General Audience (pg)

A Date

I went out with this woman. She misread my text of when we would meet, so she was really angry with me for no good reason. When she saw that she had misread the text she kept face-palming herself.
The impression I got was that she was acting like a teenage girl.

What I would like to ask people is (I don't want to insult- this is a genuine question), are women who take hormones in a continual state of puberty or do you think she was imbalanced?

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Something to Remember

Some of you know, I'm a pastor as well as being a MtF in the process of transition. As part of being a pastor I regularly counsel people, many of whom are transgendered themselves. One, is a MtF trying to deal with what it means being trans. I chat with her on the phone every Thursday night. This last week I said something that immediately clicked with both of us. Both thought I should share it.

We know more about being a man than we want, and know less about being a woman than we need.


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Whatever Next 29

I've just sent the latest chapter of this version of the saga to Maddy, who will doubtless post it in the next week or so. I'm intending to wrap this book up in the next few chapters hopefully resolving the Meadows question as I go along, otherwise we could end up with a four book trilogy - duh!

I'll do a link when it's posted.


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Going to a Halloween Party With Penny Dressed As A Baby Girl

Many of you are probably aware of my beautiful relationship and dress-up exploits with my cousin, Penny, when we were kids. So I thought it appropriate to post this Halloween story about Penny an me again here, with some appropriate updates.

Poignancy of a picture

You might have seen the photo that Jodi Bieber took of Bibi Aisha, if not then do look at the one in the link below. Bibi is an Afghan girl who left her husband and he followed her and cut off her nose and ears. It sounds barbaric, which it is, but the photo conveys a woman who has an inner serenity despite her mutilation.

She now lives in NY city, so possibly might have some sort of plastic surgery eventually. If we tend to feel dissatisfaction with our physical appearance, imagine what she goes through every time she looks in a mirror.

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Healing a Princess...38 (Attack on Lyonsgate)

Healing a Princess Ch. 38 (Attack on Lyonsgate)

By Anistasia Allread

“Thank you.” Tonya leaned closer and looked into his eyes.
Rikki found her soft pink lips brushing against his. He closed his eyes and kissed back, enjoying the taste of her despite the wine. Tonya’s arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer, her lips hungrily kissing his.
Rikki was surprised to find his hand caressing her cheek, his fingers stroking her silky tresses, his tongue probing her mouth, tasting her tongue. He broke away and began caressing her cheek and neck with his lips.
“Why didn’t you come last night?” Tonya asked.
“I had things to do and I needed to get some sleep.” Rikki kissed the small of her throat. The scent of her was intoxicating. He pressed his nose into the hair at the base of her neck and breathed deeply as his lips enjoyed the softness of her skin.

will the new proposed billa SOPA affect this site if it becomes law

I have read a little about the new Stop Online Piracy Act bill and it seems disturbing. Just with a letter or a compliant by someone they could threaten any site. They cant take it down per say but it may as well have if they can force google and any search engine to remove the said site with just a letter, cut the site from its ad revenue. And there seems to be more to it than that but its above my feeble understanding of how the web works. BUt they can all do this without any judge being involved or finding anyone guilty.


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The Story's the Thing!

The Story’s the Thing!

I’m a writer.

I’m not super-famous like Grishim or King, but there’s a good chance you’ve seen one of my books in the paperback section. Based on my royalties, quite a few of you have bought one - “for a friend” maybe, because I’m not the kind of author people seem happy to admit they read.

I’ll take the money regardless.

Calendar Time

With the turn of the year fast approaching it's once again time to release the 2012 Calendar!

This year there are pictures of both Gaby and Nena from Germany, Denmark and the 2011 Gabycon!

Order soon for pre Christmas delivery

Bye for now


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Moonlight Queen

Moonlight Queen


By Karin Beyaert

Alex has a very special hobby he keeps secret to everybody. But of course sooner or later somebody has to find out about it. How will his best friend react when she does…?


If you liked the story, there is a sequel: Candle Light Dinner.


I don't know what I'm feeling, or if it's even valid.

I know that what I'm about to relate will seem like a very minor problem to those of you who have much more serious problems in your lives, but blogs are all about what bothers us, or what makes us happy, no?

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The Angry Mermaid 50. Y Morforwyn Dicllon 50

A Chapter where Drustina teaches a young teenaged boy an excellent lesson in honesty and horsemanship.

A Boy jockey and his horse. (Hellenistic art.)

The Angry Mermaid 50


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 50.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.

Another year older and further in...

Well the old year is over, now for an just over an hour, i begin my 48th tour around the sun... i want to give my birthday wishes to all here who feel the draw of the feminine. i want to thank all the readers and authors and the really wonderful family i have found here... my wish to you is that the dreams you dream become as real as you want them to be. happy birthday to me yesterday... and a day of remembrance today
Best thoughts,

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A Tapestry of Stars

A Tapestry of Stars

The first thing that drew my attention when I came into my local Pride center for the first time was a large tapestry with gold stars covering it. Above the tapestry was the the words “We remember” in large glowing letters.

