General Audience (pg)

I am so humbled by the amazing gift Bailey just made me

By making me a character in his story, he took what was a tough day for me (I'll tell you guys later why), and turned into the most amazing day I've ever had in my life. I'm having to sit further away from the keyboard to type this so I dont drown the thing in my happy tears....

Thank you Bailey, thank you.

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch - Part II


‘’There, look!’’
‘’Next to Ron Weasley of course!’’
‘’Wearing the glasses? It can’t be!’’
‘’Did you see what he looks like now?’’
‘’Yeah I know, creepy isn’t it?’’

Whispers followed Harry from the moment he left the abandoned girls lavatory three weeks before. He is still a girl. People queuing outside classrooms stood on tiptoe to get a look at him, or doubled back to pass him in the corridors again, staring, gaping at the new female Harry. He wished they wouldn’t but at this point it he was used to it.

Images 34 The Maverick's Menu Cookbook.

The Maverick’s Menu Cookbook.

Alright I’ve had a few requests from people for the cookbook for Images and I’ve done a preliminary list of things in the stories and there is a lot of dishes and recipes so these are going to be the things that I think people will like to see here and these aren’t really coming out of any particular order so some fishing around might be required until you find something you like.

Now most of these are to the restaurant use in terms of scale of cooking and serving. But a little imagination or having company or a big family over and you’ll do just fine.

My favorites will be marked by an *

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Be Careful What You Switch For

Be Careful What You Switch For
By ashes

James and Jane are fraternal twins, but James wishes they were identical. He's about to get his wish for one night only as he takes Jane's place at a frat party. Sometimes wishes come true.

I'm still here

Just thought I'd drop a blog and say that I'm here, just dealing with a few things. first is the Through the years. I had it mostly ready, well next chapter at least, but then I thought of stuff to add to it, so working on that.

Also been in a very bad mood since right around Christmas. I got a jury duty summons. In this county though, they take you for the month. So for 6 days I may have to show up. The worst is this coming Tuesday. I have to call at 11 am and if I'm needed , I got to be there at 1 pm. Really? Two hours to find out and be there? Talk about cutting it close.

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Late Night Conversation

Late night Conversation

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I’m scared.”

“About what?”

“About what we talked about today.”

“The... changes you’ll be going through soon?”

“Uh-huh. Its really going to happen? I’m going to change into a woman?”

“Yes. But it’ll be okay. I’m a woman, and I do fine.”

“Its not that. Its just ... everything about me will be different. The way I look, the clothes I wear, even how I think about things ... like boys and men, right?”

“True, but why is that scary?”

Writing for Fun

Writing here is for amateurs, amateurs in the original sense of people who do what they do for the love of doing it. If you're not happy about how long chapters are or how often they are posted, be polite and kind because if you simply make demands you might as well kick the authors and tell them to stop having fun.

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I have talked a bit about about my first girlfriend before, but I was talking about her to a co-worker last night, and it occurred to me to account our time together in one post.

I was going to university and being a book person, I explored the many libraries of my campus, looking for new things to read, That's when I saw her, the pretty blonde who sometimes helped me check out my material. I was smitten from the first, and totally out of character for me, I actually managed to do something about that - I asked her to join me for a walk.

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Pink? Why Pink? - Part 06

Pink? Why Pink?
Part 6
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro
Thanks to Hope Eternal Reigns for editing.

Somewhere in this chapter:

"Will you still like me after you see me eating?"

"You can eat like a pig and I would still like you."


What is my transition about?

What is my Transition about?

What is my transition about?

Well, it might be easier to start with what it isn’t.

Its not about sex.

Let’s make something really, really clear. I don’t fancy boys. Never had a crush on one as a kid, never had butterflies in my tummy about talking with one, never dreamed of having one kiss me.

So put aside any thoughts about me making myself more attractive to men. Its just not the case.

Richard Alf, Comic Con Cofounder dies at 59, from cancer

On, report that Richard Alf who co-founded comic-con in 1970 has passed to the large comic book in the sky. He died from pancreatic cancer. I know that there are a lot of folks on here that like comic book hero types, so I thought this might be of interest.


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So much hate

Tomorrow at a local church there will be a funeral for a fallen soldier, and a certain group whom we all know, will be there to protest and promote their hate.

The good news is that a radio station’s morning show has asked there fans to be there and line the street to create a wall to bloke these idiots. Believe me I will be there.

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Assassin thank you's

Now that the final part of Assassin has been posted and for the most part read, I would like to thank all involved in the project. First Holly Hart for her editing skills and suggestions during the year and a half of writing. Sephrenea for posting the picture and highlighting the chapters. The question has been asked if there will be a sequel? After reading the final part one can see several open threads indicating the possibility. Yes those are there for a purpose, but I have other things to take care of first. I want to take care of my Twisted novel first.

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random thoughts

Some random thoughts:

I was watching the first season of "Heroes" the other day. I'm a lot like Peter from that show - I was the family screw-up while my brother overcame our background to become a success. And yet he would drop everything to help me in any way possible.

