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Child maintenance excuses revealed...


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Clipped from today's Independent - a UK newspaper.

"A hardcore of parents are trying to avoid paying child maintenance using "ridiculous" excuses - including a footballer earning  £4,000 a week who said he could not pay off arrears because of the cost of keeping his Ferrari on the road, a government report revealed today.

The Child Support Agency released a list of the worst excuses, with some parents saying it was against their human rights to have pay deducted from their salaries.

Need help, please!!!!?

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As you all know that I have been careing for my 84'year old grandmother with my dad for the past well over half a year. Who has been going altzy, unfortunitely its getting worse, and worse and worse. I am on call 24/7 even with dads help it is literally overwhelming us, especially me. I feel like I am about to blow, not scream or hollar but like some serious mental and emotional breakdown. I can't even take a 15 minute shower without her banging on the door for help. the past 3 days alone i must have gotten maybe 8 hours sleep total.

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004) My boobs are sore.

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Let's see how many hits that title gets. LOL.

So yeah, my boobs are sore and tits extra puffy, have been all day today. No sign of strange lumps though, I have a feeling I'm about to grow some more. I also noticed something else over the last couple weeks: my body hair isn't growing back in as quickly, thickly, or coarsely, as it used to...

Anyone who's transitioned find that they noticed their body hair start to change last, or is this something weird with my particular inadvertent diet induced feminizing?

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07) Drew Pattengale told me something interesting...

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Drew Pattengale told me something very interesting at work today, but I'm not sharing.

Ok, ok, I'll give you a hint. When I first started writing Open Your Heart, I had no idea what was causing Pattengale's hormonal imbalance. He told me at work today what it is. But I'm not telling you any more than that! Well, ok, it's not his diet.

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Karen J. in Hospital

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Hello, I'm Karen's brother. Karen was admitted to the hospital last night after an apparent drug overdose. She is out of danger, but will remain in the hospital for at least a couple of weeks, so she won't be around for awhile. She could use your thoughts and prayers.

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About "Justice?"

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I wanted to talk for a moment about my last story, "Justice?" When I started with the idea, I planned to make it two stories - "The Defense" and "The Prosecution" Basically, first we would see her grief at the rape and death of her sister, and her need for some kind of justice. Then we would see the other side - the insanity of trying to take the law into her own hands, and the horror of the method she used to try and punish them. But the story took on a life of its own, and I was left with her awaking to her own guilt, and making the choice to seek the punishment of the law for her actions.

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This would be my first Blog, eh?

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I probably won't do this alot, and honestly I have never, ever, done anything like this before even when told I should by whatever psychologist I was seeing at the time, I just never felt interesting enough to write about what is going on with me. I kind of am on a last thread here and was like, "I have become more active here and less of a lurker, I feel down, I think I will go to Topshelf..." So I end up here and think about my options from the home page, go someplace else, read a I will do that for once. So here I am.

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Bike - Cathy's amnesia

Something which has been buzzing round my head for a little while is what happens to us if we suffer Alzheimer's, dementia or some major head injury - would we still retain our new gender or revert back? I don't know the answer and hope never to find out personally, but hence the recent theme in Bike.



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Andrews Dilemma Season 2

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Andrew Dilemma season 2 - Jessica's Journey, should be out in the next few days. I just finished part 1 of the story today.

I have been taking a bit of a break and recharging my batteries while trying to find a new direction to take the story.


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My (Extra) Ordinary Family -- My Kid Is Transgender" Wednesd

On ABC-TV tonight there will be a show concerning transgendered teen and pre-teens. I have no idea what the bias is or if it is well done. A review can be found at the link below. I also do not know the bias of the review.

The show teaser indicates they will be a MtF and a FtM discussed.


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Bireley's Orange Drink


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A question for people who grew up in Southern California that'd save me some (non-online) research time:

Bireley's non-carbonated orange drink was a regional product manufactured here in the San Francisco Bay Area in the fifties and into the sixties. (Oddly, a licensee in Japan apparently sells a drink by that name even today.)

I know it was available in the Bay Area, the north part of the state and in the Central Valley as well. But I don't know about SoCal. Can anyone help me on that?

