Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Busy Week

Since last Tuesday the following has happened:

I've posted 8 parts of Bike
3 Short stories

which involved 19,062 words

8,785 hits*
823 Kudos*

I used to get "Could do better" regularly written on my school report, so I suppose, I'll have to try harder.


* at the time of counting.

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01) Official Chapter Readings

While at work today I experienced an epiphany... I think the thought was something along the lines of I might actually be able to catch up with my reading of Angharad's Bike serial if I could just copy a buncha chapters to my phone in audio format and listen to them while at work... Which led me to, well, what if other people wanted to listen to my story while doing other things instead of taking the time out of their day just to specifically read. Or maybe even they might want to read along with me and hear the way I voice the characters in my head when writing.

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Whee! More fun for Heathers


I get to start classes this fall. The VA Voc Rehab people are paying for it! So I get to go back to school and learn something that might be helpful in terms of getting a job. And what am I going for? Mental Health Counseling.

That's right I am going to shrink heads! And I wonder what I am going to focus in. :) Our community could always use another shrink, right? Besides, I can work on getting published and take classes. It will be awesome.

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God Save the Queen - Chapter 15 Delayed

As many of you know Nancy and I have striven to make sure that each chapter of God Save the Queen has been published on time every Tuesday for the last 14 weeks.
Sadly I've just managed to break that. Real world dramas and workload on my part (not Nancy who is far better organised and disciplined) have left me somewhat behind on Chapter 15, so I must apologise that it will be a few days late.

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Scary stuff, man, scary effin stuff...

A quick summary of recent history, so those of you that don't think like I do can understand my slight cause for concern.

First, there was the unrest in Egypt that brought down the ruling party there. i think it safe to assume that most of us are at least passingly familiar with what all went down there. Then, like a contagioun, the unrest spread through out the Middle East. Some places there was no voilence. Others... Well, look to the current situation in Lybia as an example. not there is this:

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A Little Gossip, A Little Chat, A little Idle Talk...

It's been a tough 4 or 5 years. Let's see, I told my kids I was transsexual, my church refused to renew my pastor's license, One of my children informed me in no uncertain terms that he wished I HAD killed my self about 3 or 4 years ago. And, it grieves me so but I have to admit, if only to myself (Okay, and all of you!!) that my marriage was shattered years ago, what little is left has been held together my my love, my unwillingness to give up, and a barrel of superglue.

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*Le Sigh*

As much as I like to watch lightning storms, which is quite alot I assure you, the ones that have been showing up in my part of the world have been quite depressing as of late. It sucks like that. And the power is about to go out. So, here's hoping nothing too bad comes of this and the power isn't out for too long. There's a bit too much rain blocking the view of the sky, so I can't get a good view of Mother Nature's own light show.

I find that rther annoying... >_>

Minor update (A.K.A. looking for something to do less than a minute after original posting.) :

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Whedonfest was awesome. I think we raised about 800 or more for charity, but it's too soon to tell. Once the final accounting is done we will have a better idea. Great people, lots of fun, and some fun cosplay. One I figured everyone might get a kick out of was a friend of mine dressed as Mal, if Mal was a hot girl instead of a guy. Same shirt and suspenders, same gun, but the short shorts were epic. Very fun outfit and she looked good in it. My FtM friend Dorian dressed as Tony Stark, Simon Tam and Spike from Buffy. Lots of fun.

Now I can hopefully get my brain back and do some writing.

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making contingency plans

Well, I'm making some contingency plans in case things really go into the crapper here. I may have to get a second (third, maybe, since I'm also helping the ex and taking care of my daughter) job. Under those circumstances, I don't know when I would sleep ... The other thing I can do is figure out where I can save money - without totally sacrificing my dreams of being able to at least be on hormones. "Tight" don't even cover it. Ah, well.

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Decision time

Well, here I sit in my finest skirt and top reading BC/TS trying to force myself to make a decision. Do I stay at home and enjoy 'Kerry Time' or go play on the stock market? Quick check of the figures, the stock figures, not mine. Not looking like much encouragement to work. Oh well, decision made and unfortunately someone out there needs my help.

Enjoy the day it can only get better.


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Quick note on Rusted Blade.

A bit of a quick note on rusted blade. For people fallowing the story you might have noticed the lack of posting this week. This was intentional, we are kind of at the climax of the story. So we have decided to hold off posting until the story is completed. The big reason for this is that breaking up the story into weekly chapters as everything finally comes together would just be to evil, even for me.

