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New Book In Amazon Pipeline - Charlie's Twist

Hello all,

Sorry, I've been a bit busy... here is the result.

Limbo Twist 2.jpg

This book was originally meant to be a short story for the 'Adventure' category last month. I over ran, and it went on a bit more than I intended. It is now Book One of a series.

I have just uploaded it onto Amazon Kindle, so by the time I awaken (it is midnight here) it should be available.

There is no link available yet. Please remember to buy through BCTS.


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It's Sunday, it's four o'clock, it's not Crackerjack

but it is Gaby time!

Yes you can now read another thrilling (!) instalment of Gaby by clicking here!

In other news - the first two chapters of Book 16 are now with my editing team - more Tales of the Unexpected in Gabyland!

There won't be an update next week as I'm away in Germany (again!) to ride the annual Spreewald Marathon 200km event!



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Another homophone laugh

G'day all.

I spotted a new (to me) homophone the other day, when an author used the word 'hoard' instead of the correct 'horde' ...

"The hoard of parents swarmed onto the football field ..."

It made me wonder where 'they' had stashed all these parents.

But the follow-up to this made me literally LOL.

I had mentioned it on another site and got a reply from a friend who lives in Las Vegas.

She said: "Here, we would have written 'whored'."


Enjoy your weekend folks.




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New Illustration to Bridesmaid for a Friend story

Found a new version of Thomas Robbinson's Bridesmaid for Friend romantic crossdressing story on a site called Transbride. I added the story to my blog and also added a new illustration to compliment it. I'm a big fan of the tender story!

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I'm pretty depressed today and I think I know why.

This is, I'm afraid, gonna be a long one, so if you don't wanna read it all the way through, it's okay with me. There's just some things that have been building up in me for a long time and I finally had to acknowlege them last night so I could maybe find a way to deal with them in a rational way. If you're not interested in my life or the state of what I laughingly refer to as a mind... read no farther.

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Bruce Springsteen cancels show

It seems the Boss is backing the campaign to overturn the ridiculous law passed in North Carolina about public toilets and biological sex - didn't know toilets had a biological sex - says a lot about me as an ecologist! But then this is North Korea, I mean Carolina - are they the same people who are trying to build a missile to hit the US? I thought North Carolina was in the US, just as well I don't teach geography.

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Ebook Management Tools for the Mac?

I’ve had to restart my computer, twice, when Calibre screwed up my computer and wouldn’t let me forced quit.

I need to be able to convert drm-free azw files to epub, to be able to read them on my e-reader.

I would also like to be able to convert html files to epub, for the same reason. I can easily convert them to txt, if that helps.

I would also like to be able to strip bad formatting, correct metadata, etc.

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Unreported World

On tonight's episode of 'Unreported World' on UK Channel 4 (7.30pm) Abigail Austen returns to Afghanistan where she served after her transition with US and Afghan forces. Here is a link giving further details.

This should be an interesting episode

Love to all

Anne G.

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Cost of living

Well, it had to happen. As a state employee my pay has been cut every year since this government took power, and I am now taking home less money than I was in 2011. At the same time, available housing here is quickly snapped up by the well-off for "buy to rent", and with no controls on said rents they charge what they like and bump it up each year simply because they can. Their costs aren't increasing, just their avarice. My landlord has just put up my rent again, and it now exceeds 40% of my income.

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Good News

So a funny thing happen to me today. There's this story I've been working on for a while but haven't touched in months. I hit a snag with this scene I just couldn't seem to write. No matter how I worded it, it just didn't seem to fit. So after taking several months away from it, today I decided to just delete what was bothering me and just roll right into it with a new scene and it seems to be working just fine now ;)

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Logic Puzzle: The Solution

The correct answer is YES.

On the face of it there doesn't seem to be enough information to solve this problem. After all, we don't know Anne's marital status.

What we do know is that she is either married or unmarried.

If Anne is married, and she is looking at George, who is unmarried, then the answer is yes.

If Anne is unmarried, and John, who is married, is looking at her, then the answer is also yes.


An open invitation.

