I'm writing another story and I'm thinking about a f2m punishment transformation. The reverse has been done way too often, and I want to give my characters something to think and maybe to regret.
Many evil guys tend to be transformed into whores, but what are the worst imaginable jobs for males? With what a life would you punish an evil female after she has been transformed into a guy?
I'd be greatful for any suggestions,
For a straight man?
Proctologist? I mean it takes a special kinda guy to want to stick fingers in other guys backsides.
other then that, it depends on the type of man. If he's totally straight and manly, I'd say working a female clothing store, like Lane Bryant or something, not Victorias Secret, guys would beg to see naked women
Nope for someone who used to
Nope for someone who used to be a woman. And not a tomboy.
Soldier? Construction worker? Sewer crawler?
It's not to punish a guy, but to punish a woman. The inverse to the "rapist turned into whore" gig. "female abuser turned into ???"
you got a good one
sewer crawler would be one. Sometimes the stink you get couldn't come off. Or draining septic tanks and have a hose burst. That could end a really wonderful day.
I can think of no greater punishment than for a woman to be transformed into a pimp. Think about it, all her life she probably has been subjected to oogles and catcalls, now she has to perpetuate the stigma against her former gender.
K.T. Leone
My fiction feels more real than reality
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
but if
she was a bitch before and enjoyed making people suffer, being a pimp would be hte same job, only now she gets paid.
Since you implied that F2M
Since you implied that F2M was a punishment, then that would depend. On the one hand being in a store that constantly forces him to see what he can no longer be might be quite a punishment.
But more likely, any of the jobs from the show Dirtiest Jobs could possibly be considered fodder. But particularly those that require more strength then brain and are unpleasant and hard on the person, and their looks. Especially if the reason she is being punished is for being abusing her looks and being a _itch.
Just a thought.
sewer crawler would
sewer crawler would definitely fit. Or Coal minor, especially somewhere outside the US where there is less safety regulations and dealing with coal dust.
Woah... Coal miner in China
Woah... Coal miner in China huh :D That is defintly evil. It's a good idea though, especially since she's gone off the deep end. I guess I might take it. I didn't inted it as a death sentence though.
Is there some mining in the USA were they still use air hammers?
thanks for the suggestions, everyone...
Don't know about us, mines,
Don't know about us, mines, they still have accidents here too. But it doesn't have to be a death sentence, not every miner dies, but I do think something that will have a physical effect on him, that would bother a person that was proud of her looks, would be agoodway to go. Any way glad I could give you something to think about.
Prostitute is just about the worst job for anyone, male or female, if they are not in control of their destiny.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Garbage truck worker
Working a garbage truck would fit that category too with the added bonus of being out where she could be seen. It's a nasty, smelly, and disgusting job as well as being out in the weather. With the dancing rice, (maggots) and other life that thrives in the stuff it has a very high 'yuck' factor. Plus it's regarded as being at the bottom of the social strata.
PS: And I don't mean the drivers. We're talking about the fellas that throw the trash cans into the back. Hands on, if you know what I mean!
Worst job ever for a male
Why not a gigolo who services women?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Nah, wrong punishment for
Nah, wrong punishment for insane jealousy and child abuse.
Sumo Wrestler
If they could still have brains, then a repairman of "Rotating Biological Contactors". Big rotating drums at sewage treatment plants, that stir the sludge and aerate so the bacteria thrive.
No brains, working a slaughter house or a pig farm.
Actually, farming is not a
Actually, farming is not a job for stupid people. A friend from university ended up working as a farm hand on a pig farm for a number of years. Paid very well. The only drawback is the face that the odour of pigshit gets into your skin and you can't wash it out. He'd come home on the weekend and take 3 showers and you could still smell it. Of course, he couldn't smell it himself. Constant exposure dulled his perception of the odour.
There is no "worst" job. That depends on the psychology of the individual. The majority of garbage men are pretty ok with their jobs. It's another one that pays ok.
Personally I would hate running a honey wagon, cleaning out portajohns.
I'm reluctant to think about it....
...but coming from the perspective of a MtF, my feeling is that being transformed into a man would be the worst punishment all by itself. I can't read FtM stories for the most part just for that reason. It saddens me.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
What about?
What about Charlie by Bailey Summers? http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/28961/charlie
Just curious, but that seems like a FtM story that even you would like, provided you like Bailey's writing style.
I thoroughly recommend it too! = )
Auntie 'Drea, I too can't possibly understand why a female would want to become a male. ...But if that's what they need to do to end their pain, I feel happy for them if they manage it.
- - -
Royal catgirl of the court of the Empress of Euphoria. I like fine seafood, and I love huggles! ^_^

Many comments require brawn..
You have to look at what the person _was_ before you can think of a punishment for them.
If it was a woman who is used to power over others, then giving her _physical_ power isn't a good punishment. You're better off putting them in a position where they have no power whatsoever.
An example of this would be a prematurely balding nebbish who works in a cube farm, vetting requisition forms. Dull, monotonous, repetitious, basically useless work, with no real value, no hope for a future, and no real hope of a relationship with anyone of any meaning.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
How about...
A simple Bad Girl to Good Boy story? It could start as a punishment, but then she could realize that she really IS a he after serving the whole sentence, and then not change back. There's plenty of stories like this of the MtF variety 'round here.
- - -
Royal catgirl of the court of the Empress of Euphoria. I like fine seafood, and I love huggles! ^_^

I'm brainstorming for a
I'm brainstorming for a sequel story. She's villian from the first story and the sequel should end with her being transformed into a worthier life form. The problem is, how to lead her to redemption and punish her appropriatly with a f2m transformation.
I liked the coal mine idea pretty well, due to the comradeship among the workers. Another idea might be professional soldier, although I doubt that would be a good idea for a psychopath.
I like the realizing that he's really a he idea too, and thought about age regression, but it wouldn't be apropriate to the crime.
what about
A man who has bad self esteem and is look down upon by females.
Worst job I ever 'ad
..was picking lobsters out of Jayne Mansfield's ar-- sorry, someone was playing "Derek and Clive" today.
I hate to find myself
I hate to find myself thinking along such lines, but...
Transform her into a small, weak, effeminate man who is a career criminal. He gets arrested, convicted, and sent to prison. Horrible but predictable things ensue. However, in prison he finds redemption and becomes a better person.
After release, you have a place to start a sequel
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
So, let's think... What do I
So, let's think... What do I hate? What would be the worst for me...?
Answer: Dirt, violence, hard physicall work, social coldness around me.
Result and answer to your question: Plumber, soldier, prisoner, construction worker or something similar.
"Die Gedanken sind frei / Sie fliegen vorbei
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen / Kein Jäger sie schießen
Mit Kugeln und Blei / Die Gedanken sind frei"
"Die Gedanken sind frei / Sie fliegen vorbei
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen / Kein Jäger sie schießen
Mit Kugeln und Blei / Die Gedanken sind frei"
Most FtMs want ... first liar doesn't have a chance.
I'm not an expert, but most FtMs I have talked to did it because they were sick of being fucked over by males. If you are good with women at all, most will tell you that Women do not have equal rights and it bothers them a lot.
I don't think there is an equivalent way to handle ftms to that of an Mtf.
There were lots of reasons I transformed, and the one that carries the most emotion for me is that I was sick of butting heads with men on the construction site.
rough work
I'd say go with a job that generally isn't respected, pretty much any work that's typically done by undocumented immigrants:
Leaf blower operator
Fruit picker
Hot tar roofer
Busboy / dishwasher
Elementary school vomit janitor