General Audience (pg)

Christine's Love - Part 2

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

They were good friends through their early years in college,
until one day Hunter asked Christine to go along on a family vacation.
"The worst blizzard in 20 years" hits while they are waiting on his parents arrival.
What will happen when he learns of her secret?
Will he spurn her? Love her?

Take a little trip with these two friends as they sort out a brief encounter with the Medallion of Zulo.

Christine's Love
Part 2

by Anon Allsop

Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2011, 2015 Anon Allsop
All Rights Reserved.


Anybody know where these authors are?

I'd like to contact Alyssa Davis. She doesn't seem to have been on BCTS, and her stories' last appearance on Fictionmania and Crystal's StorySite was in 2002. Any ideas of her whereabouts or how to find out?

Stephanie James is another that seems to be MIA; she doesn't seem to be on BCTS, FM, or C'SS!

Any help in contacting or any info about these writers would be appreciated!


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my ex confuses me

I'm having trouble figuring out my ex. Yesterday, after the Christmas do at my brother's, I took my daughter home, and since I didn't have to work, I came into my ex's house for a bit. While I'm there, my ex starts playing with my hair, complimenting me on its softness and length, and making suggestions to help cover up my bald spot. Then today, when I was dropping off my daughter, she noticed I now have pink gloves, and gave me the third degree for their color. Like I said, she confuses me.

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The Pale Deer - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling

The Pale Deer
By Anon Allsop

A young brave defends a friend from the verbal attacks of his sisters' friends. Hear-ka is angered by their inability to look beyond his friend's stature as a warrior, seeing that through his kind ways he can also be a respectable leader. They laugh, but the Spirits do not. Hear-ka is sent to the mountain, there in the circle of the ancients he will find and bring back 'La-Ana-ha, the Pale Deer' to become his friend's willing squaw. A willingness that could only be contrived inside...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

wanting to live the life of the characters I write about...

This is in general to other authors who write. Have you ever wanted to live the life of the characters that you write about? I often feel this way, especially when the character is like Christine in my 'Christine's Love' story. She personifies everything that I find fascinating in a female. On a side note, often when I write, I find that I place myself into the story and strangely enough, I seem to sense how they would respond...I find it strange but possibly it really isn't, as I am sure that other authors do this themselves. I'm sorry, I'm rambling...I really need to get to writing.

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by shalimar


The matriarch, Leah, morns her sister, Rachel. Based on the Biblical
story in Bereishit (Genesis) and Midrashim. Minimally transgender possibility
from prayer.


School is over

Well, classes are over for the semester. That is a great relief as two classes I was taking gave me an incredible level of stress that totally sapped my creative juices. The good news is that I have a month to catch up on writing before new classes start. So I aim to have new 300 Rains, new The Journey is the Destination and hopefully some Whateley. That will be nice if I can pull that off.

But no more classes at the moment! Whee!

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Looking for help

After several years of reading on the site, I decided to join and try my hand at a story. I didn't want to start posting it until it was completely finished as I have been disappointed in the past by following several parts of a story only to have it disappear. So I kept prodding along and suddenly I had an 80,000+ word novel on my hands.


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Story voice

I often worry that as I write almost entirely in the first person, my characters would end up becoming, to be honest, 'me' and all the same. It is a difficult one to judge, because in writing said lead role I tend to be doing it by the 'method'. Annie is me, Gillian is me, Steph shared more than a name while I brought her to life. What surprised me, however, was a remark at work.

Two of my colleagues are reading the dead-tree version of 'Uniforms'and one of them passed a comment after Chapter 2.

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Member for 4 weeks.

According to my account details I have been a member for 4 weeks. This means that I have been writing, or trying to , for 4 weeks.

Mayhaps I doth write too much.

In 2 hours I am off to an assessment of a few things. I am scared, my nerves are not the best either. Not sure if I have enough time to get ready, Nor what to wear as its bloody cold outside.

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Talked To My Dad

Sisters and Brothers,

Yesterday I talked to Dad about how I was feeling. Well, he understood what I was going through. He asked me to look into other ways of relaxing.