With the recent interest in my Home That Love Built universe, I am re-issuing an open invitation to any writer who would like to try their hand at adding to the wonderful stories already posted in it. There have been many stories written so far in the universe and I'd love to add more. There are some very talented writers who were not members here when I first opened THTLB universe and I'd be pleased and proud to add them to the roster as well as inviting writers who have already made their wonderful additions to THTLB.

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Pennsylvania governor expands protections for transgender people

Pennsylvania governor expands protections for transgender people

By Eliza Collins

04/07/16 05:00 PM EDT

The governor of Pennsylvania signed two executive orders Thursday that expand discrimination protections related to employment, including for transgender people.

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The Big 20!

Today is a big day for me as I hit the 20 year mark. My boyfriend treated me to lunch and my Grandpa has a surprise for me tonight so I'm excited! My Grandma and Grandpa were the only ones in my family that didn't disown me when I came out. I've lived on my own since graduating High School. I lived with my grandparents from when I was 4 up until graduating high school. They supported me and I'm very grateful. School wasn't very enjoyable for me because I had no friends and I was always an outcast.

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Our own stories are mysterious

Having gotten to what feels like a secure place in my own estimation personal identity, it is quite nice to not worry about it.

Lately I have seen the use of simile and metaphor in stories that I feel is quite clever. There are likely other literary tools that I don't even know about. I smile at the thought that some of you simply thought you were writing something that appealed to you, or you thought you were just writing out your pain, and along the way some of you have become very skilled at wordsmithing.

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Logic Puzzle

This puzzle appeared in The Guardian a couple of days ago. The author claimed that approximately 80% of people get the wrong answer.

It’s not a trick question, nor does it involve lateral thinking.

John is looking at Anne.
Anne is looking at George.
John is married. George is not married.

Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?

Not Enough Information

I’ll post the answer later today.


I feel like an idiot :(

For all the women on here, let's hope you don't do what I did in the shower this morning..... I've neglected shaving my legs for a while and my legs were "moderately" hairy. I get done with one leg no problem but about halfway through the second one I cut myself with the razor and it hurt like hell(keep in mind that I had never cut myself with the razor before this morning). My boyfriend was cracking up when I came out of the bathroom with a bandage on my leg saying "Looks like someone got a bit messy I see?"

I hope I don't have to deal with that again.......

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Got a new job

Well I got a new job I am a skip Tracer for repossession company most of the time I am writing in one of the repo truck so please keep me in your prayers keep the driver awake in your prayers as well we have a fairly stressful time while taking people's cars because most of the time they do get angry with us


Explicit Sex Scenes

There was a time in my youth that I could not determine which was better, great sex, or a full dump. Miniature Ectomorphs tend to have issues with getting their digestive systems to work. As to the sex these days there is desire about once or twice a year. When I write about the 'act', it tends to be in the most vague of terms, since it is just much more important to me to hold or be held affectionately. Perhaps it is a bit of the XXY creeping in?

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Sorry, run out of time.

I have had a very busy weekend and apart from my little bagatelle about ancient bikes not really had time to sit and write. Yesterday, I spent all afternoon and much of the evening marshalling on a checkpoint for two audax rides. These are endurance rides, the long one was 200Km and the shorter 100Km, that's roughly 120 and 60 miles respectively. We were close to finishing when we heard from the ride organiser that there'd been an a serious accident about a mile or so from the end of the ride.

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K.T. Leone The Lady, Her Life, Her Stories

Ms Leone was one of those whose life touched thousands..., millions of others by her own example and through her stories. She posted "God Bless the Child" again a few days earlier. Each can take from Katie's desire to repost and the story whatever meaning they wish. For me, I believe with all my heart and soul, Katie was one of God's own blessings.

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Katie Leone passed away

I just got the news a few minutes ago. Felix, Katie's boyfriend texted me. Katie passed away after they got home from their paper route this morning. Heart attack, apparently.

Remember Katie who just wanted to touch people with her stories. She was my friend. And think of Felix who loved her.

Hugs to all,


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A few writers have approached me about their new stories and I do not know why anyone would seek my approval. I like reasonably well written stories but excessively violent stories and and those with sad endings are not likely to be read by me. I've seen just so much violence and sadness in my own life that I just don't want more. This should not be a reflection on any one's stories.

