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Lt Katia in Afghanistan Ch 4


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Lt Katia in Afghanistan

By Gwen Brown

Well, my apologies for the delay in this last episode. The Schwartz was just not with me. So, I will provide a brief synopsis of the first three chapters to spare you reading it all again. I solemnly promise not to publish any more stories unless they are complete at publishing time. Here is a brief recap of the entire story.


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This story is 69 words long.

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 5


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 5

Chapter 20

I was up before the sun had risen; I silently brushed my teeth using the light that was from glowing coals in the fireplace. After spitting outside, I carried two logs to the hearth, and placed them in, banking the red embers around them. I quietly stood and paused at her door, looking in, gazing upon the woman I treasured. Samantha was asleep, her golden hair fanned around her face like the warm rays of the sun. I caught my breath; her look was so serene and peaceful. It was all I could do to not approach her slumbering form and smother her with kisses. It was best that I left and busied myself with chores.

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This story is 126 words long.

a productive day

Well, despite still fighting the flu, I had a productive day. I got my laundry done, and took my bottles to be recycled. I took the money I got from that and spent some on getting my hair done, which was a nice experience for me since I asked them to do a more feminine style, and they had no issue with it. Again, the amazing tolerance of Canadians comes through.

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Has anyone heard from Teddie S

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It just occurred to me that we have not seen anything since 2008, when Teddie posted her story Faith. I wondered if anyone knew if she was okay, quit writing, moved on, or ??????

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The Ram 18



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A chapter that describes the New-years-eve preparations before the party at The Melancholy Pussy.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 18

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby) Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Elsbeth Briony’s sister.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’

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This story is 73 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1603


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1603
by Angharad

Copyright © 2011 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Thailand's Transgender Flight Attendants:

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Thailand's Transgender Flight Attendants: PC Air Takes On Groundbreaking Cabin Crew

I guess these girls would have problems with flying into Canada based on the information in my last blog about Canada's law regarding the identity of folks flying. Maybe there is an exception for flight crews.

Based on the photos these women have no problem passing in public.


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New DarkRealms Resource

Back in the early days of The DarkRealms Universe (when we'd only been introduced to a couple of vampires), I sensed that it had the potential to expand and introduce us to Lots of Characters. So, rather than attempting to write a story (which knowing my writing speed you'd probably see sometime never!), I decided to create a Wiki to hold information on the people, places and events connected with Ravencrest.

So here it is: The DarkRealms Universe Wiki.

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Mermaid first class

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I read the most wonderful story by Cindilee,"Mermaid First Class" I usually don't do a blog about someones story, but this time I felt it was neccessary. I started to read the story yesterday, being retired Navy I had a slight misunderstanding. I left a message with the author at the end of the story, but ensured it was a flaming comment or deroggatory. I read the complete story a few hours ago. I pm the author to let her know I thought her stroy was wonderful and I wanted let her know I appreciated it, even after my attempt yesterday.

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Gaby Book 8 Chapter *05* Moving On


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It has been a long break for me since writing the previous volume in the Gaby series and I hope that it's been worth the wait. Our diminutive hero(ine) gets up to all sorts this time, weddings, racing, shopping  – well the usual Gaby stuff really!

Pour a coffee, get the hankies and settle back to see what the Wunderkind gets up to next!

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This story is 64 words long.

Finding acceptance in my own skin

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I recently was dragged to the local pool by my mother. Now a little background. I'm TS. I've been non-op for over 15 years due to being massively overweight. I am FAT, balding, bad skin (psoriasis) don't do the makeup thing but do do nail varnish and I usually dress casually... stretch pants and a simple t-shirt. In spite of all this I 'pass' easily in the women's change room.

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A Wyld Conversation - Part 1

Hi all. You can just blame EOF, Lilith and others here for this, but I'm going to try getting in on the Universe creating thing. Not that I don't already, but this time it's going to be officially OPEN! I thought I'd post this blog, and perhaps others as I finish getting things ready, to see if there's any interest.