That is when I really stress out. I feel more comfortable at times as a girl then I do as a boy, but most of the time it is a balance between both boy and girl. I going to try talking to my mom next. I’d like know what you all think.

Thanks for being supportive,


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Christmas spirit contest

I was looking at the list of stories for the Christmas spirit contest, and I have no idea how anyone would be able to pick a winner. There are so many awesome, amazing stories by fantastic authors, (and even an okay story by some girl named Dorothy Colleen) I cant see how you choose between them.


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My Uncle Passed This Evening

My uncle passed this evening from heart failure. He was my dad's second oldest brother and had suffered from the effects of Agent Orange for many years. My problem is this, I want to be there to support my cousins who know I have transitioned and mostly haven't had a problem about it. The rest of my dad's side are the ones I am worried about. They are mostly strict Southern Baptist and Pentecostal and they do not like anything that doesn't conform to their narrow minded view of the world.

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"Frankly, Scarlet, I Don't Give a Damn"

So, your follow up chapter is behind schedule? See title of this blog. Get it right, not fast.

BTW the quote is from Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. The book version gives him a soliloquy that is even better.

The keyword quote is from Alice in Wonderland by Louis Carrol.


Note: I almost really blew it: I almost used "you're".

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EAFOAB summaries - volunteers?

If you've followed my occasional ramblings over the past couple of years, you may remember I once embarked on the foolish quest to compose a spreadsheet containing summaries of all the "Bike" episodes, together with some other relevant background information.

PS and I worked together to get the first 1,000 done, then I largely took over until the 1280s whereby my life got busier and I fell behind.

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My absence is not what you probably think...

Let me just start by saying, I haven’t abandoned writing :-) I just caught a bad case of real-life recently that just won’t let go. The short version is, I’ve been sick, and my hard drive as well as backup external HDD both died on me, so I’ve been the last two weeks either lying in bed, or drugged out of my gourd on strong cold medicine while simultaneously trying to recover any data that wasn’t backed up online somewhere (Thank GOD all my stories were recently backed up on GDocs or I’d be totally screwed right now :-P)

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Virginia Inmate Appeals Dismissal Of Sex Change Lawsuit

Va. Inmate Appeals Dismissal Of Sex Change Lawsuit: Transgender Ophelia De'Lonta Wants Surgery

Thought this might be of interest. Please keep comments on context, and civil, PLEASE!


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Seasonal humour...

Posted on Facebook by someone from one of my other networks...

Dear Santa,

This year can I please have a big fat bank account and a slim body?
Please don't mix 'em up, like you did last year!!!!


P.S. I have tried really hard to be good this year.
P.P.S. The incident with the greasy pig wasn't proved.

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Invited to a muggle's writers group.

Much to my astonishment, I have been invited to a muggle writer's group through my church. I am frankly astonished and wonder how long this will last. The word from a friend of mine who secured the invitation for me is that if these people like your work, it will go to print.

So, now is the time to see if I have real talent, and am I up to writing withing the constraints of what adults see as proper spelling and sentence construction? Up until now, I have written for fun, and have ignored the rules of most of the editor mongers. I just wanted to have fun! :)

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OMG, the Beach Boys are opening a Resturant-Good Vibrations

The article seems uncertain about the nature of the food to be served, though concentrated more on the cutsey titles of songs for the dishes. I thought that given the association with the Beach Boys, all the desert around Vegas, that they would surely sell the Sand-Which-is there! And with the name of the resturant, they could do a good sideline in sex toys -- Good Vibrations ought to sell a lot of those, especially if monogramed!! LOL

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The girls of my life growing up

I was sitting here at the computer getting some things done for work, and while I was pondering things, some old memories hit me. Flashes from late toddlerhood, preschool, elementary, middle school, and I realized something I had not noticed before. I always had a girl my age that was a friend and role model for me. I had boys that I was friends with. At times I hung out with them a lot more, but growing up I always had that one girl that I looked to when I was unsure about how to act, or that I looked to when the boys I played with confused me or just got too rough.

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new day new story .

Although I have sparks for stories every 5 mins and a story develops from a spark to full lenght one by the time I reach the bottom of stairs usually, missing some details among other stuff.

