General Audience (pg)

The I-Magi-nary Gifts

The I-magi-nary Gifts
By Dawn DeWinter

One hundred and eighty-seven dollars. Eight of her bankcards she had already maxed out. Three times Josephine read the statement. One hundred and eighty-seven dollars. That was all the room she had left. And the next day would be Christmas.

There was clearly nothing to do but flop down in front of her 50-inch television set and sniffle. So Josephine did it. Her life also had its share of sobs and smiles, but sniffling she did best.

Gettysburg - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

Distraught womanYou're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

- Rod Serling


By Anon Allsop

Eric Van Vleet wanted nothing more than to learn all he could about the Civil War, the society could help experience the sights and sounds of battle as they played out their reenactment in a quiet room, but Eric wanted more. He made an offhanded wish to an old man that was about to change a young teen's life forever. Eric is about to find out what happens when you become another little pawn in a Chess game known as...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget



On the 25th December most people will be celebrating and Christmas with their family and friends.

Let everyone in the Free World spend a few moments for those who are serving and dying in foreign fields,and those that have already make the Ultimate sacrfice.

I know there are a few Ex servicemen and Women that use Big Closet and like myself will know the hardships and reality of war in our attempts to keep our countries safe.

I found a poem on the internet that many may not of heard

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Changes: Dreams and Wishes 4

As I walked in, all my fears and doubts came to the surface. I wanted to turn around and run away–away from those eyes, all looking at me; especially one pair...

Did I just look like a boy dressed up as a girl and was I kidding myself that these people would help?


Dreams and Wishes
Part 4

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2011 Susan Brown

The Ram 8

Here's Chapter 8 of The Ram.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 8.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.

A little good news.

I don't think I can begin to tell all the ways that this
story made me feel really good, but it really did. I think
I chuckled for a half hour.

Still, I feel so badly for several other stories, some from
only a few years ago, when several seemingly Fine officers were
removed from service, for being lesbian. It must be a form of

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a feeling of impending doom

Been struggling with a feeling of impending doom the last couple of days, which is why I wrote "Five years gone". Not sure why, but it might have to do with the stress at work and getting some negative feedback over my speed there from my supervisor. I hope I can get through this feeling, but much more importantly, I hope the doom doesnt happen.

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What is wrong with stores?

So the other day, the 18th, my roommate and I went to Kroger. For those who don't know, Kroger is major chain of grocery stores. While we were there, I made her go down the seasonal isle and was angry to find that they had removed most of the stuff from it already. Found out they've been removing candy and stuff from there since the 10th. Really? We have to put up with Christmas stuff before Halloween and it's not even a week before and they were pulling the Christmas stuff? the Easter candy is already out. the roommate went to Wal Mart yesterday to find the same thing.

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For the more patient or completist collectors

Yes, today you can now get the complete Book 9 - More Changes from the usual sources and as it has an ISBN - 978-1-4710-2194-7, it will soon be available at Amazon etc too!


and don't forget your Gaby calendar too

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Five Years Gone

Five Years Gone

Author’s note: this is a story of a possible future, and a bleak one at that. Take care reading it.

Hey guys, its Dot. Sorry its been so long since I’ve been on, but I’ve only just recently been allowed Internet privileges, and it took me a while to convince the Powers That Be to let me have the time away from therapy to post this update.

I look around at this place, and I can’t help wondering how the heck I ended up in here. How did things go so bad, so quickly?

The Ram 7

Here's the next chapter of The Ram

The Welsh Mountain Ram 7.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.

Jem...There's a debate in my head.

For awhile I've been trying to get to what's going on or not going on between Angel and Raven. So I'd like some opinions from those of you out there.

Can Raven realistically be with Angel with him being a guy and not transitioning?
Can a straight boy even if in costume, living as a woman/girl full time possibly be a lesbian? I'm sorry if that notion hits a button but I'm not sure the relationship if there becomes one would ever be Het in nature.

I'd love everyone's thoughts on this.

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Small steps

About four years ago I suddenly realized that I am female, even if my body disagrees.

The decades before I just thought I was a little different than the other boys, more sensitive, emotional, softer.
More empathetic, I was told that I'm a good listener.

I never got his competitiveness, "I'm better/stronger/more whatever than you" which was going on between the other boys.

