoy abusive situations makes the endeavor not really worth my time and energy.

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Melody Blossoms

My new novel is available for purchase on smashwords.

It's a comedy about a crossdressing boy and his adventures with his friends in a small town. It's not meant to be realistic or to deal with transgender issues, it's just a zany little romp with lots of off-the-wall costumes and predicaments.

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"The remarkable lives on Newark sanitation truck No. 2646"

Here's a very sympathetic story from a major US newspaper about a transgendered sanitation worker. It includes a link to a video.


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A simple pre-writing poll...

I wanted to try and guage the potential reaction before I actually write and post it here when complete. I was thinking back on some of the stories I have read through the years and there is one that sticks out with me. It's called "King of Bandits: Jing" by Yuichi Kumakura. it is somewhat old-ish, with the first printings on the first series being sone in the late 1990's and early 2000's, with twilight Tales (the second of two series) being completed by the mid-2000's.

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04) OK, Chapter 3 tomorrow, hopefully.

Since there will be a mostly harmless shower scene, I'm probably going to raise the rating to R for this chapter, simply because there will be some description of female nudity and bathing. Nothing overtly sexual, thanks to it being from Drew's perspective, were the same shower scene written from Christina's perspective... Might have to take it up even higher ;P

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03) Two options...

So... Chapter 3 could possibly be done... maybe.

I'm having difficulty deciding whether to post the chapter as-is, with only half as many words as the other two chapters so far and most other chapters are likely to have, and this, having taking over twice as long to write. Or, switch back from Janet's perspective to Drew's and keep writing (which is what would happen anyways, but as a new chapter), probably wind up taking until late Sunday to finish, and ending up with a chapter-and-half chapter length.

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Read it fast, this may not be available beyond today

Here is an interesting cartoon I found in today's paper.

This is a direct link to the strip that may be gone tomorrow.

You may be able to see it later by clicking on September 03 2010 in the upper right corner for a while longer.

I'm not familiar with the site, just happened across it in the Indianapolis Star online.

Why September 03 2010 showed up today, I have no idea.

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Critical Mass

I had a Critical comment left for me and I read it just a while ago. I honestly thought in my mind 'How dare you call my baby ugly" sort of thoughts. I read and re read the comment and eventually saw the commenter's point... all very good critiques and I'm sure very reasonable... I replied without heat (or not too much) and tried not to be Snarky... but I felt like someone had attacked me... now I think... who am I writing for... Me first of course... I write what I want to read... in this case, comic book stories with comic book science and physics... I'm not a scientist or engineer...

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Stanman's health

Here is the message I got from his relatives I found on Facebook to let everyone know what is Stan's health condition. I have asked where we can send letters and cards to so that he can know we care.

yes he is still in the hospital i don't know if u knew of his health conditions but he has elephantigo i am not sure if i spelled it correctly but its where he is retaining massive fluid and he went into a comma about a week ago he came to himself a few days later but they are still pulling two liters of fluid off at a time a few times a day.


Jennifer Boyle

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Gender stereotypes (YT videos)

A couple of interesting videos that YouTube decided to recommend to me.

First up, a witty animation (in the style of BUPA adverts) looking at gender stereotypes:

I would advise you stay away from the comments though - there's some troll feeding going on (one commenter equating feminism and lesbianism with satanism. Oh dear...)

Second up, "What's wrong with Gender Roles?"

Oh, and Lizzie appears to have attracted a much nicer bunch of commentators :)

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002) Silly Motorists.

OK, so yesterday and today I rode through the same exact speed monitor next to a school zone, at the same exact time. This is a 35mph zone when school's not either starting or ending. Yesterday, I get clocked going 31mph, today, 28mph. Yesterday, I think almost every single motorist who passed me through there honked at me and yelled at me to get off the road... I was going faster than your typical Sunday driver for freaks sake! Today, only ONE car honked at me and yelled to get off the road, and this was a coupla miles back before the speed monitor.

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Why ME?

Why Me?

Why Do I feel like this?
Why do I trust People that are not worth trusting?
Why am I the way that I am?
Why do I want to be what I am not?
Why do I need to be what I am not, already?
Why do I lose control of my life?
Why do I try, Why do I care?
Why am I a failure, Why am I a freak?
Why do I let my past control my future?
Why do I let my past control me?
Why do I keep living?
How can I change, how I feel?
Would others lives be better without me?
Would things, be better if I was the real me?
Would things be better without me?