I'm Not Invisible... Update

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Internet access has been disconnected (along with cable, meaning that, due to a lack of the digital converters, there is a lack of even local programming and effectively no news intake), cutting me off from the larger world, due to a bill payment that someone forgot to make...


I love life.

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being super hormonal

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I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm a little wigged out by how super hormonal I am - crying one second, laughing the next, total emotional roller-coaster thing. If I'm like this now, what the heck am I going to be like if they let me take estrogen?

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anyone know a way to add an Author to the Favorites list?


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I know there is a way to add a story to the Favorites list but what about an Author?

There are so many good ones here that it would be like an extra 'Kudo' to be on a list of Favorite Authors. I know mine would have many of you !

Well just a Thought.



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that theres no update again but i'm still waiting on the postman to let me install my new s/h monitor on my PC. (cable in the post)

I will be doing one asap


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Real Heroes

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Most of you will never have heard of Daniel Morcombe or his family. The Morcombes are a family living on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland...that's about an hour-and-a-half's drive north of Brisbane.

Daniel was a 13-year-old boy who went Christmas shopping eight years ago and never returned. He was last seen at a bus-stop on his way home. His bones and a pair of shoes have just been discovered about twenty miles away from his home in a swamp.

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The Family Girl #008: Blackout No More!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #8: Blackout No More!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Power's back on!   Yayyy!

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Totally Bummed; Slightly Optimistic

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I Hate to Cut My Hair!!!

I had two years worth of luscious locks going. It was halfway down my spine.

Sadly, I've been out of work for almost as long. I've got what looks to be a great opportunity coming up. Sadly, I can't even consider going for the job with my lovely coif. Eighteen inches of thick, curly, chestnut hair has been donated to those who might need it more than me.

I just hope it brings as much joy to the new wearers.;)

Love, Hugs, And Blessings,
A Much Shorter Haired Jonelle ;0

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Need help naming some Aliens

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Well, I have introduced a new set of characters into my Katia story and need some help with names. They are about a foot tall, fly, and live in the woods on Malok's home world. So far Malok's race have just considered them to be about the equivalent of mosquitos but have not engaged in an eradication campaign on them, rather choosing to stay away from them.

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Im glad that everything has worked out and that Erin has been able to keep Bob's sites up and running this is what he would have wanted. Im glad he touched so many of you and in some way still is. I know he is looking down on us and keeping us all safe. If I know him he probably has heaven with internet access and is keeping an eye on all of his sites.

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Had a nightmare yesterday

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I had a nightmare yesterday. I dreamt I heard a woman's voice telling me to be careful, that "They" were coming close and that I was unarmed. The fear in the voice was enough to wake me, and I found it hard to go back to sleep again. Here's hoping today I sleep better, I don't need to be driving to work drowsy.

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The Family Girl #007: Blackout Bagels

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #7: Blackout Bagels

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Moe hasn't come home yet, which is a good thing, I suppose.   At least she skipped the power blackout.

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Fairytales and you

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For someone who spend almost a year reading books by the Brothers Grimm, I can be dense sometimes. Except for the fact that before I put pen to paper I switched the number from 12 to 16, Fairytale Princess is a retelling of the fairytale The Twelve Dancing Princesses.

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What will they think of next?!

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On the one hand, it's a 16 GB USB flash drive.

On the other, it can also be used in a completely different 'port'.

I'm not entirely sure who'd want to pay $140 for this, and would you really want to use it for one purpose after using it for the other purpose?

Needless to say, there's plenty of joking in the "Best Rated" comments.

Read more to find out what I'm wittering on about: Here's the article (in the Daily Wail, of all places!)

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Sheer Agony that I did to myself.

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I tried what was reported to be the hottest hot sauce in the World. 'The Source' is rated at seven point one million scoville units. Considering Jalapeno peppers that are rated at three to five thousand units this was a milestone. The host stuck a metal wire in a one ounce bottle of hot sauce and then just touched my tongue. For the next half hour I was in agony. I have been pepper sprayed before, as part of work, (3 million scoville units) and didn't feel as bad. Water didn't help, milk didn't help and cold Heineken didn't help. No ice cream was available.