Fortunately I grew up in a very caring and (positively) sheltered environment, in a loving family without any real conflicts. (At least I don't remember any.)

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a bit of breast development?

Yesterday, when I was getting dressed, I noticed I'm getting a little definition in my breasts - they seem slightly more "perky" and I have cleavage. It looks a little different from the "moobs" (Man-boobs) I have had up to now. It might just be my imagination, since I have had no "growing pains" there, but I'll take it.

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The Ram 6

Here it is.

Part 6 of The Ram

The Ram 6

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.

Southern California teen sentenced for killing gay * student

Remember Brandon King, the 15 year old shot in the back of the head in a computer lab 3 years ago?
This article still calls him 'gay', though Larry was portraying as female at school.

Southern California teen sentenced for killing gay student

By Greg Risling Associated Press
Posted: 12/19/2011 11:01:02 AM PST
Updated: 12/19/2011 12:04:34 PM PST

VENTURA -- A Southern California teenager was sentenced on Monday to 21 years in state prison for killing shooting a gay student in the back of the head during a computer lab class three years ago.

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More than just a writer of endless serials.

I seem to be classified primarily as a writer of transsexual serials, and it's true I have one or two on the go, including one which is probably the longest TG story in existence and still going strong.

I do also write short stories and they're not all about people changing sex, some simply like to cross-dress. I've also contributed drabbles and poetry/doggerel.

For those who think I just write endless serials about neurotic women, try the links below - I hope it will change your mind. Do I have a favourite? 'Yes, Interview with a Vamp.'

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News and Gruesome Tuesday on Kindle



Marine is almost there, Book 1 is being proof read, so it won't be long.

Candy Cane 2 is steaming ahead.

Behind the enemy 2 is grinding along... there is a difficulty in the research element with this one.

Every Little Girls Dream 2 is coming along nicely.

Gruesome Tuesday is posted, so it will be live within ther next 24 hours on my page Tanya's Page

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ABC's newest reality TV show (Not in a good way...)

I haven't seen this appear anywhere here yet, so I don't think that the word has spread here yet....

Spread the word to attempt to halt ABC's ill advised comedy "Work it". This show, if it makes it to Air, will poke fun at the real issues that Trasngender people face in gaining acceptance in life. This show needs to be stopped before it goes any further...

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The Yankee Belle - Part 2

Southern Belle

The Yankee Belle
Part 2
By Anon Allsop

Set in the backdrop of Tennessee during the American Civil War, a young, underage soldier is separated from his unit after a fierce battle. While trying to locate them, he inadvertently stumbles into mortal danger on a very dark and quiet evening. With nowhere to run, Jeremy must learn to accept the changes that have been wrought upon his body... changes that may prevent him from ever returning home again!

Pvt. Manning defense team says he is GID

According to a local newscast, the defense team for Pvt. Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking secret documents to Wikileaks, says Manning has Gender-Identity-Disorder. It was one of his alternate female personalities that leaked the documents. ???????

I have not been able to come up with a source for that last statement, but the APWire has this in it's story: "The defense has said that Manning, who is gay, was bullied by fellow soldiers. Manning's defense team says he told Adkins he suffered from gender-identity disorder - the belief that he was born the wrong sex."

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The Pain of Others

The Pain of Others

Mark Johnson is a 42 year old man who has suffered in his life. From the loss of his soul mate to what seems like protecting innocent people from pain. Is there a reason for this ? Will he come to grips with what seems like his reality as it starts to slip around him?

The Ram 5

Here's part 5 of The Ram.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 5.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.

The Dead Kid Returns - Chapter 4: Phase two

The Dead Kid Returns: Chapter 4: Phase Two

Beth decided that it was time for Phase two of her plan to help the new kid. One Thursday, as they read together in the park, she asked, “Could we get together on Saturday? Maybe you could come over to my house?”

“Or I could come to yours.” She added.

“I’ll ask.” the new kid said softly.

The next morning, the new kid said to her, “You can come over Saturday, if you want to.”

“I do.”

The new kid gave her the address and a phone number, and then retreated a little.

Finally found an effective tape for burst breast forms.

I have tried many things over the years to get a little extra life for a breast form once I have inevitably gotten a cut in the protective film. As I do sleep in the forms this will happen.

Usually I get close to two years before it does though.

My latest ones only went about a year.

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