General Audience (pg)

Through the years: Two against the world part 3

But no voice could be heard on the other end, just heavy breathing. She listened for a moment, in case they had a mouth full of food or something, then hung the phone up. “Weird.” She stated and went back to her book. A few moments later, the phone rang again. She looked at it as she considered if she really wanted to pick it up. There was a good chance that her mother could be calling, she picked it up once more. “Hello? Patterson's residence.”

The person on the other end breathed heavily again. “Okay, this isn't funny.” Tracy said into the phone. "Either say something or don't call. So what do you want?”

It was quiet for a moment or two, then a voice spoke. It seemed to be a teen's voice, possibly older, one she didn't know. “I know.” Was all it said.


Thanks to Djkauf who did the editing

Back with more Tracy.


An Old Trope Revisited

An Old Trope Revisited

I was in the change room, getting angrier by the moment. My own mother was pushing girl clothes on me! She’d dragged me into this shop, made me strip, and now had thrown skirts and dresses and girl’s underthings over the top of the door, and was demanding I put them on!

I really couldn’t believe my own mother would be doing something like this. Why would she want to turn me into a girl? Didn’t she love me just as I was? And what could I possibly do but go along with her plan?

Finally, an idea came to me, how I could end this torture.

I'm not Supergirl.

After so long, I finally finished my Retcon fanfic. I always knew it would end up fanfic because Lilith stated that the Man or Maid of Steel would not be making an appearance. However, I had an idea I thought was interesting and fun. I just wanted to have a little fun with the concept and run with it. Things got crazy when others finished theirs way, way before I did and helped shaped the Retcon universe. That caused me all kinds of problems until I managed to work my way around it. In the end, I finished and I'm rather happy with it.

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a day that started well, but has gone not so good

Well, today started promising. I was able to get a whole chapter done on my "Quest" story. But I made the mistake of having MSNBC on in the background, and so when they started talking about the Pen State case I lost my ability to write, or do much more than feel ill. Hopefully, I'll feel better soon.

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In Case Anybody Missed It

I just posted the 2012 Ultimate Writer's Challenge challenge list in the forum.

For those still interested in trying to finish enough of the 2011 set to get the prize, there's still time! It's open 'til March 1, 2012 for those who wanna try to get it, and of course, it's not like I'm gonna tell people they can't write stories off the list's ideas whenever they want anyhow.

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Melanie Ezell's Ultimate Writer's Challenge -- 2012 Edition!

Welp, it's getting near the end of the year, and what better way to get people ready for the next than a spanking new edition of The Ultimate Writer's Challenge!

Now, for those still interested in finishing last year's set, me posting this one doesn't mean that one's abandoned. Rather, I wanted this one up early enough to give people time to get challenges done ahead of time, if they wanted to.

Now, with that comes a few notes.


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struggling with doubts about my gender

Well, the last couple of days I've been fighting with doubts about my trans status. I'm not sure where this is coming from, unless its anxiety over the possible fight with my ex, and I'm looking for the easy way out - If I'm not trans, no fight, right? I wish I could know for sure if my rape caused this struggle, or not. I could live with either answer as long as I could have some facts on my side. Ah, well.

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The Madonna Of The Future: 4. The Mallory Variations

"Catch this one," Mallory said, spinning the tape rapidly ahead.

"No," Susan insisted. "I don't want to hear any—"

Mallory interrupted. "Hold on there. These aren't just any old, ordinary, run-of-the-mill farts," she explained in a low, confidential tone. "You won't find these farts on the street. These are special."

Susan scoffed. "And what makes them so special?" she asked scornfully.

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

There will be more YHIAW By SaraUK

I just wanted to thank everyone that took the time to read 'You Have it all Wrong 1,2.and 3' And leave a comment asking for more of it.
Well I'm pleased to tell you that I will be adding a 4th book to the series soon.
In the mean time I hope you take the time to read something a little different by me called 'Project Guardian'

Happy reading, and Chrissy and Co will return.

Hugs and Love


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watched a pretty dumb movie last night

Well, last night was a good example on why you shouldnt get a movie based on the blurb. I saw this movie at my work called "Amanda" which said it was about a "player" guy who meets the perfect girl - but dumps her when she tells him she was born a man. I'm not sure what I was hoping for, but it was a pretty pedestrian romantic comedy. He's pretty bad about the trans thing, calling her new vagina "a wound", making me wounder what she would see in him, but he learns he cant live without her, makes a big romantic gesture, and wins her back by declaring that "love has no gender".

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Hello All who care to read this, i have read a lot of post recently (including my own) on depression. I, for one am glad people are starting to speak up about this potentially dangerous subject openly, as it can be deadly.

I have an offsite blog Looking Forward, Moving Forward where i write about T* issues and very often about depression and the gender gifted, but it is for everyone, no matter how they identify.

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'My Transsexual Summer'

I watched this against my better judgement - usually, I stay well away from cliche TV - and on the whole was pleasantly surprised. There were still cliches, Drew takes two and half hours each day to apply her makeup, and sadly looks like she should either be on the catwalk or stage - it's OTT big time. Presumably a case of overcompensation, sadly because both she and Donna - who is all tattoos and piercings could make quite attractive females in a more conventional way. All the new women had rather male voices which also shattered the illusion they were trying to create.

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Found two businesses somewhat nearby who do galvanic electrolysis...