I wonder where my poetry muse went? Its been a long time since I've written a new original piece.

My ex hasnt noticed the earrings yet. I wonder how big my front will get before she notices that?

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Wild Magic 8

At last! It was Friday, the day of my date with Tim. Every time I thought about him, every time I pictured his smiling brown eyes, I got a flutter in my gut, like flocks of butterflies, and a very nice warm feeling in my heart (yeah, I know what YOU were thinking. Tsk Tsk!).

Information about Afghanistan

Information for a story is what I need. I don't want to talk about IED's, guns, bombs or anything like that.

What I need is information about the living conditions of mountain country Afghan people who are touched by the Taliban. We can talk a little about the Burqua, but having worn one, I am pretty much up on that.

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Candle Light Dinner

Candle Light Dinner


By Karin Beyaert

Alex has a very special hobby he keeps secret to everybody. But his best friend discovered his secret by accident. She wants to know all about it, and invites him for a candle light dinner and a demonstration.

The sequel to Moonlight Queen, but written in such a way that it can also be read as a stand alone story.


Tennessee Legislature Is At It Again

There is a law being proposed in Tennessee that would allow bullying in schools by people who feel they are justified based on their own religious, philosophical and political views against LGBT students.I wonder if they have figured out that federal Hate Crimes laws would trump any attempt to violate the Civil rights of these kids? This comes in the wake of the suicide of a high school student who was being bullied for being gay. I have heard that Michigan just passed a similar law. It is sickening that any State would legally try to justify violence against someone else as a RIGHT!

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I went to see Sherlock Holmes today

It was very well done. For those who don't know European history leading up to ww1, I suggest you look into it before seeing this film to increase your enjoyment. However it isn't necessary to know this to enjoy this film. Robert Downey is excellent as always and Jude Law fills the part of Watson admirably.

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some more stuff for my journey

A friend of mine pointed out a couple of things I forgot to mention, that I should DEFINITELY remember to bring along:

A roadmap - as my friend said, sometimes, you need help finding the right pathways, so having a map is a good thing. He recommends a pocket New Testament as a roadmap, and I agree.

another thing he recommends is faith. Without it, I will weaken like I would if I failed to take water. I can only concur.

Lastly, he wished to remind me of one Person who will be with me on this journey - my Lord and my God. Without Him, the journey, and indeed my life, would be a waste.

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New Karin Bishop book at Amazon!

I have a new ebook, "The Haight", exclusively at Amazon for Kindle. It's part of the Kindle Select program, which means Amazon Prime members can get it for free.

It's the story of ...oh, heck--here's the link:

"The Haight" is set in 1967 San Francisco, and is more mainstream than some of my other books; TG is only one of several elements in the story. It has famous, real-world people in it as well as fictional characters, and is as historically and socially accurate as possible.

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stuff for the journey

In the entry before last, I compared my transition to a journey. Keeping with that theme, here is a list of some stuff I hope I've got packed for my particular journey:

Patience. There are going to be lots of times when I'll feel like I'm standing still, so I'll need this.

Persistence - Its a long trip, and I know I'll be tempted to quit, so I'll really have to have some of this packed.

A sense of humor - I'm going to make mistakes, maybe even make a fool of myself sometimes. Having this will help a lot.

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Wild Magic-Delayed

Okay, I had built up a buffer of stories, but after a few PM's yesterday, I looked through the story again. I can see what they are talking about, and it's sending the story off the track that I had planned. I'm not changing anything that's been posted already-just the next few chapters. Unfortunately, this means that I have to do some more writing to get what I want, so I won't post today-but I should have the next chapter tomorrow morning. Sorry!


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Pink? Why Pink? - Part 04

Pink? Why Pink?
Part 4
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro
Thanks to Hope Eternal Reigns for her editing.


Somewhere in today’s chapter:

“Damn you! Now I need to go. You and your big mouth.”


Gaby Book 8 Chapter *02* Farewells

Gaby Book 8 - Changes
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2011 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

It has been a long break for me since writing the previous volume in the Gaby series and I hope that it's been worth the wait. Our diminutive hero(ine) gets up to all sorts this time, weddings, racing, shopping  – well the usual Gaby stuff really!

Pour a coffee, get the hankies and settle back to see what the Wunderkind gets up to next!

Somewhere Else Entirely -42-

Garia's bid to ride a frayen continues with a trip to the armory. The man she meets there provides her with a different kind of challenge... one in which she only partially successful. The royals meet to decide the fate of Garia's project... and Robanar finds himself unexpectedly outnumbered!

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

42 - The King's Armorer

The Wrong Side of the Bed 3

The Wrong Side of the Bed 3

By Anistasia Allread

A chill ran down her spine. If she could only see two, where was the third? Could he be behind her?

Savage, bloody scenarios began playing through her head. Should she call security? She had a direct line to their office. A small button under the piano alerted the security department of trouble. During Christmas she was even fitted with a small ear piece and mic. So that she could help them catch shoplifters. At this time of the year shoplifting wasn't as prevalent so she didn't have use of the ear piece.


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