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*Shocking News*

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It is with great sadness and a few scrapes and hurts that i have to announce the demise of my faithful steed Foxy. On the way home tonight she hada major failure which luckily occured on a bit of traffic free road as i ended up in a heap on the floor.

I think someones trying to tell me something as i only lost Ginny a few weeks ago so a double bike bereavement is a bit of a hint.

I've escaped serious injury so thats good i think and it could have happened on our recent trip around Denmark or on a busy road.


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Extremity of characters' reactions to others coming out

I started to post this as a comment on a specific story, then decided it makes more sense as an observation about tg fiction in general than a criticism on a specific story, because the problem I noticed (if it is a problem) is pretty common.

Namely, an awful lot of characters in tg fiction, when they find out about another character being transsexual or gay or both, have one of two extreme reactions -- total, instant acceptance, with displays of affection (if the author wants us to sypathize with the character) or extreme bigotry, very vocal and possibly violent (if the author wants us not to sympathize).

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The Family Girl #006: Ghost Girl

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #6: Ghost Girl

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

It's 2:30am now as I start writing this - a dark, windy and rainy early Sunday (or is it late Saturday evening)   Appropriate, I guess, for what I am writing right now.   Yes, honey - this is a ghost story.   It's even true.   And I'm all alone right now, writing about it.

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Author Jaye Michael Passed Away, August 9, 2011

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I just learned that author Jaye Michael, BigCloset author, passed away earlier this month. Jaye's story, 'Neath Quicksilver's Moon, is being continued by Levanah at Jaye's request.

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05) Sorry... OYH will be delayed again.

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Better get used to it. Unfathomably, they seem to actually like my performance at work and plan to keep me around at least to first snow. It was originally supposed to be just a summer job, just till my brother got back on his feet, but he's back on his feet, and they've extended my hire. Now let's just see if they extend it again through the winter months...

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A bemusing whirlwind, my life is.

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There has been OH, so much change in my life; mostly good ones, or at least something different. Oregon is once again pleasant, though I did not want to return. Memories of the past made it very unpleasant at first but since my arrival, some very pleasant people have come into my life.

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Was Sick! Now I Am Back

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Was Sick! Now I Am Back

By Stanman63

On the last night that I was here, I was rushed to the hospital because I was literally drowning in my body fluids. I was out for four days as the doctors gave me meds to absorb the excess water which has also reduced my weight by quite a bit. I am still a bit weak, so won't get into helping with stories until then. I know that several have sent me a PM about being sick. Thank you for your concern.

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New Feature Added! RetroClassic Commentary!

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In the More Shortcuts box, you'll find a new link, repeated below. These are selected stories that are at least one year old and have had recent comments made on them. Enjoy!


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Here we go again

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Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to France we go.

Sadly, it's not permanent yet, but we're not ruling that out for March of next year - maybe sooner if we can. Still we ARE going to do it, never mind how long it takes.

This time, we have the last bits of the flat's decorating and stuff to do so that we can hand the keys over to the letting agent for letting on our behalf. That way, hopefully, it will look after the cost of running the house.

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The merits of ferrets

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For those of you who can watch UK television repeats, this one on the Channel4 website may be interesting, as one of the ferret rescuers is a pre-op TS called Kelly. All three of the subjects seem as traumatised as the ferrets they rescue.

See what you think.


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Help! Some of you may remember...

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Edeyn ... back in early 2009, I was in pretty dire straits, and asked for help. Some of you responded wonderfully, with a loan through PayPal... and then PayPal and I had issues, and I ended up having to refund the help people sent! It is exceedingly hard to know that there is help, but it's just out of reach, you know?
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003) On the Origins of My Account Name

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This entry is inspired in part by the thread on Character Names on the writer's forum.

NOTE: This entry is now outdated, my account name at the time of original posting had been slicersv. This had also been back when I was still hiding from myself. All entries which predate "To Be, Or Not To Be" technically predate my coming out to myself, though there's an interesting progression, reading them back over...

My most commonly used internet moniker is actually the name of one of my oldest characters who's still on speaking terms with me.

