Quicksilver Memories

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As a reminder, 'Neath Quicksilver's Moon will be unpublished today. It will be submitted for eBook publication tomorrow on both Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble, but both outfits "vet" their submissions before final publication, so I can't guarantee when they'll appear. I'll supply a link to each venue when they do appear. I hope also to fund publication as a paper book, for those among us who aren't quite happy with weightless electronic books, so will submit (it sounds so ominous when put that way) to Lulu as soon as I get it together to purchase an ISBN number and all the folderol that goes along with physical books. I'm still working on the MS Word file, poking page numbers and tables of contents and such into the raw text. It's a bit of a slog...




Extravagance's picture

Maybe. ...Unless one is into BDSM, then it sounds kinky. ;)

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Royal catgirl of the court of the Empress of Euphoria. I like fine seafood, and I love huggles! ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Quicksilver Memories

B est of luck.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine