Ye Olde Menu: Dormouse, Anyone?

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Today's Wall Street Journal had an article with the headline "Ye Olde Menu: Dormouse, Anyone?" in the Personal Journal section. The article was about a "trend-in-the-making" of finding recipes from old to ancient sources to spice up menus. The article does state "One recipe he won't bother to explore: Stuffed Dormouse."

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Recipe for roast journalist

Angharad's picture

Before cooking clean object thoroughly, after cleaning out all the shit - and there'll be loads - there will be enough substance left to feed a sparrow...



Thank you Angha,


' but I think that the sparrow would go hungry! As for the inane link, Gordon Who?


Tee hee

A 'celebrity chef' famous for swearing a lot. His programme appears to have impinged on my reality: one edition of one of his TV programmes had a struggling 'chef, who didn't know how to make an omelette, and whose signature dish was, of all things, scallops on black pudding. I recently saw that on a local menu. Ugh.