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Proofreading and story obscurity

I think I'm not alone when I say that i'm not the only one who has issues with grammar. However, in writing the second installment of my story Broken Phoenix I've come to realize that I may have mistakes that I won't see by looking at it. With this being my first story I kinda feel like I have a "expectation" to uphold/Repel. By that I mean that people enjoy my story where I am now, but on the flip side with me being a rookie so to say when it comes to writing people are expecting me to screw up the story beyond repair.

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My ex might be nuts

As if I didn't have enough on my plate at the moment, apparently Sharon has gone insane.

On Saturday she was with my mom and spotted a cop talking to a woman at a bus stop. She jumped out of the car and got in the officer's face, even though she didn't know the woman, the officer, or the situation.

Frankly, she was lucky he didn't arrest her.

From what my mom told me, she has been taken off her blood pressure meds, which maybe why this happened, but still, she needs to get a handle on her impulse control, or she or my daughter will get hurt.

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Editor, critic needed for story.

I'm sending out a request for someone to look over a story that I'm hoping to be done within the next few days. It's set in the BB universe but is not a Mel story.

What I'm looking for is for someone to critique it as well as offer suggestions on it. Its not looking to be long as I've been wanting to write a 'short' story.

I don't consider it to be one of the standard norms that have been submitted.

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April Fool?

I am at the age where a Colonoscopy is usually suggested. (Okay, I'm older than that but who cares) Anyway, the Booking Nurse phoned me two weeks ago to make arrangements, as my last one was five years ago. She said the earliest she could get me in was April 1st. I asked her if that was a good day, and she said "We do screening everyday but I can get you a different date if you want" I guess she had to check her sense of humour when she started work that day.

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Friday Cat Blog

At 0515, while sleeping soundly, I hear a familiar wrenching noise (I am a very light sleeper!). With seconds to spare (actually, there were no seconds to spare) I quickly kicked my resident throw up artist off the bed. Immediately on landing, I hear the familiar sound of last nights snack being spewed on the carpet...

I would add a picture, but I haven't figured out how to insert a picture from my iPhone into a blog entry or a comment. As a consolation prize, I offer this:


Looking for a Classic TG story

I just re-read the first part of a story called "Vitamins" by Christine Norman. It was only the first part of a muli-part story, but the location Old Joe's Collection only had the first part.

The collection is a ton of stories from the early internet days of Usenet and BBS sites. These are the stories I found when I was looking for TG stories 30+ years ago.

Thanks for any help!


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Formating error apology

My apologies to all who had trouble reading "Dumb bet" because of the excessive use of italics. When I went to format the file for posting, I messed up and put an <em> where a </em> should have been. The result was the rest of the story pretty much was in italics. Sorry. I use italics to denote a persons thoughts and only sparingly to add emphasis to a word. The only other time I use italics is if I insert an authors note.

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"All The King's Horses"

Well, I'm not registered over at Whateley (on purpose) so I can't comment there. And even if I could, it wouldn't do the reader any good, due to their comment system. There is a fairly new story posted, titled "All The King's Horses", its a first generation canon story. I'm not going to spoil it for anybody, but I need to say this: For people who suffer with PTSD, this may very well push some buttons for you. It did for me. It is well written, I'll give it that.


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Happy Birthday, Jaci !

Well, today is a special day.

It's Jaci's (AKA Tels) birthday!

Yes, the originator of all the girly germs on many chat sites is having a birthday today.

And since she's having a tough time because of her period, I'm sure she'd really appreciate all the birthday huggles we can give her!

Jaci, I hope you have a happy, girly, PINK birthday!

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Mother's Child

Just an update

Still working on the next chapter, one handed typing still slowing me down, but I know where the chapter is going and hopefully I will get the cast off my hand next week. Still hoping to get it to the editors very soon.



I've finished another one

OK, I've managed to finish, and thanks to Alys9, have edited another offering for BCTS.

"Dumb Bet" is finally up. I started this story some three years ago and thanks to some gentle prodding, I picked it up again and managed to finish it. Then, I got lucky and found an editor who managed to persuade me to correct some of the errors. I'm afraid, that I did reject a few of her suggestions, so if you see anything amiss, it's all my fault.