I am writing a new one based in part with my love of cars. I am not going to post it here till I'm satisfied with it. I write in notepad which is on just about any computer.

I have alot of stories already in production here which I can work on when the mood swings inline with the area of that story.

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An Object Lesson

I wrote a story this week which is in the "let it stew" stage. As I should, I used spell check and discovered some alleged mistakes in my writing. One of the sentences I wrote said, "So, I watched him and her together wishing I was her." Spell check said, "...wishing I was she." The disputed word is an object of the sentence fragment, not the subject ("I" is the subject of the fragment). therefore "her" is correct.

Moral: use "Spell Check" but also use your brain. "Spell Check" is only a computer program.

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What I am feeling

I was reading some of the other blogs yesterday and I read one that seem to get how I feel. I can not remember who exactly it was anymore. I feel like I am a girl in a boy's body, but I do like to have the body I am in at times. So I am not confuse about somethings, but I am confuse on what I discovered about myself. That does not seem right at all. Is it just so I can relax or is it just in my mind. I just do not know at all.

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Healing a Princess...41 (Fighting the Wind)

Healing a Princess . . . 41 (Fighting the Wind)

By Anistasia Allread

Cavalrymen having heard the alarm and noting their Captain’s tense posture, began forming up behind him.
The Captain turned towards them. “We don’t know what may be out there, but we need to hold them off so that the princesses can get across the river.”
::We should get going.:: Mi’tana suggested.
::Let’s stay here. Just a bit longer.:: Monyka protested.
“Monyka.” Grymm’s words were a bit slurred from his wounds. “We should head down to the river.
“Captain!” a call went up. “Look!”
Monyka looked north and saw a swirling cloud of black coming straight at them.
“What is that?” a voice asked.
Monyka squinted and strained to make out what the mass was.
“Everyone, if you have face guards, put them down.” Rikki ordered. Those who don’t cover your faces with what you can. That is a murder of crows.” The Captain looked to Monyka wide eyes. “Can you do something?”

Anon Allsop - Christine's Love - Story Updates

Hello All!

I just thought I'd let anyone know who may be interested in following my stories that I will be posting the story 'Christine's Love' in four parts with the first part going up today. I have several, what I consider would be my 'behemoth' (in size) stories that I want to migrate to BigCloset | TopShelf. These will take awhile and I thank you for your patience.

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My mom's death

Just two days after Thanksgiving my main supporter in being transgender died at the age of 67. She had been suffering for fifteen years with work related Asthma and Fibromyalgia. My mother had even supported me when I lost my job by loaning me money to live on while I looked for a new job. My current job is about to run out in January and she had left me enough money to live on for the next couple of years and a house to live in.

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Make My Day

Make My Day

by Julie D Cole

When someone says ‘I hate you’ it often brings a tear,
Especially when the words are from the ones we hold most dear,
Hate is rarely ever meant, but it’s like a bullet from a gun,
The shooter aims, the shot is loud and lots of pain will come,

But ‘Love’ is like an arrow that that flies from archers bow,
It often strikes without a sound, so the target doesn’t know,
So if you hear ‘I love you’ even though from far away
More tears will come, but the feelings good,

I Have Had A Tough Week

I have had a tough week. I started training for my new job with the IRS last Monday and had to take a very difficult test on Thursday to advance in my training. I failed the test and was disqualified for further training. I am once again trying to figure out where to go from here. Added to that, I am being blamed by my mother because we had to sign up for a new phoneline and DSL for my Home Office and we got a bill for that that was far more than the agreed upon amount.We signed up for a bundle plan through AT&T that included the new line, DSL and DirecTV in one plan for $97 a month.

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Rush, rush, rush ... The Other Side of Dreams up on Kindle.

Hi everyone.

It's rush rush, rush for me.... I have eight, full-length novels in the later stages of development, all I wanted to finish before Christmas, as well as trying to get all my works onto Kindle to clear the decks. Then there are the short story competitions, of which I have entered nine new stories, all written over the last seven days. Then I've got my decaying parents... just give me an hour in a darkened room each evening, and I'll be fine. I promise.
My apologies in advance, I don't think I'll meet my self appointed deadlines, but I shall try.

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