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Holly Happy Hart - Prayer Needed

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I'm passing on a prayer request (or good thoughts, wishes, whatever your tradition is).
Holly moved from the San Francisco area to Indianapolis in June. Those of you who know her, know what a loving and caring woman she is. She has been to the doctors, and will be undergoing surgery most probably next week.
Holly has pancreatic cancer.
Earlier this year, Holly had difficulties. The doctors did a biopsy, and it did not show any cancerous cells.
It does now.
PLEASE, according to your tradition or beliefs, pray for Holly.

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Looking for an older story...


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Okay So I am first off curious if anyone pays much attention to Fictionmania, because I found that site before any BigCloset site. But mainly I am looking for a story, I was reminded of it because I saw SpaceTran and was like oh! I loved that story nostalgia ensued upon seeing Skipper as well and I had the thought, oh, I wonder what the name of that one story was. Anyway long story short I decided to reach out and see if anyone knew it, but as I had only seen it on Fictionmania I am not certain, and it was a few years ago.

Barnesville Potato fest

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Day 1

Set up Tanya's booth for her 31 gifts thing she does. Lots cool stuff here. A couple spaces over is a guy selling wooden swords.

Across from us is the chainsaw carved animals. So many plaves to spend money.

And the food court is a block away

Get to see the miss tater tot festival too.

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Sorry I've had everyone worried

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Let me start by saying, I'm sorry I worried everyone. I really and truly mean that. I'm going through a lot of crap right now in the real world, but I promise it's been worth it, even if I'm more uncertain now about myself than I've ever been.

I can't promise that any of this will make any sense at all to anyone else; it sure as hell doesn't make any sense in my head right now. It's been a lot of jumbled, raw emotions.

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Singin the MP-3 Blues

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So, I don't know a lot about 'puters and don't want to know more than I have to about the Devil's machine. :) I just wanna use one.

So, I have this CD called "Tabla Turbo" that is belly dancing music, and not on I tunes or any place like that. So, my roomate told me that I could just buy a thumb drive and use my computer to copy the CD to the Drive. I did not think I could do it due to copyright crankiness, but he insisted I could, so I tried. Well, as you can probably guess, that did not work. So for music CD's that are not main stream, how can this be done?

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The Evilest Day of the YearTM, REALLY evil. Would *I* lie?

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Today is The Evil BlondeTM's birthday.

BOTH she, my baby sister, and Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley Cyrus AKA Hanna Montana's dad turned fifty.

As her OLDER brother I, of course, remain the youthful one.

John in Wauwatosa

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I always find it interesting when characters have revelations about things that the author (or authoress) has known for some time...

Take for instance Chapter 41 of Mistake, which I am working on in a window not far away from the one that I type this post in. Morgan has finally realized that she's been submitting to Katie for the better part of a year. (Did anyone else see this coming?) Right now the two of them are at the mall, and Katie picked out their clothes when they got up and Katie is wearing pants and Morgan's in a skirt...

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Well, this isnt working out according to plan

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Well, today is not going well. I had the idea of creating a little Spells R Us story, something light and fluffy and full of wish-fulfillment. So I started with the simple idea of me (with a different name, but me, nevertheless) running into the Wizard. Unfortunately, its not going according to plan. I may end up with the most depressing SRU story in history ....

Ah, well.

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Interesting news item

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I heard on the news a bit ago that Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, IL will become the college in the United States to directly ask prospective students on admission forms if they consider themselves members of the LGBT community. The question is optional and doesn't affect acceptance. Answering yes might qualify them for up to a 30% scholarship against tuition.

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Anyone out there self published for Kindle?

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I'm keen to publish some of my stories for Kindle and following the instructions on the Amazon website, I dutifully downloaded Mobipocket to compile and produce a Kindle compliant file.

The issue however came when I discovered that instead of the four or five simple steps Amazon put in their instructions, which should't have taken more than a few minutes, I have spent the best part of the last day and a half trying to compile and build my story into Kindle format. Getting the story into the right format wasn't the problem ... well, not entirely anyway.

So what was the problem?

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Jack's life postponed for health reasons

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I am working a new version of Jack’s life but it will be a while before I get it done. I have been seeing several doctors over the last six months as my health has not been so good.

I will continue the story when I get to feeling better.

I have been losing a lot of weight and having severe migraines’ that make me cry.
they last anywhere from 3 to five days at a time.

Will post more info when all the tests are done.


