Seeking input on Transfigured mistake & possible solution

Well I'm looking for a bit of feedback on this idea concerning Transfigured and a possible rewrite.

After some of the feedback (or lack there of) I received from Transfigured I realized that in my eagerness to write the third and final story to the Ragnarok Rising trilogy I rushed through Transfigured and the results left much to be desired. So after some reflection I decided that Transfigured needed to be 'fixed'. When I initially came to this conclusion my intent was to go back and fix Transfigured after I had written the final story. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get Transfigured out my head and my muse isn't going to let me continue until I get this under wraps. So I got to thinking and came up with the idea of splitting the story into three, each told from the perspective of Derek, Aryanna and Nicholas Flint. Alone each story would only tell a glimpse of the whole. Together all three stories would form a much bigger picture.

I'm particularly thrilled about this idea because it will allowed me to explore Flint's past in greater detail. Which is something I've been wanting to do since I conceived of the character.

Derek would receive a similar, but not quite as thorough treatment.

Aryanna's portion in the story, however, would remain mostly untouched except perhaps with a small measure of expansion.

Well folks what do you think? Am I tetched in the head or does this idea hold merit?

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