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Joan Joyce- The best Ted Williams ever faced

ESPN has an article on Joan. She was one of the greatest softball pitchers of all-time and I knew her very slightly back in the mid-1980's. Joan played golf at the same golf course my late father did.

There have been a few women pitchers who can get male professional baseball players out.

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Hair removal - Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Does anyone here have experience with hair (beard) removal by Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)? Would you please share your experience?

How does IPL compare to laser and/or electrolisys?

The only place in my country that is offering "permanent hair removal", that I could find, is doing IPL, and they quoted me for 8-10 sessions @ US$150 each (with the legal minimum wage being about US$400 per month).

I am looking for testimonials and/or recomendations. Thank you.



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The rug has been pulled out from under us

Well, just when things started to go well, my mother got a notice from her bankruptcy lawyer. Apparently, she has not been paying him, nor has she been doing what he told her to do. So now he is suing her to get a garnish on her wages to make her pay. I'm trying to get her to talk to a professional counselor, its clear she's not making good decisions, but I'm not having much luck. She told me the reason why she has kept this from me is because she thought I was too fragile myself until very recently when I started working as Dorothy, by which point it was too late for me to help much.

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Southern Comfort - It's a small world

First I found BC/TS.
I found stories that were well written, not all about sex, realistic and within a community who actually cared for others, not just about their own voices.
After a while I plucked up the courage and stopped lurking, though the next step was just as hard as I tried posting a story. Thank god no one shot it down in flames as I think we all are terrified and exceptionally fragile at that first post.

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Computer Problems and New Ideas

Hi, I'm having sporadic computer issues (I think I overloaded it) so while it's up, I thought I would let anyone looking for me know, I'll try to be on, but I'm downloading a bunch of files to DVD discs so that I can free up some memory. I have a 500G backup, but I don't know how to use it!

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What a strange day so far

So it's my birthday today and through Facebook I've gotten a bunch of wall to wall postings. I managed to get yelled at on one by my brothers wife for using the word...and I kid you not...Porn.

She got mad because I'm not setting a good example for any kids who may be reading the posts. Like my brothers kids, one of who had put things far worse on his own posts. I have no children and I'm not truly a fan of the drooling little snot factories anyway. So I'm having fun writing back and forth with my brother and four friends when she steps in and ruins my fun.

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My summer Odyssey so far

It’s been a hectic summer. I had hoped to post sooner but real life has a way of messing up intentions. I took my vacation and loved it... despite the heat rash from hell in the nether regions I managed to get on the first day. (Note to self: dummy!!!! wear shorts on 90+ degree days when you’re going to do a lot of walking!)

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Happy Birthday to me.

AsI sit here alone celebrating my 47th birthday I know why I have become somewat alone.

I do not belong in society. Always on the outside looking in. Never able to commit to a relationship.

Too much of a coward to take my own life.

Counting the days down for death all because I never had a chance to live.

No danger here. Just a faux boy wondering "what if?"

Learning to live in my own skin.

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Be prepared

for oodles of useless descriptions of fieldwork - I'm dormousing tomorrow - simply for research purposes of course, then cycling on Sunday - more research, naturally.

I shall probably be exhausted after the weekend (if not before) but it's been a very busy week work wise, so doing something different should be good - and those little furry critters are so cute - no not cyclists, dormice - duh!



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Whedonfest charity opportunity

For those of you who are unable to make it to the epic event that is Whedonfest, we are sad that you can't join us. There will be pictures posted and stories told of the awesome stuff auctioned, the events and all that. However for those of you who can't make it but want to give to a good cause, please send money. Saying it with green is a lovely way to share the love. You can go to the Whedonites United Paypal account, at [email protected], and enter it in as a gift.

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Social Security Administration

Okay, my day is better, well a bit. I took my daughter to the SSA to get a replacement SS card and while I was there I decided to talk to them and see if I could get my gender marker changed. The woman initially asked if I had my birth certificate. I did not but I explained that I was a MtF who had undergone transition and that this had caused problems with jobs in the past. She talked to her supervisor and came back and said that they could just change things for me. I was blown away. So another legal thing taken care of with no fuss. YAY!!

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The Nightingale's Song

I'm working up a new story on my writing website, called The Nightingale's Song.