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Little bit down

Well, I was a little bit down when I woke this morning. I struggled with the questions; "What am I doing this for? If I can't be female between my legs, what's the point?" I felt like "I'm going to die a freak, no matter what" I'm doing a bit better now, thanks to my friend Kylie, but those feelings are still there to some extent. Pray for me.

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Just to let y'all know, I am working on the next chapter of Transformation Blues, but it might be slow. I just learned that my cousin who is fighting a rare kind of small cell cervical cancer is cominjg to the end of her treatments. She can have no more chemo, and is getting to her last radiation treatments as well, then there is nothing more they can do for her. I'm incredibly depressed right now. Becky has been my hero all through this and I'm just heartbroken right now.


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The secondary BC server, the one that handles almost all of my sites except BC and handles my mail, is under attack by spam emailers from the Ukraine. I'm trying to get a handle on the problem. I'm going to be busy with this, so if the site is neglected today, that's why.

Also, has anyone heard from Piper? Last I heard from her was early Tuesday morning. She was on the road with the truck full of servers from Bob's place and had stopped at a motel. Nothing since then and I can't reach her cellphone either.


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Not the best day I've had

Well, today was not one of my better days. First, I went to go to the local library to get some stuff printed out, I decided to go in male mode because later I would have to pick up my ex, and I didn't feel like having to change in hurry when I came home. As it happened, it was a good thing I did, because I actually ran into my ex and my daughter in the mall. My ex was buying my daughter a small fish, so that's why they were there.

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01) Anyone like epic poetry?

So I mentioned in a comment to something somewhere around here the other day that I wrote an epic poem once right?

I've also mentioned that I've done strict milieu-driven stories with no main character - letting the reader slip into that role.

I haven't previously mentioned that I've written a lot of stories that merge science fiction and fantasy elements into one.

Anyways, the idea has entered my head, and I'm starting to think up a nice little story in which I will marry all three of the above things to each other.

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Chimera Chapter 4

Dear readers,
To everyone that has read my first book I am sorry Chapter 4 has taken so long to finish. Some real life issues had come up recently that forced me to put my writing on the back burner while I dealt with them. I hope I can get back to my writing soon. I don't want to let my story fall to the wasteland of unfinished works. Thank you all for your understanding.


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To all the awsome authors

First off I want to Apologize for not commenting on stories. Ok... now on to the reason for this, I want to Apologize for not reading your story *sigh* soooo lost on how to put this . if it comes out wrong sorrrry . some stories I cant read here (tooo close to home or little locked door I dont want opened) sorry .some I have to try and get in the right frame of mind to read. skipper by Bev took me a year to finish. I read one offsite the link was posted here, couldnt sleep for 2 days was sooooo mad and upset I wanted to hurt someone. Yes I know it was prob only a story but its the way I am.

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posting the saga


I've now resumed the posting of Gaby book 7 that Sephrena started some while ago. It is my intention to get at least one chapter up a week at which point i will commence with posting book 8.

On my website today you get a holiday gallery from Nena and the concluding part of Never My Love. go to


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i want to thank all the authors who have taken time to answer my comments about their stories. i appreciate their thoughtfulness. while not an author my self i think i realize that these people are pouring their hearts out to us. just keep up the good work.

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001) Kids say the darndest things

Ok, for the following to make any sense, a little background... I have gynaecomastia, it's not all that severe really, my breasts are only A-cup. I also have a lot of body hair, even for a guy, and my beard grows back in so fast I don't really bother shaving it, just sorta keep it trimmed. I just recently used some hair removal cream on my body hair, so it's still pretty short though...

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Drowning out "The Voice"

Last night, I ended up spending most of my shift dealing with "The Voice." Some people probably have heard "The Voice" - its the one that tells you that you are not enough - not good enough, not smart enough, in every aspect of your life, you're not enough. Pray I can drown it out, before I start feeling like I should apologize for taking up space and breathing valuable oxygen....

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Mammograms - the joys of womanhood

It doesn't take long - that's the best bit - a breast X-ray, which is just as well because it isn't the most comfortable experience I've ever had. I think this is my third or fourth time for one of these close encounters with a plastic clamp and X-ray machine, where the woman radiographer asks you to relax while the corner of the unit is poking in your armpit and a large perspex plate is squishing your boob.