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Amazing amounts of progress

Had a peek at some of my old entries, and I find it almost impossible to believe how far I've come in such a short time. If I was writing my life as a fiction story, everyone would say "oh, come on now! That's just not realistic!" But its actually happening, and its been almost .... easy? Like all I really had to do was just .... decide to live, to be the real me, and everything would start falling into place? I'd pinch myself, but if this is a dream, I dont want to wake up....

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A Quiet Strength - Coming Soon!

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Muse in Control

'A Quiet Strength' - Coming Soon!

A short while ago I placed a post here about a story idea that I was mulling around in my head of a single father and his child who is in a m2f transition. I wanted the story to focus more on the father's turmoil of dealing with a 'transitioning' child than with the child itself. I had a pretty good idea of how I wanted to start the story and where I wanted it to end...just no real idea of how to get from 'A' to 'B' so I 'put it out there' and people responded.

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Road to Myself 24: Catching Up

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Road to Myself - 24: Catching Up
Annette MacGregor

It's been a while, and a LOT has happened. I even posted another segment in my slowly developing serial. But, that's not the topic of this blog. Life HAS been interesting. Yes, I think that's the right term, interesting.

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Amazing week so far...

Ok, i know that by saying things like the title is a way to have the gods notice you, but... What an amazing freaking week so far.
Yesterday, i went to the Y for the first time in...well forever it seems. The fitness guide, Nathaniel, was an absolute sweetheart, he understands where i'm going and aside from some pronoun trouble, he is great... and sorry Dani... he is cute too. so I'm doing that again Wednesday.

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posted my latest chapter of "The dead kid returns"

Well, chapter 7 of "The Dead Kid Returns" is up. It might have to sustain everyone for a while, I'm a little blocked.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1602


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1602
by Angharad

Copyright © 2011 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.



In reading the blog about the child sent to a psychiatric ward in Germany, I saw the following. That was terrible but affects only one child. One is of course too much.

But the following will affect many.


I do not know how the folks here who are transitioning handle Department of Homeland Security Pre-flight checks, but the ban in supposedly "liberal" Canada, must be frightening. Poor Dorothy and I assume others who may have to deal with this.


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To Make A Wish Chapter 13

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okay, so this is weird

Okay, so this is a little weird. I'm on my way home this morning, and the song "Lose Yourself" comes on, and I just start crying, tears running down my cheeks as the song plays. I mean, I know I'm a bit more emotional than normal, but I hadnt expected that. Anybody else have a song that makes them cry for no good reason?

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My Mistake: Chapter 42

My Mistake: Chapter 42
Samantha Jenkins

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This story is 5 words long.

Some story ideas


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This is an idea I had a while back, but I don't have the skill to write it the way I want to. It always sounds bad when I try to write it, and I don't know how the middle bits should fit together. So if anyone likes the idea and wants to write it, feel free to change any of it. The main points are that he makes a wish to be a girl without meaning it, and when his wish comes true, he tries to pretend like it never happened, presenting himself as male. When people realise he is a girl they think he has always been female and is crossdressing.

My problematic rewrite

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If you recall I posted "'New Message from sexydater' - chapter 2". I wasn't satisfied with it so I'm rewriting and adding on to it, the only thing is, I'm blocked. Maybe someone can help.
Here are a few keywords I may use them, I might not, tell me what comes into your mind when you see the words:


Thanks for your help. ;=)


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Adam Sandler's latest movie

The movie gets panned, deservedly so, a drag queen without the refinements? Does anything go in comedy, or just women? Some do it better, some worse.

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Woo Hoo! :D

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Woo-Hoo! :D

I have been here at BC|TC for slightly longer than 12 weeks and have over 2000 'Kudos' for my me that's a really big deal and I appreciate them! I only hope to continue to produce stories that people here want to read.