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Rachel is Back

For those of you who have been waiting for the next chapter of Reversals I apologize for the long delay. Although, I’d like to be writing full-time that’s not my reality yet. A number of things have gotten in the way of finishing Reversals. There’s other works in the pipeline too for that matter which have suffered. The good news is – I’m back. I’m hoping to finish Reversals and then move on to one of my other projects.

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End of the Month; End of the Money

It's that time of month. We have about 1700 due by the end of the week and we are about 400 short on our expected subscriptions and gifts.

Anything you can give will be appreciated and we have some new stuff happening that people will be finding out about soon. Piper has been very busy. :)

Here's the info:

Use this link to send us a gift:

One-Time Gift


Use this link to subscribe through the Hatbox Membership page:


Checks can be made out & sent to:
Janglewood LLC
602 Higgins Ave
Suite 1 #283
Brielle, NJ 08730

Thank You


Vietnam veteran day

Today is March 29 for some on this site who was over in Vietnam know the hardships that we went through. A lot went over went through hell. Some of us came home but some didn't. I came home to lot of protest. But still made it home. Just want to say welcome home brothers and sisters.

148th support gp 80th gp

71/72 Da Nang.

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I'm With the Band by Melanie Brown

Have just read Melanie Brown's 19 part story 'I'm With the Band'. It is a good story and if like me you only joined BC in the last couple of years you may have missed it.

It is well worth reading and she has plenty more stories to read in her story listings. Thank-you Melanie for the good reading.


I'm With the Band part 1

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The Curtsey

A story in Harper's Bazaar about celebrities meeting the Queen has a bit of a ruction going on Facebook. I've been around the world a bit and see no harm in respecting the culture of another country. If I went to Saudi Arabia, you can bet I would wear Niqab. If I went to the Jungles of South America, I am not sure I would run around in a few leaves, but not out of disrespect. If I went to Japan, I would try to find out about their usual greeting, and bow and say hai as is proper.

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still liking it!

well i am still loving it!

but I am now on to adding in some of my older works off of fictionmania and I find that I really need an editor!

some have posted suggestions on my sentence structure....but I need more help

as English maybe my first and only language BUT---I sucked in that class! big time and now I am trying to relearn all I forgot!

all I can say is at that time I did ask my teacher if I could write fiction and she edit it so I could learn

too much work was her ---excuse
ohh well?

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Something Sinister

There's something sinister about this situation, a WWII account in TVtrope's "Awesomeness By Analysis":

Britain analyzed planes returning from combat, plotting the number of planes returning with holes or damage against position of the holes. Some areas had many planes returning with holes there, while other positions had very few planes returning with holes. The question here is, which sections of the planes should be reinforced.

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Your True Name

Joseph Campbell was a very well known philosopher and studier of comparative religion. Nowadays a significant number of the stories here are right out of mythology and lots of that interacts with ancient Jewish themes. I am intrigued by a story on the front page now where there is reference to one's True Name, and I am fairly sure that it originates partially from a book in the Old Testament of what Christians call Isaiah 56:4-5

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Thank You Rasufelle

Once again Rasufelle (Melanie E) has been the inspiration for a raft of new standalone stories.

While I applaud the skill and determination of the serial writers, I long for more short and intemediate stories.

Over the last few years Melanie has pushed, cajoled, and coaxed writers through contests and challenges to produce stories, mostly short stories. I shudder to think how few short stories would have been posted had she not been such a driving force.

She's my Easter bunny carrying baskets full of short stories.

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Genderfluidity: One Step Forward Or A Giant Leap Backwards?

I noticed this on the Guardian website this morning:

I'm not sure what to think about this. If it's a step towards a time when people can wear whatever the hell they like and no one bats an eyelid then I'm all for it.


North Carolina anti Privacy Law

Did North Carolina not learn from Indiana when they tried this last year ? The big corporations are already are looking into scaling down their expansion plans .
The next questions are they going to hire people to check your birth certificate when going to the restroom who is going to look up your skirt ? What are they going to do follow you into a stall ? How do you enforce this law ? What are the fines going to be ?


would it be welcome

I'm contemplating making God Bless the Child available on the site again. I'm wondering if people would appreciate that or if people have had enough of it and couldn't care one way or another. The story isn't your usual transgender fare and it is a highly emotional and volatile story that will make a lot of people scream and caused at least one site operator to call me a son of a bitch (Erin). I know a lot of people have read it and probably have it saved on their computers so it doesn't matter. I would post it all in one shot.

