I posted a little story here recently, titled 'Reunion' and it got slightly different reactions depending where.
Now as I mentioned in the comments when a few raised a question on the title, that I had changed it slightly from the original intent. I got impatient and wanted to post something, and that led to a shortening and a change in the middle scene setting piece. A small bit of dialogue uttered by a character subtly changed the flow and running with that, because well she's a bossy bitch and I couldn't say no, ya know, led to the posted version.
So after a little time as I often do I posted it to FM but changed the name to 'Reacquainted' which sort of fits it, as it is, better. Still I fully intend to revisit it and write as I intended to and stand up to bossy characters… a little. Might I say that any revisiting or follow on would I think disappoint those that want, 'nasty'. It will stay with a gentle little touch of kink and attempted steaminess. If, that is.
Now the reason for this little bloggy thing; there are differences in the two sites as most will I think acknowledge. I got a few comments which basically wanted to know, oooh, when's the next bit. I can't wait…. Sort of wanting it to wander down a D/s bondage path to prurient degradation I suspect. Not really my scene. I don't mind a bit of sex now and then but it's mostly the emotion behind it all that I try for. The heavier stuff I read now and then usually depresses me and I just don't understand how humiliation or gross sluttiness, forced or otherwise, can be enjoyable from any point of view. Yeah there's the getting off on power angle maybe, maybe even some pleasure in submission, but even so.
Another aspect of it all is I expect the slight disconnect between a feminine/female perspective and a masculine/male one. Straddling as I do in a sense that divide I at times find myself uneasily pulled into an understanding of the female side of desire and at the same time perturbed by the often charicaturish nature of the male response or initiation. That can of course work both ways. Now depending on how the reader views me they may say, 'but you are a woman, so…' or , 'well you're really a guy deep down, so…' And of course in some sense both of those are true and are not. One for the psyche types perhaps. Still I am me and react I think in a largely female way and yet I wonder at times where the masculine that must be there fits. Or perhaps what response is prompted by which and to what degree. It will always depend of course.
Don't get me wrong I don't lie awake at night trying to ponder this stuff out. But I do question all sorts of things now and then; the response to my little story I guess prompted this one. I suppose I wonder if others here who may also ponder such things at times might care to weigh in, from whichever perspective.
Contemplatively yours
I Loved The Story
It was sexy and steamy and suggestive. It was not prurient or more than a teensy-weensy bit pornographic. As someone else said, they had to go and take a cold shower after reading it. It also had the usual Kristina-style conflicts and inner doubts, misgivings and uncertainties that make the characters all too human. It was not just about sex. Even the pushy domme type had doubts about the effects of the makeover on her "protege". I didn't think the title did the story any favours and said so. I don't think the new title on FM was a great improvement either, but that's your choice Kris. Should you do a sequel or follow-up? I personally would like to see one but again it's your call. If you could be comfortable with the direction that you might take it in, by all means. If not...well you don't have to pander to the dirty raincoat brigade. It's my firm belief that sex is and should be primarily FUN and also funny. I mean, think about it. Two (or maybe more) sweaty, slippery bodies sliding all around each other trying to get a grip on each other and utilise sundry orifices for enjoyment, and occasionally procreation. The closest comparable activity has to be a greasy-pig chase.
Mother nature played a big joke on us, making us one of the few species that can indulge at almost any time and then giving us the ability to have enormous hang-ups about it. It's just a pity that morals or morality get in the way so often in my opinion. Is that a male or a female point of view? Actually, what defines those points of view? The stereotypical male chasing every girl he sees with the sole object of getting her into bed and the ditto woman trying to snare a lover or a husband or a father for her children? Or the rather faux situations that we see in these pages where some hapless male is forcibly feminised or tricked or degraded into becoming the semblance of a female? They are basically stories about bullies and bullying. Those occur rather more often on other sites than BC, and I am happy that it should be so, because I don't like them, but just occasionally a little good, old-fashioned sexual gymnastics can shake this place up a bit, and there ain't nothing wrong with that.
Was that diatribe worth two cents?
why thank you Jo
I must admit I'm a little disappointed that no one else saw anything worth discussing. It's not really about my story, that's an incidental and if I follow it some might enjoy. I was more pondering the whole idea of how we see ourselves and what is reflected in the stories we read. Sex is not something I play with much, in fiction or reality but it is there. I suppose I was in part prompted by s story on FM called Method Acting. Very well written and with a great premise, yet the portrayal of the sexual roles, the reactions and the general feel of the sex scenes... bothered me? Yes bothered will do.
I suppose being the perverse thing I am I sometimes second guess myself in trying to understand my reactions and feelings about this and that. How much is natural girl as I sort of feel myself or is the boy hangover holding sway somehow and if so how much. Stoopid you may say, I mean we are all individuals as some kazillion robots chorused in some movie, but yes I agree we all will react or think slightly differently. What is girl or boy after all? I guess that's sort of where the question I was almost posing led. Any whooo I guess I'll just toss it about myself as I am wont to do, who knows, I might even figure something out. Unlikely, but anythings possible.