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fighting off PTSD

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I woke up a bit shaky today, with flashbacks coming on and off all day, but I managed to keep my head, and focused on things like my little dog. Then this evening I decided I should write a letter to my step-father, since most of my flashbacks today were about him. I may publish it, I don't know yet. Anyway, the day ended on a good note with my daughter coming over. We took the dog for a walk, and ran into a huge desert tortoise being walked by its owner. My dog actually didn't mind the creature, and gave it a good sniff on its behind like it was a fellow dog.

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RE: Through the years: Tracy emerging part 10

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So you know, the next chapter of Tracy's story will be a bit delayed. That's why I posted a second one today.

I will be out of town and away from my computer until possibly Monday. And I don't have another set up to send off of editing. Sorry for the delay, but I promise it will get better.

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I've got a silly little dog

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This morning, I was using my electric shaver to remove the hair from my arms, legs, and chest when my dog decided she needed to investigate the noise. You'd think a dog would be scared of a shaver, but she seemed to think I needed comforting during the procedure, as she nuzzled me as I worked to remove my hair. I love my little dog.

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Stardust is up and running on the lilypad server!

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If you don't get the site, it just means the DNS may not have cleared for you yet. Try to force a reload by holding down the shift or control key and clicking to reload the page. :)

Again, Piper has done most of the work. :)


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Road to Myself 19: Vacation '11

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Road to Myself - 19: Vacation '11
Annette MacGregor

Going on a family vacation - with outsiders who only know the OTHER you... Are there questions? Are there moments of awkwardness? What about vacationing in a state with no protections?

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Virginia Earthquake.

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I felt nothing, although my housemate and her Daughter said they did. It was a 5.9 quake centered in Mineral, Virginia. No word yet on injuries/deaths/property damage anywhere and no damage of any kind or injuries here in Southwestern New York State.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Andrew’s Dilemma

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I have decided to continue the series,mostly because of the all the responses that I have received. At the moment I am not sure where the story will lead but that is part of the fun of writing. I would like to thank everyone who left comments because it's your input that helps me most when it comes to where the story is going to lead and I hope you have enjoyed reading Andrews Dilemma as much as I have writing it. The next part of the series should be out on the weekend provided I can find the time.

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Need help: checking grammar after translation from German -> English


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Hi to everybody,

I'm new here from Germany. I write for some time stories for myself. Now I would like to post it here.

I need help to check my story for the right grammar.

My workflow in the meantime is as follow:

1. Write my story with In Design.

2. Translate part of my stories with Goggle translator.

3. Check the grammar with word.

4. Check the grammar personally.

But I think there are still mistakes.

So I search for an editor to check my grammar and it will be the best if he speaks German too. Because than She / He will be able to read the original story.

Religious Characters In A Story - The Balance?


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When you have characters that come from a religious background in a story, how far should you go in describing their background and avoid coming off preachy?

My character in Open Your Heart was raised LDS, he's gone pretty well inactive because he doesn't feel comfortable at meetings anymore, however, he still believes in everything, and his parents are still very active.

Two stories you may have read

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A year or so ago I got upset and removed my stories, the only one left behind was I, Actor,
I did write two stories under an alias they were A Bitter Wife and The Pawn, The name I used was Marcie Diane.
I am now at peace and contentment, my meds work for me and I learned to ask some simple questions for my self:

Did I do something to make the situation go bad?

Do I have control of the situation?

Is it my fault?

When I can answer no to each of them, I go about my business and do not rant or rave.

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about my last couple of pieces

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I wanted to take a moment to talk about my last couple of pieces. First, to put "Night Entries" to bed, I wanted to mention that its sort of Maeryn's fault. I was reading her story "Trick of the Mind.", and I kept seeing the little blerb at the start saying it was for the challenge "Written from the heart." I started thinking - what if I wrote something from the heart? What would it look like? And then the idea of an autobiography just seemed to fall into place. Then I made the choice to write it like I had a diary in those days, and the story flowed from there.

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U.K. Video alert.

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Something on one of the satellite channels, Mon. 29th Aug, that people in the U.K. may find interesting. Have not seen any previews so I don't know what it will be like but I have set my PVR.