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To whom it may concern:

I know I've been updating slowly these last several months, and I know those of you that care know why. (namely, a book in the works and Whateley academy generation 2.)

I just thought that if you had a burning desire to read something I wrote, a need to read something new by me (or at least new to you) I'd point out that the first part of the origin for my gen 2 character (some 20k words of goodness) is now up on the new Crystal Hall site. If you already knew and read, carry on... if not, well, you're invited to.

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female Mowgli

I just thought I'd drop this a line, I was watching stuff related to the new Jungle Book movie, and out of mild curiosity I googled 'Female Mowgli' just to see if it would come up with anything.

There was the usual porny stuff but in amongst that i was surprised to discover that there exists a Jungle Book comic featuring a female mowgli. Now i can't offer much more beyond that, but I thought that it was interesting, maybe some fodder for someone's story ideas and at the very least it may be

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Update on Denise

Denise' stroke required surgery to stop the bleeding in her brain. The doctors say that they sealed it, and that there appears to be no additional damage.

Her brother flew out from the West Coast to be with her. He reports that she's doing moderately well. He says her left side was affected. Her speech is affected, as has her vision. However, she seems to be thinking clearly and shows every sign of a good recovery.

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North Carolina rams through anti-transgender law.

In an act of massive fuckery, North Carolina's legislature convened a special session today and rammed through a law overruling all local non-discrimination ordinances in the state, in order to block a new Charlotte ordinance slated to take effect in April which would allow trandgender individuals to use the correct bathrooms.


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Short Story: Valkyrie's Child

Hi everyone, this is one of the stories that I wrote for a story-writing competition. If this is accepted, it may be chosen for full novel adaptation. I greatly appreciate suggestions, comments and for those who can help fix my grammar, I offer my thanks in advance. Please don't remove the original if you wish to edit it, just copy paste under the paragraphs and fix it there.

As for why I'm using Google Drive, it's because GD is not indexed. I don't want them to claim that this has been published before just because the can google it.

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Writer's Block/Motivation

We all have those times when writing a story that we get stopped for various reasons. Perhaps the most common is Writer's Block. We've all experienced it at one point or another, whether it's not being able to figure out where to go with a story, or not knowing what to do with a given character. It happens to the best of us and it's almost unavoidable. Another reason for being halted on a story is that sometimes we lose motivation to write and it takes something sparking us to remotivate us into writing.

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Room in Hell - Where is it?


I am new to this community, though I joined up over a year ago. For many reasons, I have been away for a while.

When I last was here, there was this truly enjoyable story called (A?) Room in Hell. I apologize that I don't remember the author. But, the last couple of times I've been on here, I have searched and been unable to find it.

So, I thought I'd ask about it in case I am being a ditz.



Is it child abuse

A long time ago I wrote the book God Bless the Child. At the end of the book the parents, therapist, and doctors decide to perform SRS on a 4 year old child because they feared that she would do irreversible and potential fatal damage to herself. The negative response I seem to get the most is that this is child abuse and I'm wondering if it is?

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SEE hit counts

Since completing - nominally, anyway - Somewhere Else Entirely, I've been keeping an eye on the read counts. I know that some of you like to wait until stories are complete before reading so I expected some extra traffic. I also know some of you like the story enough that you are re-reading it again. Me, too! Sometimes I still can't believe I did this.

I have noticed that the total read counts vary between ~2,000 and ~5,000 (ish) for most chapters, which is only to be expected. #1 is slightly different (12,905), but that's because a number of people have dipped in and decided it wasn't for them. Fair enough. But three chapters have read counts way greater than the normal spread and I don't know why.

Edited due to poor research :(

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Happy, 100x Happy

I am really happy - I haven't got a clue how it happens that some stories catch the readers' attention and approval and others don't but ......... Anyway, my most recent story is the first to hit 100 kudos apart from my very first story not quite 3 years ago.
And it's only taken 10 days - which puzzles me almost as much.
Thanks everyone who posts a Kudos; triple thanks to everyone who posts a comment and thanks, of course, to every reader.
Best wishes
Alys P

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