After reading several things about the fanatical religious right, I come to the conclusion that these so-called Christians are the false prophets Jesus talked about that will come in His name. Sodom was not destroyed because the people there had same sex relationships, but because they were lustful about it. There are 10 laws of God we are commanded to obey. These 10 laws are called the Ten Commandments. Things other than the 10 Commandments are from the secular laws of the time and incorporated in to the book we call the holy Bible to make the common people think they are the word of God. Look at the following list that I found online, and someone please tell me where in these Ten Commandments it says we cannot be who we are in our souls?
The Ten Commandments
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Other “gods” can include possessions, power or prominence.)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honour thy father and thy mother.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
These Ten Commandments can be found in Exodus, chapter 20 in the Bible
I do not see anything that says thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman (Jewish secular statute law) or thou shalt not put on anything that pertains to a woman (Jewish secular statute law). If it is even inferred in these Commandments, will someone please tell me where. The fanatical religious right have been respected by the Republican Party, specifically the United States House of Representatives. Whenever I read or hear about God hates homosexuals or transgender people, I just get so tired and exhausted at the stupidity the fanatical religious right spews across this country.
IMHO I feel it is time they tell the people that this agenda of hate and bigotry is nothing more than personal homophobic views and has nothing to do with God. A true Christian does not hate anybody who is different. A true Christian may not agree with the way we have to live our lives, but instead of accusing us or hating us, they pray for us, and accept us for who we are.
I have met several true Christians who have become my friends and accept me as I am, without trying to change me to their personal way of thinking. One more thing. If God hates homosexuals and transgender people, why isn't there a Commandment telling us so? Thank you, and I don't mean to offend anybody, these are just my personal views.
Love & hugs,
Even more than that
Didn't JC diss the 10 commandments and say that only 2 things were important? Didn't Hillel say something similar? I sort of think that if you want to call yourself a Christian then following his dictates is sort of mandatory. While I do not consider myself religious I do try to follow many of his principles. As do many other atheists.
If you follow those two
If you follow those two, you won't be doing anything that would cause you to break any of the others. Funny how that works.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
I have coveted my (not current) neighbour's wife. No one ever knew so no worries. I don't believe in thought crimes only actualised ones. But yes, in general I believe you correct. Thank you.
"Thought" crimes...
There's actually two different forms of coveting. The casual and occasional thought that no one can really control, and the more active entertainment of such thoughts and possibly even acting to forward your own position in respect to them.
The commandment is not meant, according to what I've been taught, to forbid the first form. No "thought" rules are meant that way. They can't be, we can't help ourselves. What we CAN and SHOULD do is stifle such thoughts before they lead us to do something stupid.
Abigail Drew.
George Carlin said it best:)
"Just be excellent to one and other."
Bailey Summers
Well... If you ignore the
Well... If you ignore the first four, they actually have a point.
It's indirect
It's in there in the fifth one on the list, as many parents are bigoted homophobes who don't deserve to be honored just because some deity they claim to worship says so.
There are also many awful things a person could do without breaking any of those commandments, like rape or child abuse or violent assault that stops short of murder, so it's not a very good argument to say that following those ten rules is all you need to do.
Honoring them...
Honoring your parents does not necessarily have to mean doing everything the way they want you to. It would have been worded differently had it meant that.
Honoring your parents means to respect them and not to speak ill or abuse them in any way, even when you find yourself having to disagree with them.
Abigail Drew.
There is more to The Law than the ten commandments. In those Books of the Law, 'a man laying with a man as he would a woman' is proscribed. Also, there are lots of ceremonial laws against things like rounding your beard (instead of cutting it off square,) wearing wool and linen at the same time, and a whole slew of things that may or may not have any meaning in the modern world.
Sacrificing your child to Molech has little meaning now, except that burning your child to death is a hideous crime whether or not it has anything to do with Molech. Adding the women of a conquered land to your harem is something that no longer happens, so the exact procedure for doing so is kind of irrelevant.
I have to be careful about talking too glibly, since three of the major world religions (Judaism, Islam, and Christianity) use The Law to a greater or lesser extent.
I can really only speak with confidence about the various Christian attitudes about the Old Testament Laws. I suspect that Orthodox Jews still cut their beards off square and avoid wearing linen with wool, but I don't know for sure.
It is very true that true Christians are called to love everyone, and condemn no one. We are to pray for those who are 'living in sin' (to use the Catholic term,) not mistreat them. In fact, rejecting them and spreading vitriol is an effective way to alienate them and reduce the number of them that will eventually come to know God's love.
When Paul went to Athens, he was aggrieved by all the temples and graven images. So, he went around ranting at them and telling them that God hates them and that they are all going to Hell.
What he did is compliment them on the good that he found, and try to build bridges.
He still ended up pissing off a number of them (hate goes both ways,) but he attracted many more. You definitely do attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
I've done quite a bit of reading and thinking about exactly what laws still apply to us Christians, and myself in particular. Galatians says that if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. I have enough faith and believe that strongly enough to simply pray about whatever individual question I might have about a particular law, and let my conscience be my guide. God lets me know when I am doing something wrong, but I don't really expect Him to let me know how pleased or displeased He is about a brother or sister's behavior.
We are sometimes called by the Spirit to rebuke or correct a brother or sister, but it's a whole lot rarer then most people think. Most of the time, the desire to point to someone else's behavior is motivated by the same urge that causes a child to tattle. Sometimes, we just can't stand to see someone get away with something.
People Have no faith.
The 10 Commandments have been superseded by Christ with Love and Acceptance
May Your Light Forever Shine