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Having to make a choice

I have to make a decision, and I need help. See, I started working on a Ret-con origin for Commander Steel, and I came up with a unique way of dealing with the cyborg aspects of his story - without making tech that would be difficult to explain. But Lilith said it didn't really work for that universe. So the question is, do I drop that aspect, and try something else, or should i make the story not a part of that universe and keep the idea, cause its interesting? What do you guys think?

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More on my Page with

I have now sold more than 430 books, so many thanks.

Just a quick line to let those of you who may be interested, I have revised Tango Golf and published the new edition through Amazon Kindle. I have also listed the first edition on my page there for those who don't have Kindle.

Find it and my other Kindle books here.
Tanya's Page

Once again, many thanks to those who have supported my work. I hope to publish some new books soon, as well as completing some Work In Progress.


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Science Fiction and Fantasy stories

Hi there ;)

I'm looking for good science fiction and fantasy stories. I've just found some via jewel box and I think there are some more I haven't read already. As you perhaps know I'm a sucker for those kind of stories, so it would be kind of nice if you could tell me some stories or authors, I might not have read by now.

Thank you for providing me with new food :D



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Rusted Blade nearing completion!

So, as of last night the climax of the book is written. We still have to write the denouement, but that won't take long as it is already planned out. Once finished, we will run an editing pass or two, and then post the whole finale in one fairly large post. I had thought to post individual chapters, but we don't want to break the 3-post front page rule. I'm very excited about this, because it marks the first work of novel magnitude I have ever completed, with or without a collaborator, and for darkice as well.

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Bookmarking within a story

I am aware of how to bookmark a story, that is pretty basic and I'm fairly literate computer speaking. However, some of these stories very, very long indeed. Julie O (who is whom I am reading) has very long stories, but she puts chapters in them (thank you). I jot the chapter down I am about to read when I put it up.


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02) Official Reading for Chapter 1 is up, Chapter 3 delayed.

Subject says it all. If you don't want to go back to the story page:

In other news... Chapter 3 is going to be further delayed... Not sure when I'll be able to finish it, but I ended up running all over town on errands yesterday cutting into what would have been writing time.

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5th Gabycon in Dorset

Hi folks

Just a reminder that the 5th International Gabycon will be taking place over the weekend of 9-10-11 September 2011 in the Dorchester area.

If you'd like to attend the weekend or even just be a day visitor drop me a line either here or to maddyannebell @ so we have some ideas of numbers. We can also point you towards possible accomodation venues.

format is as usual

Friday evening dinner
Saturday bike ride (weather permitting)with various readings - this year it will include stuff from book 8 and book 9!

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A decision about Through the years

Okay, I have received several messages about my typos and I agree with all of you. When I write I move fast because I tend to forget stuff quickly. So when an idea hits, I type like the wind. I may also be partly dyslexic. I thank each and every one of you who have point out my mistakes, because let's face it, I haven't caught them.

But I was thinking of going back and fixing hte typos in the posted ones and was wondering if that would be fine. I really don't want to submit them all over again.

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Two years three hours

Wow... I've been a member for two years, where has the time gone?

Thank you all so much, for being such a wonderful, accepting, caring group of people. A true community in every important sense.

As my anniversary gift to myself, I'll post the next chapter in "Out of the Ashes" this weekend. Or... soon.

...ish :)

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My first posted story.

This is to express a new story I have in mind. It will be very short and coming in the next week or two. After that there will be a halt for a while as I'll be starting on classes and other things.
I will be adding to the Crescent City Universe created by The Professor, adding more types and some great little wrinkles that fit right in. I have asked The Professor and received permission so I really hope you like it.
This will likely end up a side story, fitting into it but not directly tying into anything with Cassie.

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Well I had a new hip put in on the right side to match the left side and all is doing well even better than well . I am sore but I have my pain meds . I will tell you the doctor that works for the hospital really pissed me off and when I ashed to leave him would not discharge me , but if you ruffle enough faethers they want you out before you call the lawyers. So I am home and doing well THANKS EVERYBODY--RICHIE2

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tough stuff to wade through

Those of you who have read chapter one of Night Entries can see this is not easy stuff for me to re-live. I can only assure you all that there will be some nice moments, but we have to get through the dark stuff first. Keep holding on to me, we'll all get through it together....

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