Talk with an Angel

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Talk With An Angel
By Teek
October 2023
1,660 words long

Image by brgfx on Freepik

“Angel, Angel!”

“Hi little one. How is it going?”

“Watch, my car goes fast,” with a push on the car, it suddenly went rolling away.

The angel smiled, “It certainly is a fast car princess. We need to talk, little one. God sent me this time.”

“God is good?”

The angel smiled and glowed a little brighter, “God is very good. God watches over all of us. They have kept a close eye on you.”

“Me? I’m just a little three year old, but I’m almost four. Is that why God is watching me, because I’m going to be a big kid?”

“Not because you’re turning four. God watches all the special children, and you are a very special kid. Special little ones like you, God keeps a very close eye on.”

“God gave me you. My very own angel to protect me and help me.”

The angel smiled, “God makes sure every special child has a guardian angel. I am honored to get to protect such a special child.”

“Why me special? It cause no one can understand me?”

“You being non-verbal, is definitely one thing that makes you extra special,” the angel said. “What caused that is what prompted God to appoint me to watch over you. Today, God has asked me to give you a choice. There are two possible paths in front of you. God sees that you will positively impact a lot of people no matter which path you take, but . . . they are very different paths.”

“I want the one with you Angel.”

The angel smiled and glowed as they continued, “I will be with you on both paths, but our ability to talk to each other stops if you go down one of the paths.”

“I don’t want that one. You only one who understands me.”

The angel giggled, “Little one, you do a very good job of getting others to understand you, even though you can’t do that with words. The older you get, the better you will be at it. Your decision, however, should not be about me. Your life will be very different on these two paths, and you have to decide which path you want to travel on. One of the paths, you will continue to be non-verbal. You will be happy and loved by those that care for you. Like now though, it will be frustrating when you can’t get others to understand what you want.”

“Will I get to be me? They keep calling me a boy and dressing me in boy clothes. I want pretty dresses and them to know I am a girl. Why do they keep calling me a boy and not letting me play with the girl toys?”

“That is the other reason God keeps a very close eye on you little one. You are something called, transgender. God watches all transgender individuals closely. From them, God will pick his future angels.”

“You transgenwa?”

“I was when I was a human on earth. Now in Heaven, I am an angel. We’re not really any gender, but because we experienced both genders on earth, God says we make the best angels. But let’s get back to your two choices. Like I was saying. On one path, you will stay non-verbal, loved, and happy. People will always view you as a boy, and believe you are intellectually disabled, even though you are not. On the other path, you will start to talk. Once that happens, we can no longer have these times together, but you will be able to be understood by the other people on earth.”

“Mommy and Daddy will understand me?”

“Yes, little one. Once you start talking, they will understand you, but it will be a tough path. You will repeatedly struggle to be loved by others, no matter how much you try. You have a disability called autism, that gets in the way. Although you will have the potential to help and change the lives of many people, it will be hard to get others to value your opinion and views. On this second path, however, you will eventually be able to live your life as a girl. God wanted me to make sure you knew that it may take decades for that to happen.”

“What decade?”

“A decade is 3,650 sleeps, but God said it may take you over 18,000 sleeps before you get to live your life as a girl.”

“That’s a lot of sleeps.”

“Yes, princess. It is a long time.”

“But everyone will finally get to know me as me?”

“Yes, but it will be a long hard journey.”

“I want that one. I want to be me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yupsy. Even Teddy thinks I should go down the path that lets me be the girl I am,” a bear was held out to show the angel.

“As you wish princess. I will inform God of your choice.”


“Carla, you know if I didn’t know better, I’d say Ned was talking to someone. Look at him. He’s holding out that bear like he is showing it to someone.”

“James, he can’t talk. How could he be having a conversation with someone. He barely acknowledges us when we talk to him. He’s lost in his own little world. Stop trying to put more intelligence on the kid than he has. You heard the doctor, Ned will never talk or be toilet trained. We will always have an infant to take care of. Infants don’t have conversations with people.”

“I guess so,” James said looking over at his son. “I just wish I could figure out what was going through his head at times.”

Ned got up and went over to Carla, “Hungwy Mommy.”

Both James and Carla stared at Ned with their mouths open. They looked at each other and then back at Ned. Carla broke the silence, “You . . . You talked . . . You called me Mommy.”

Grabbing Ned into a big hug, tears started to flow down Carla’s face.


“She chose the hard path,” the angel said to God. “Is it the right path?”

“There are no right or wrong paths,” God stated. “Just the ones they choose. Some lead towards me and others don’t. Both of Ned’s paths still lead towards me. She will impact more people on her current path, changing not just her life, but actually impacting thousands within her lifetime. Many of those thousands will impact many more. If things go as I expect hundreds of years after Ned’s death, we will still be seeing her impact on people living on Earth and out into its colonies off of Earth. If she had chosen the other path, she still would have positively affected others, but not as widespread or impactful.”

God looked down at the two adults hugging little Ned, “Her life just got a whole lot harder. Keep her safe: physically, emotionally, and psychologically. She will be rejected by her mom, relatives, peers, teachers, and society in general. She will need all the help we can provide her in order for Ned to maintain her positive, optimistic personality.”

“The hardest part of this job is when my charges suffer.”

God’s warm light engulfed the angel, “You are still tasked with protecting her, but you know the rules. Once the little ones start talking, you’re not allowed to talk to them anymore. Normally, you only get about one year, but you got four with her.”

“Look at her with her parents. They are so happy that she said just two words, but you had me tell her that her life will be harder. How could talking cause problems? Can’t you prevent those problems?”

“Mom is the key. I gave people on Earth free will. As I look at possible futures, most involve Mom choosing to hold onto a false belief that Ned will catch up with her peers and no longer have a disability. Carla has a bias against individuals with disabilities and those that are different. Although we can put things in her path that will give her options to accept Ned’s disability and true gender state, her free will is out of our control. Most of her possible futures have her never accepting Ned.”

“How sad. A Mom rejecting their own child.”

“It breaks my heart every time it happens, but unfortunately, I can’t stop it from occurring. You, however, are tasked with helping Ned not get too discouraged by this. She has a very positive and optimistic personality, so she should be very receptive to paths you open up to her that lead her to not lose that wonderful element of her personality.”

“I will do my best.”

“I know you will. You have done an excellent job helping others on their journey to become angels. I’m fully expecting you to do the same with Ned, or whatever name she happens to have when she joins us up here. As you have seen, Angel Sarah is assigned to help guide Carla. You focus on Ned and let her focus on Ned’s Mom. Ned’s choice to go down this path has made life for both of them much harder. It gives Carla hope that she has never had before. She was finally starting to accept Ned as disabled, but with Ned starting to talk, everything is disrupted. It gives her false hope, which Ned will never be able to achieve. I worry that she will now never accept Ned’s disability. Those are not your worries though. You just need to focus on being Ned’s Guardian Angel. And when she does finally join us up here, you can train her to be as good of an Angel as you are.”

“I will do my best to protect the little angel,” the angel said as God spread their warmth throughout the room before leaving.

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