Anyone live near Toledo, OH?

And would be interested in setting up a situation of mutual benefit?

I'm planning on buying a professional "home" electrolysis kit and doing my own permanent hair removal without the expense of repeated trips to a true professional. However, there're areas that I can't reach very easily that I could use help doing.

The kit I'm looking at is: The Aavexx 500

So, what I propose is that any interested person pm me first, and we can try to work out details privately. My present accommodations would be likely to be unfriendly to this kind of arrangement occurring at my residence, so we'd likely have to use yours.

I think I'd like to meet you somewhere public first, perhaps the Franklin Park Mall food court, so we can have a chance to meet each other and get a sense of what the other person is really like before we agree to being alone together. It's all too easy on the internet for people to put up a face entirely different from their real one, and as much as I'd hate to think of anyone here doing that, we can never be too safe.

If an arrangement can be agreed to before I actually manage to save up for the machine, I'd be happy to try to do regular sugaring with homemade paste to at least keep our hair controlled until then.

Before someone asks why I can't just have a family member do it for me, I've already asked, and none of them seem to care how much I want to get rid of the stupid fur, they aren't willing to help me do so. Well, those that'd have the time to. The only person in my family who knows about me so far is far too busy all the time. My situation would be likely to get worse before getting better if I told my parents whom I presently live with.

Thank you for giving this a look at, random strangers, who I hope to be friends,


(Maybe Abigail, still haven't really decided yet, while I have no aversion to my male nickname as my female name, it might help to avoid confusion if it's radically different? Or perhaps it'll cause less confusion if it's my male nickname? I'm really fond of both names... Gah! So hard to decide! Hm, just had a thought while previewing this, nothing's stopping me from using both names, one as my middle. Abigail Drew... sounds nice, I think, and no one would think it odd if I answer to Drew on reflex while in girl mode if it's my middle name... ... The more I consider it, the more I like it. I shall be Abigail Drew.)

So, let's try this again.

Thank you for giving this a look at, random strangers, who I hope to be friends,

Abigail Drew.