A recent BBC documentary takes an in-depth look at the question. Are there more than the two designated genders?
The documentary takes an in depth look at the inter-sexed condition. Apparently they are as common as the birth of twins or even those born with red hair. (These stats. say 1/50 chance. The birth of of inter-sexed babies are more common than most are aware of. Due to the shame and stigma it is not admitted to by the parents.
I personally always wished I was born with obscure genitals as it would be physical proof when I argued against my designated maleness.
It is my belief that their is no such thing as dual gender but a whole spectrum out there as Mother Nature intended.
So, what if you're already a redhead?
Or even like myself _and_ my wife - red hair and blue eyes. Red hair and blue eyes is a double recessive trait.
Which then begs the question - what gene linkages are there between intersexed conditions and, say, the mutations that make up red hair. Are brown eyed blondes more likely to have it? Black haired irish with green eyes? :)
I always hate those studies that throw out one number, and don't bother giving any of the additional information they had to have gathered.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
So what's in a gene?
What is the linkage between me and my father? We share one common gene. Baldness?
I can assure you my father was a man of the old school and he most certainly did not share my traits of personality. Just because you wish to compare your colour of hair in comparison to your wife's does not represent the genetics gene pool.You do not share your wife's blood. If you did then that would be regarded as incest.
The clear and concise statement from the documentary was comparing the odds of being born inter-sexed with those who are born "normal". They stated that the odds were equivalent to those born as twins or red headed. 50 to 1.
I am sure most inter-sexed were born neither red headed nor a twin. No correlation to red heads nor twins. Only a statistical comparison. I have made this reply as simplistic as possible and so I do hope you can grasp it B :)
As regards gene linkages, I had a female cousin borne of my Mother's sister who felt she was a boy at the same time I knew I was a girl. Go figure about the gene pool.
Congratulations ! Is it a boy or a girl ?
Wonder when this documentary will be shown again and will it be on BBC America
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
That's the programme I omitted the link for in my own post last night. The most famous 'obscurity' I know of is Lady Colin Campbell.
Dear Deb, This documentary sounds very interesting, but we in the US can't view it. Could you find and post a transcript or any other info? no pun intended. Does BBC produce an audio version, like for the blind, etc.? I wonder if we could access that.
Did the program say anything about transsexuals being intersexed because we have (M2F) male genitals and femail (or fem) brains or parts of our brains? (I hate writing the word 'female', because it implies that we are some form or off-shoot of males. Biologically the opposite is true.)
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,