
Talk with an Angel

*-*-*-*- Teek's Short-Story Collection -*-*-*-*
Talk With An Angel
By Teek
1,660 words long

Summary: God offers a toddler with autism a choice between two possible futures. Now the parents and the child's guardian angel must cope with the decision.

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For God So Loved the World...

Little Rachel "Rae" Evans was a happy little girl. Her mother would say that when she laughed, she could make an entire room of people break out in smiles. All that changed when she was four and the laughter stopped. From then on, she withdrew into herself and hid from the world, convinced that no one, not even God, could ever truly love, or even understand her.

People Have no faith.

After reading several things about the fanatical religious right, I come to the conclusion that these so-called Christians are the false prophets Jesus talked about that will come in His name. Sodom was not destroyed because the people there had same sex relationships, but because they were lustful about it. There are 10 laws of God we are commanded to obey. These 10 laws are called the Ten Commandments. Things other than the 10 Commandments are from the secular laws of the time and incorporated in to the book we call the holy Bible to make the common people think they are the word of God.

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