So, here's the deal. What started out as a side-comment has turned into a possible opportunity for me to publish Becoming Robin. I don't really have many details to give right now other than that it's at least going to be an e-book thing.
So the big question I want to ask is, should I completely rewrite it, do some minor editing, or leave it as-is?
I want to emphasize up front that WHATEVER happens, I will NOT be pulling down what's published already. I wrote Becoming Robin because, at the time, it needed to be written. I needed to get things out of my system, and I filled that novel with so much symbolism that Sigmund Freud could have spent the next ten years just analyzing the first half.
It's the story that earned me my title, and though Books two and three have been controversial about not having enough conflict, Book One is rich with strife, and I'm honestly giving some very, very serious thought to saying yes.
But I wanted to put this out there to you guys first, so... what should I do?
PS: It's important to note that this isn't a vanity publishing deal. I'll be selling through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, from what I've just been told :-)
Becoming Robin
Congratulations Zoe! First I want to say I love the story just the way it is. But I also know that if I have the time I always want to improve on what I've done so do what you want to do and have fun!
Yes and no
(look at the pretty fence)
Talk to a professional editor, if you haven't already, and ask their opinion. It might cost you though.
Go for it Zoe:)
You love writing and are a great writer but this could be a chance for cash flow that can seriously help you out in the future or even now. Take the chance Zoe, it might open up some doors for you.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
a little editing
never hurt most things, but it is a great story as written.
good luck with publishing.
I was seriously considering rewriting
I was seriously considering rewriting large parts of the story, but the more I started to re-read it, the more I really only want to change the first part of the first chapter. The rest, with its internal dialogue and, let's be honest, rambling, fits the first person style and adds to the charm of a still uncertain girl in a chaotic time in her life.
That said, there will definitely be copy editing involved to otherwise clean things up :-)
If you want to edit it to clean it up a bit. But when the publisher gets a hold of it they could chop it all to hell to where you won't reconize it as your story so just becareful is all hun.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart
For Book 1, I think other
For Book 1, I think other than a little tidying up you should leave it as it is. Undoubtly you are a better technical writer with experience (as all writers become) but there is a emotional core to the book that risks being lost with too much tampering. It's probably my favourite of the three books though so go for publishing it. :-)
"Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Becoming Robin Fans?
Whatever do you mean, your highness? I am already a Robin fan! = )
...Oh. Well, it's certainly worth a try! I'm sure it will sell even better than "hot cakes", and give rise to a NEW metaphorical standard! ^_^
- - -
I'm an honorary catgirl. =) I like fine seafood, and I love huggles and gentle scratches! ^_^

Attention Becoming Robin Fans!
Go for it! Why not publish both your original as well as a revised that tells the story from another point of view?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Publishing deal
I think that this does sound good BUT... The publisher may DEMAND exclusive rights to the book in which TS/BC would be out of the picture permintly & we would be deprived SO one pice of advice get EVERYTING in writing & read through it two - three times even get a lawyer involved if you have to just so your understand what you are signing & read the fine print of the contract. Although it sounds good & sound like a lotof money to you... Don't let US inluence YOUR decision do what YOU feel is right. I'm about as stubern as a Missouri Mule but then again I am FROM Missouri the SHOW ME state so... have the SHOW ME (you) the proof, Havious Couporis ("produce the body", in other words prove to you that you can continue to post ALL your works her & NEVER have to take them down if you don't want to).
It sounds great Zoe but I'm not going to say yes or no I'm just going to say this: do what YOU feel is right & read the contract THURLY & don't sign ANYTING with out talking to someone in the know of all the legeal mumbojumbo to make shure you are not getting screwed.
Best of luck Zoe :) All my Best well wishes with you what ever you decide to do I'm behind you 100% as long as WE still get to read Robin here for free insted of having to spend $100's for the e book reader & the books :)
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart