Looking for an artist/author

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I am new to ever posting on BCTS.
I am looking for recognition and such of Dawn Hamilton or Dawn_of_the_Roundtree.
Has anyone heard from her recently? Anyone remember her stories or where to find them, etc.

Looking for an artist/author

Me, I enjoyed her postings.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

You might say that I've

You might say that I've heard from her...

She hangs out of a website that I admin for called, 'Feeling Femme Sanctuary'.

She posted this today:

This is a last ditched effort to save my site from being lost forever. I would assume that if you clicked the link to open this message, you would know who I am (Dawn Hamilton) and what my site was (transgender tales from Roundtree Bay)

It has been something like ten months since the server my site was on broke, ten months is a long time. I still hope to reopen my site somehow but my chances of managing that on my own slim so I am asking any former members who still remembers my site and gives a damn about it to join this - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Roundtree_Table_Discussion/ - group so we can talk about ideas to save my site.

Thanks in advance...

Now you know how to contact her.

You can also find her at this YIM address:

[email protected]

...any questions? roflmao

Yes, the weird author with the boob fetish.

Yes, the weird author with the boob fetish.