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Am I being too descriptive in my stories,although I have received many complimentary emails about my descriptions I have also received others that my description are on occassions too much.

Okay I`m not the most elegant writer and my english. spelling and phraseology leaves a lot to be desired, but hey I`m an ex soldier turned truck driver with no fancy degrees just the basic state level of education for the 1950`s and 60`s.

One of my stories called "Control" was slaughtered so much I`ve decided to discontinue it.



Britain's youngest drag queen.

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Spotted this story about 12 year old Redvers Stokes who won his village's annual competion with a drag act character called 'Naughty Nora'. Personally, I think his parents have a good, healthy attitude to his act. All to often it is the negative responces that can cause problems for young males who enjoy dressing up.

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Andrew’s Dilemma Part 24

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spoiler alert

a meteorite falls from the sky kills everyone except for the cockroaches there pretty much indestructible.

Just kidding, but you will have to wait a little longer Wren has the draft to be edited but it should be posted soon.


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Since I write crap

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Since I have been told so nicely that I write crap in my latest post and since the reads are so low I will be discontinuing my current series and will refrain from posting anything new for quite some time. I will continue to visit to check out some blogs and will most likely post a story some time during Christmas if I get around to it.

I thank all those who have been supportive. But spending 3 hours typing so I could post a story to be told I write crap and suggest that I enjoy abusive situations makes the endeavor not really worth my time and energy.

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Melody Blossoms

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My new novel is available for purchase on smashwords.

It's a comedy about a crossdressing boy and his adventures with his friends in a small town. It's not meant to be realistic or to deal with transgender issues, it's just a zany little romp with lots of off-the-wall costumes and predicaments.

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Deja Vue

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Well, here it comes again. I shall be away for a while this weekend at the festival that features so strongly in my stories. I shall have instruments with me...but I shall not be writing.

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"The remarkable lives on Newark sanitation truck No. 2646"

Here's a very sympathetic story from a major US newspaper about a transgendered sanitation worker. It includes a link to a video.


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A simple pre-writing poll...

I wanted to try and guage the potential reaction before I actually write and post it here when complete. I was thinking back on some of the stories I have read through the years and there is one that sticks out with me. It's called "King of Bandits: Jing" by Yuichi Kumakura. it is somewhat old-ish, with the first printings on the first series being sone in the late 1990's and early 2000's, with twilight Tales (the second of two series) being completed by the mid-2000's.

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04) OK, Chapter 3 tomorrow, hopefully.

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Since there will be a mostly harmless shower scene, I'm probably going to raise the rating to R for this chapter, simply because there will be some description of female nudity and bathing. Nothing overtly sexual, thanks to it being from Drew's perspective, were the same shower scene written from Christina's perspective... Might have to take it up even higher ;P

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03) Two options...

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So... Chapter 3 could possibly be done... maybe.

I'm having difficulty deciding whether to post the chapter as-is, with only half as many words as the other two chapters so far and most other chapters are likely to have, and this, having taking over twice as long to write. Or, switch back from Janet's perspective to Drew's and keep writing (which is what would happen anyways, but as a new chapter), probably wind up taking until late Sunday to finish, and ending up with a chapter-and-half chapter length.

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Read it fast, this may not be available beyond today

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Here is an interesting cartoon I found in today's paper.

This is a direct link to the strip that may be gone tomorrow.

You may be able to see it later by clicking on September 03 2010 in the upper right corner for a while longer.

I'm not familiar with the site, just happened across it in the Indianapolis Star online.

Why September 03 2010 showed up today, I have no idea.

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Critical Mass

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I had a Critical comment left for me and I read it just a while ago. I honestly thought in my mind 'How dare you call my baby ugly" sort of thoughts. I read and re read the comment and eventually saw the commenter's point... all very good critiques and I'm sure very reasonable... I replied without heat (or not too much) and tried not to be Snarky... but I felt like someone had attacked me... now I think... who am I writing for... Me first of course... I write what I want to read... in this case, comic book stories with comic book science and physics... I'm not a scientist or engineer...

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Much better, and writing choices

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Well, I'm doing much better. Thanks to all who took the time to send a message of encouragement. Meanwhile, I decided to work on some lighter writing projects rather than do something depressing. Stay tuned!

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