I went over to one of the staff and said, “Wow. That represents all the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people who have lost their lives?”

“Actually, that’s just for the Trans people. We need a book for the others.”

Geneticists gone wild!

Hiyo! your favourite little old News Agrigator Me, with sciency stuff on Physical Sex development... a fascinating read from Boing Boing.

Gender isn’t a simple thing. A person can be male, female, both, neither, and more–and that identity doesn’t have to have anything to do with the particular genital plumbing they were born with.

But the plumbing itself–the biological sex, rather than gender or socio-cultural sex–is also a lot more complicated (and interesting) than we often give it credit for.

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New Statesman review of "My Transsexual Summer"

This popped up in my Twitter feed today: Juliet Jacques in the New Statesman examines My Transsexual Summer, while also taking an opportunity to comment on media coverage in general of those on the transgender spectrum. The article also links to several other reviews of the series so far.

New Statesman - My Transsexual Summer: The trouble with television

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Serious stuff!

But I don't know if it is true...

You all MUST read about the latest congressional bill called 'SOPA'. It is being debated this week and it has a lot of support in this congress,
and if it were to pass then this site and others would be a banned site." Read and sign the petition!

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Disowned by Mom - Again!

i guess it was bound to happen, just like it has happened numerous times before. I have been once again disowned by my mother.

This time she did it more subtle than the last. The last time she disowned me she told me I was dead to her... that was in 1998. This time she just unfriended me on facebook. This is what got her so upset, my last status update from facebook on my main account.

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My Mother's Response

This is my mothers response to the letter I sent her.

Well! Reading your last e-mail was a shock to say the least. Here is my answer---I don’t care if you are a man or woman or stick or rock or barbarian!!! I just care if you are a good person!!! That’s the bottom line–the kind of living human being you are. Love, Mom

I started crying. I don't normally cry, but I did.

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I need a huge favour!

Folks, I need your help. After writing almost 20,000 words on my Quest story, I realize I made a major mistake at the beginning - I made three characters with very similar names. I want to change two of them, but I just KNOW if I try and do it I'll get confused and miss the name in one place or replace the wrong one in another. Help!


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My Quest story has passed into "Novella" territory

Well, my "Quest" story has officially moved into "Novella" territory. I dont think I can make a novel, but its going to be longer than any piece I've done other than "Trial of the Phoenix". I've got a ways to go, so we'll just have to see what the final tally is ...

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The Sentencing - Chapter 1

The idea for this story came from a short, inspirational email that was shared with me a few years ago. I thought the message behind it was quite lovely and wanted to somehow turn it into a story to share with everyone. It took almost two years for a story to develop where I could use it in a way to honor the beauty it was written in. If I knew of the original author, I would like to include them...but as with much that is passed around in cyberspace, they are unknown. All I can do is say, thank you for the inspiration...I only hope my story does justice to your beautiful, and uplifting message.

The Sentencing
Chapter 1
By Anon Allsop

Anderson Cooper Show

I watch to show on the Transgender children they had a 6-8-11 year old little TGIRLS the 6 YO is soooo cute OMG so cute . The 8 YO told mom she wanted to be a witch for holloween and mom said boys are not witches on the way home she had a tamtrum in the car and on arriving home bolted out of the car into traffic trying to kill herself OMG. The 11 YO started to go into male puberty and is now on blockers, out of all of them the 11 YO was a tomboy and I think is still finding hershelf as far as being a girl.

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A bit of wish fulfillment.

I make a habit of haunting our local Salvation Army resale store, as well as several other second hand stores. Wednesdays, at the local Sally's Boutique (our nickname for the Salvation Army store) are half price days on clothes and shoes, and some really good finds can be garnered.

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feeling sick

Well, today I'm feeling super sick. I have a headache, feel like I'm running a fever, and I have thrown up once already this morning. Not only that, my daughter is home sick with her mom, having missed the last couple of days of school, so whatever it is must be going around. I hoped I could do some writing today, but ah, well.

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My apologies

For taking so long to post the final chapter of Assassin. As most of you know I've been fighting a battle with cancer and I think I've won that battle. Things though have had me puzzled. I wonder if the chemo and radiation effect the brain enough to not want to write. I would put off writing and just read stories. My Kindle wasn't any help at all except to help me with my writing when I was able. I found Lee Child and became an addict. His descriptions of an event or scene are incredible.

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School has been keeping me pretty focused and that has gotten in the way of my writing. Not a fan of that. Just how annoying do things have to be? Really? I just want to write some in order to relax, as that helps me out a lot more than most any other type of stress relief. Granted I am a weird dork for that but I am fairly okay with that.

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The Madonna Of The Future: 5. The Stink-Bomb Madonna

"Are you okay?" she asked. "Did she hurt you?"

"No," I said out loud. Silently I added, I think I gave as good as I got.

"Good," she said. "I assume you must have read at least a bit of that diary, or else you wouldn't have fought so hard to preserve your classmate's privacy."

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way


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