Anon Allsop

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1601



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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1601
by Angharad

Copyright © 2011 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Writing tough stuff


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Sometimes, I get the urge to write dark stuff, but on occasion, I worry about causing people here pain. For example, I've been noodling a sequel to "You" where we see what happened to cause this act of vengeance. But it would be hard to tell it without some real darkness that might upset some people. Opinions?

The Ram 17


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A chapter where Briony visits an LGBT nightclub and gets a revealing insight into another side of Daphne's life.

The Ram 17

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby) Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’

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This story is 72 words long.

Temporary suspension

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I don't know how many people are looking towards the next pinkilicios birthday and I hate to do this: But the continuation will probably be delayed further.

I am about to close on a house so that means moving after a few repairs get done (like rewiring the place because someone stole the copper wires). I would pull the story down, but don't see the point in that.

Here's to more prolific writing in a new place: hopefully one more Gatorade bottle friendly!!!

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The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 4


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 4

Chapter 16

When I got back to town, I fell into my routine and kept putting off going back to the homestead for nearly a month. Finally, I felt a great void in my heart, seeming to draw me toward the old farm. I bid Grandfather goodbye and headed back out, sneaking some food and a crate containing a few chickens from our own large stock.

I pulled the wagon into the barnyard and sat still upon the high seat I listened, trying to identify whether she was still there at the farm. I climbed down and unhitched the horses from the wagon, slowly guiding them into the corral. Once done, I closed the gate and carried the crate of chickens toward the coop.

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This story is 132 words long.

Sarah Carerra - 3.01 - Back to School


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The bell rang, and a few students rushed in quickly as Ms. Carson reached for her roll. Whether I liked what would come in the future or not, school was back in session.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.01 - Back to School
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: January 30, 2012

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This story is 51 words long.

Negative Comments and their effects on Authors

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I am a new member here, but have been a reader for some time. I recently wrote PRIVATELY to an author here. She alerted me to the number of negative comments she had received for one particular story and we discussed the pain such negativity can cause in the mind of the writer. Can I make a suggestion? There is a management tool called the 'Praise Sandwich' in which the first paragraph is something positive or praise-worthy; the second and third (if necessary) can be something negative or critical, and the final paragraph again something positive.

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Boys Will Be Boys - 8

Boys Will Be Boys
by Saless
Chapter 8 — Surprise!

Last time...
She smiled fondly down at me for a minute before she finally answered, "I'm just worried about this trial. It looks like it's going to be really rough for you. And I'm also worried that Karen might get away with this."

I laughed a little before the pain stopped me. Then I had to take a moment to get my breath back before I could answer, "Don't worry about that Mom. Mr. Darvin has a great plan! It's a secret for now, though. He doesn't want anyone but the two of us to know what he's got up his sleeve so nobody can let it slip on accident or through their reactions or something."

"Are you sure John?" she asked.

I nodded emphatically, "Oh yeah, I'm sure! Trust me, Mom, we've got aunt Karen right where we want her. But yeah, the trial itself is probably going to suck. At least until we get to the good part." I knew I'd probably end up crying again when I testified, but I was willing to put up with the embarrassment. Especially knowing we had an ace up our sleeve!

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This story is 198 words long.

Earlier Than Expected, Yay!!

I bought and received some Girl Scout Cookies today, two boxes of Thin Mints. On Friday I expect to buy a box of Smores. The girl didn't have any Smores available.

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Hollytown House

What should she do for her *White House* edition of Bike?

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What surprise does Angharad have up her and Bonzi's sleeves for issue 1600 of Bike?

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Emma's Story: Chapter 18


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Emma’s Story: Chapter 18
Samantha Jenkins

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This story is 6 words long.

Okay, a question for you all

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Just a question about something that I was thinking of writing about.

Say you had transitioned at a young age, and by 18 had the SRS and was living as a woman. A few years down the road you're married to a wonderful man and have adopted. (Okay,I know some states this may be hard, but it's just a question)

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