Well ...'new' is a bit misleading - it is a story based on one I wrote half a dozen years ago and posted on fictionmania.

This is not a reposting though. When I wrote "Redemption Song" I was intrigued with the idea of starting a story without exposition - just 'jumping in' and letting the back story trickle out as the plot progressed.

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Dogs, Balloons, and Birthday Fairies

My dentist gave me a balloon for my birthday (Friday) and the dog thinks it's an evil fairy out to get her. :) She stands at the end of the main hall barking at it where I trapped it in the back hall. Except it just now escaped and yes, headed immediately for a fan. I only just saved it and nearly tripped over the dog who was running along looking up at it. It's now corralled in the kitchen with its string tied to a cast iron frying pan.

It came tied to a bag of cookies but we managed to free the cookies earlier. Mmm. Chocolate chip raisin. :)


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Public acceptance

You know, soon I should stop being surprised I pass. For example, I went to my local mall to print a couple of my stories out at the library (My personal printer has decided to commit suicide). After I was done that, I went to the food court and grabbed a taco salad (I'm slowly teaching my body to enjoy healthy food). A couple of old ladies came up as I was finishing, and asked me for the time, so I got to flash my new watch. Then, when I got home, a young boy asked me to look our front garden for a ball. As far as I could tell, they saw nothing even slightly unusual about me.

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Okay, I may not be the first one to point out that when you search for complete stories, solo stories do not show up in the search?

By definition, a Solo story would therefore be a complete story, yes?

Therefore, why do the not automatically wind up with the 'complete' category associated with them?

Is there some way to search the solo stories and complete all at the same time?



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Was I given Testosterone?

I was just reading a story and it seemed to jog something in my memory. Ever wary of false memories, I am fairly certain that this one is the real McCoy.

I was a tiny, effiminate boy, in the 5th percentile on weight and 25th percentile on height at around 12 years old. I know that this was post pubescent because I started at 10, but Mr Wiggly required very infrequent attention.

Along about this time, Mom started bringing home "Vitamins", little gell pills about the size of a pea. By the time I was about 17 I was about 5'6" and around 135lbs, I think.

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Too technical?

I suppose this can be a generalized question as well, but I do have a specific example this time. Is it possible to use descriptions that are too technical in nature to make sense to all but a few readers?

My specific example is for the next chapter of my story, Open Your Heart. In it, my character describes his first time actually having a glove fit like a glove. My character is a major geek and describes the experience as such:


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I bought a ladies watch last night

Well, last night, I gave myself a belated birthday present. I used the gift card my brother had given me for my birthday, and bought myself a ladies watch. I also bought some foundation and cleanser as well. Just wearing the watch last night at work was enough to lighten my spirits considerably. That's a very good thing.

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Why I haven't been around as much

Just thought I would let people know. We're still going through some personal issues. My work schedule has changed and I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with my kids before my son goes to Afghanistan in a couple of months.

Because of the change in my work schedule, I rarely have enough time to devote to writing as I'd like (one reason you sometimes see typos in my work is that I'll try to write as much as possible in a short time and know real private and personal place to save them).

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Big Busts - The Real Thing?

I was frustrated as an author when I first started writing on Fictionmania in 2002 that I couldn't find the kind of products which would transform my male characters into realistic-looking women. So, the Big Busts shop was born, and I filled it with my own fictional items which I developed in that and subsequent stories.

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Not to make this sound like a bunch of out farts but I am having surgery agin this wednesday 8/3 having my right hip replaced so it will match the left hip the good point about this is if I die in the woods they will know who I am by the serial numbers the bad aprt is it is bad news a the airport I set off so many bells you would think I hit the JACKPOT in Vegas and then a trip to the little room for a strip search WHAT FUN when they find my panties --- see you all the beginning of neaxt week as I am coming home from the hospital THANKS to everybody for being my friends -- LOVE YOU ALL -- RICH

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On writing

I am very new to writing, so I don't know very much about it. All I do konw, is that one comes up with an idea and tries to convey that idea in words and discriptions. My writing process is usually typing/writing down what comes to my head as it comes to my head. I have not used an outline before (in writing) and I'm not too sure how it helps. Im wanting to increase my writing ability and skills, but I'm kind of stuck. If any of you out there in Interweb Land would like to share how you write, it would probably help alot.