They both do Thermolysis, Galvanic (multi-probe), and Blend. I'd insist on either pure Galvanic, or Blend, of course.

She even lists her rates right there on the front page. She certainly puts together a smart site at least...

I'd have to call them to even find out their rates, but they're about 10 miles closer to me by bike than Mary-Ann is. I don't like their site as much...


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Taking a Break

Robinverse has basically blown up in my face, and I now have authors who previously were interested running like hell the other way because I made the mistake of making overt the fact that magic has subtly existed all along.

I promised I'd continue to post Becoming Robin here, and maybe I will eventually finish posting it, but for the foreseeable future, I'm going to step down as a TopShelf author.

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I was red in the face last night and this morning

Well, at our lunch break last night, a co-worker said I looked red in the face, and then when I got home this morning, my mom said the same thing. It could be a sign of high blood pressure, which would be very bad. If I have to stop the hormones due to high BP I don't know what I'll do ....

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Gay couple fights for names on child's birth certificate

DES MOINES, Iowa — Melissa Gartner will have to wait a bit longer to find out if she'll be listed on the birth certificate of the child her wife bore.

Melissa Gartner, 41, and Heather Gartner, 39, sued the state when the Iowa Department of Public Health refused in 2009 to list both names on the birth certificate of their daughter, Mackenzie.
Iowa District Judge Eliza Ovrom heard arguments in the case Monday and will issue a written ruling at a later date.

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Are Those Yours? -2-

My muse simply insists that I develop this tale. There will probably be five or so parts, and at extremely random intervals. But there's a solid tale there, and I have to write it. Enjoy.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 2

Pling Plong.

Dave groaned and forced one eye open. He had fallen asleep on the couch again, his head at a painful angle to the rest of his body. In the corner the television flickered and danced with some daytime quiz program he'd never seen before. He was lying at a low angle, obviously having fallen over as he drifted off. He attempted to straighten up, wincing as his neck assumed its proper orientation. The weights on his chest moved alarmingly, travelling around of their own accord as he sat up, finally assuming their normal hanging position. He yawned.

Genre Baiting

Genre-based attacks on stories posted as comments are not allowed. I'm tired of this unfriendly behavior. Multiple and repeated attacks of this sort MAY NOT get further warnings and MAY result in banning from the site.

If you don't like the genre of the story you are reading, exercise the muscle between your ears and stop reading it! You don't have to tell anyone publicly about it either.

If you like BC as a place to come and read the kind of stories you like, allow other people the same dignity and respect you would like to have.

Hugs to all,

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Wouldn't you know it!

Wouldn't you know it! Now that I've finally got stuff to post and am being productive again, here comes a disruption, A Really Big One. Understanding Spouse has been transfered from Columbia SC to Clearwater Fl. There's not a pay increase but they are picking a large chunk of the moving cost. Additionally, there has been talk of closing the office here in Columbia anyways. Better a job in Fl. than unemployed in SC if you know what I mean. Plus the standard of living is about the same or so I'm assured by the web.

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Can writing be that draining, really?

I've been beavering away at two different stories that are funny at times and quite poignant others, and I am doing an extensive scriptural study along with exhaustive notes and am feeling quite drained.

Both stories were meant to be dramas with postively comical moments in them and now I find it quite difficult to keep them that way, at times breaking out in tears, and thunder for no real reason. My God, I thought my drama days were long over!

Come on, can writing really be that draining or am a simply a selfish wimp?

Much peace


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Lulu offer

Lulu seem to like having regular offers - they've just launched another one for UK readers, which is valid until 11:59pm Friday.

20% off site-wide, up to a maximum discount of  £100.

The code is: EARLYSHOPPERUK305

So if you've been procrastinating over the possibility of buying one of Maddy's books... :)

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\o/ YAY \o/

For those who have been following the numbers, I have finished the Tegan story. While it is only 160 pages and 56.7k words it was difficult to write for a number of reasons. But its completion means I can get back to other things that I want to finish. Now I can do more 300 Rains, Journey is the Destination, Whateley, Kim Possible and other fun stuff that is out there like Chalice and the Wand. The editing phase of this will take a bit but not be as time consumptive as the writing nor as problematic. So I am really excited to be finished.

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Busy week and Twisted Dreams on Amazon Kindle.


What a week! Been writing so much that my fingers are bleeding... not quite, but almost. Have amost finished MARINE Book 1, just waiting on my Muse for a cracking ending that grabs people and makes them want the next book so badly... so perhaps a week or two to get it just right. I've just had another light bulb moment for a new book, so we'll have to wait and see. I have a week away with the family soon, so may get a chance to do some more writing.

Managed to get another title.. TWISTED DREAMS.. onto Kindle with slight revisions, but it is still on my site and here for free.

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Any rules on this site for fan fiction?

I'm sure it's been discussed here before, but I was curious if there are any rules or discouragement for a story that might be considered "fan fiction"? I ask because I was developing a story that involves the setting, but none of the characters of a commercially published work. Do you just need a disclaimer or should derivative works be avoided? I don't want to cause the site any trouble.


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I'm Home

I'm Home.

I've been on a journey of discovery, pain, love, and hope these last few weeks. I shared some of it, with some of you. You see, my mom remembered my telling her I'd been abused.

I've also spent the last week+ on the road, with my wife DJ most of the time, with one of my sisters and her spouse part of the time, and running down the corridors of my mind whenever I allowed my self to think.

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