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Ok..... So this is the first time I have posted here.(I have been around TG sites ever since I fiq out why I was diff. used to hang out with all the other girls in P.P. with auntie June a lonnnnnnng time ago) So not sure where this is going :P . anyways I put that I play online games in my sig , I notice a few others also play . So my question is what game to you play and what type of Character do you play and why? ok for me DDO (Dungeons and Dragons online) I love my Rogue Types with the ranger/rogue/monk spash and a pure rogue as my fav's.

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Originally a comment for Maggie Finsons Shades of Grey

I had originally posted this in the comment section of the final chapter of Maggie Finson's Shades Of Grey, in Lilith Langtree's Comics Retcon Universe.

After posting there, i realized i had to share this broadly..

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what's in your purse

Here is a quick little game - can you tell what's in your purse, right now, without looking? In mine I have my wallet, keys, a pair of clip-on earrings, an eyeshadow kit with a mirror, a container with 2 types of blush, one tube of lipstick, one tube of lip gloss, and my carry letter. Anyone else want to play?


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Plans right now are that Piper and I will combine our business interests into a company to be called QnEZ, LLC. I will provide capital and Piper will provide contacts and expertise to operate CyberBrats Hosting as a division of QnEZ. Doppler Press publishing and BigLittleUs marketing will be other divisions, most likely. (QnEZ is a name I own with a non-registered trademark.)

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My mom doesnt handle stress well

And her favorite way of dealing with stress tends to be by giving stress to someone else. For example, when my mother woke me up in a panic shortly after I had gotten asleep yesterday to ask me what to do about the dog, and I suggested a vet and went back to bed, Apparently I was supposed to go with her, despite needing my sleep for my night shift. This led her to say there isnt much feminine about me, either now or in the past. Somehow the fact that I held down a job as a nurse's aid for 10 years doesnt count. Ah, well

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The Family Girl #005: Gonna make it after all

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #5: Gonna make it after all

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I'm sure you've had one of those. You know - one of those songs that refuse to go away, that keeps on rolling around in your head and you keep on humming or singing it for days on end. And, sometimes, you even end up "infecting" those around you, and they end up with the same song in their heads, too? I've had my share of those kinds of songs. And I have a new song to add to this list.

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Searching for a story

I was sure that I had read a story here called "Jill's baby" and there were multiple parts. (I think there were three) I don't recall the authors name. It had not been completed yet. So I went looking to see if more chapters had been posted.
Much to my surprise I couldn't find any of them, let alone a Title page or any authors that may have written it.

Can anyone help here I'm pretty sure it was on BCTS that I read them. I also searched a few other sites but without any luck.

Let me know if anyone has a clue that I could use to trace this story.

Thank You!


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Writer's Block

I'm a bit more than half way through writing a novel - 63,000 words so far - and I feel like I'm treading in molasses. I've written less than 3,000 words in more than a month. Yesterday, I wrote ONE SENTENCE! What's so frustrating is that I know the story right up through the ending. I just can't find the words. If anyone out there is wondering why I haven't posted anything lately, it's not because I've gone away. I think my muse has taken a sabatical, or she's just enjoying tormenting me. The story I'm working on is part of the California Saga series.

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Capitalisation advice.

Some advice that was sent to me recently which explains itself succinctly.


From a Teacher

In the world of hi-tech gadgetry and communication, I've noticed that more and more people who send text messages, and emails have long forgotten the art of capitalization. For those of you who fall into this category, please take note of the following statement...

"Capitalization, is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse." Is everybody clear on that?


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Need another pair of eyes

I am working on Ch 2 of "I am NOT Mystique" and I need a beta tester.

Someone who knows Lilith's CRU and can spot my CRU continuity violations before they Jump the Shark.

Someone who also plays a MMORPG would be good too.

I'm torn on this one because someone who doesn't play might have trouble understanding the story and I want even a non-player to get it.

Any takers? :)

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Oh for Gosh Sakes FM!!!!!

Who REALLY cares?

A few months ago one of the "writers" on this site asked if anyone minded if he rewrote their stories and published them under his name.

I stated flatly I didn't want him to go near mine and to my knowledge he hasn't. Of course I don't read his stories all that often so . . . when a tree falls in the forest????

However -- a whole gaggle of authors told him they didn't mind at all if he doctored their stories. To a confused person what sort of license did that provide for "rewriting"?

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'Neath Quicksilver's Moon

As many of you know, Jaye is very ill, although I haven't heard from him in a while. At his request, I'm working to finish his story, retaining as much of his vision for it as my poor skills can manage. I have no information other than this to offer, nor any way to contact him, and can only assure you that his stories will be finished (in fact, that last two chapters of this one have already been written, it's just a few in the middle that are missing)



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Purchase of servers and progress on rescue plan

Just spent $2300 for purchase of four servers to be new homes for BigCloset, Stardust, Fictioneer, Sapphire's Place,, TG LIbrary, Tuckerspawn, Storysite and at least a dozen more sites. These servers will be the new homes for the next few years of these sites and will also be a lilypad for as many of Bob's sites as we can get moved before Lani has to shut down Bob's internet accounts.

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Posting new parts to a story that is completed

Ok, Another question from the brown haired girl that at this point should probably be a blonde...

I could have sworn that I read this somewhere and maybe I did, and maybe I'm imagining it, but I recall seeing a statement to the effect of 'post one part of a story in a 24 hour period.'

Does that still exist?



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One Lump . . . Or NONE

You’re sitting at your group’s favorite table, sipping scrumptious mixtures of coffee, ice, chocolate, and cream. Everyone has spent two to three minutes each sharing stories to “catch up”. It’s your turn.

You’ve got a great story to tell them, but they need to know quite a bit of background information for your story to make sense. As you go through that necessary information you notice your friends are becoming increasingly bored with what you want to tell them.

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Gender Bent Justice League (Cosplay)

Spotted in a comment by edinjapan to Chicago Water Torture 2 - a story about a group of cosplayers who portray gender-reversed Justice League members.

"One night, we were all hanging out and I said how funny it would be if we had a whole Justice League with swapped sexes."
(one member of the group: Tallest Silver)

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Has Anyone Heard From Zoe Taylor?

I know Zoe's taken breaks before. I'm just a bit more than worried.;0

She's a dear friend.

One of the few people I share my Love for music with. Not sure why? It's just one of those 'connection' things.

If anybody has some contact info, it'd be greatly appreciated!!!

Love And Hugs,
A Concerned Jonelle

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I have no idea what to do with my hair!

Well, I think my hair has become the ideal symbol for my in-between gender status. See, I wear a wig when I go out as Dorothy, (although, sometimes, at work, I sweat enough under it to wish I didn't have to) so I don't pay a lot of attention to my natural hair. But, sometimes, I do have to deal with it, as I simply cant seem to manage long (natural) hair, and it ends up looking horrible. But then there comes the quandary - what kind of style and cut should I get? I really hate having a super masculine cut, but can I pull off a more androgynous look around the ex?

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Re: Lulu

I was just wondering if anyone has used the Lulu website to download books, I read a story awhile back that was writing by Jenny Walker called No Half Measures and really enjoyed it and would like to get Volume 2 of the story. I was just wondering if anyone has used the service and if they have had problems with the site.



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possibly my last summer outing with my daughter

Well, I had what may turn out to be my last summer outing with my daughter today. We went to "Capital EX" which is a fair and carnival and exposition all rolled into one. We went on a number of rides together, ate junk food, she got a chance to sit in a room full of butterflies, it was a good day. So why do I say it may be my last outing with her? Well, for starters, for the month of August her mother has booked time with her, so that's this summer done.

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My stress level just spiked through the roof

For those of you who do not yet know me: I live in a small country in the heart of South America, about 500km away from the Capital (about 7 hours bus trip, and if you are really suicidal about 3 hours by car). Even though both of my parents and I were born and raised here, we are still considered foreigners and unfortunately of the rich sort. Considering my cultural roots in a very conservative cristian religious community (were I still live today), that is not so far off since my community and several others of the same background in this country are a big powerhouse in the agribusiness.

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Grrrrr Part 2

This is, I guess, a continuation of that previous blog of mine, "Hoping for some help, or Grrrrrr." (See )

Originally, I planned to just respond to the comments, but when I found my response more than already several paragrahs long, I decided to post another one...

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A Begging Poem - the Ode to ruin.

I wanted to say in verse,
That things were getting worse;
Comments it would seem
Are few and far between
And readers are kudos averse.

The only way writers can plot
If stories are hitting the spot
Is if readers just jolly well say:
It's not as if they must pay
To read here don't cost a jot.

On behalf of the writers, this plea
If stories you come here to see;
Please give us a vote
Or a comment of note,
And you'll make us all very happy.


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