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(aka Bike) Part 1574 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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“Look I know you’re both an item, but would you mind not rubbing it into our faces every few minutes?” I almost snarled at Caroline.
“Who got out of bed the wrong side this morning then?” she retorted.
“I pay your wages, I’d like you to help me as well as running round for your girlfriend.”
“Sorry, I wasn’t aware that you wanted me to do anything.”
“Take an hour off and take Jenny with you.”
“Fine, if that’s what you want.”
“It is.”
I bumped into Simon by the kitchen door. “Carry on like that and you’ll be advertising for a new housekeeper.”
“I might need one anyway.”
“They won’t stay, the council will find her a bungalow or adapt one–they have a legal obligation to–and they’ll live happily ever after.”
“I thought you’d told them they could stay here?”
“It wouldn’t work, would it?”
“What about when Julie comes home, won’t she need someone to look after her?”
“I didn’t, Stella will be here, so it’s just a question of giving her some time to play with her cucumbers.”
“Her what?”
“The plastic dilators they give you to stretch the vagina–remember it’s all scar tissue and that shrinks–so has to be stretched.”
“Obviously, I wouldn’t want yours to shrink, perhaps we should...”
“Mine gets stretched often enough, and it’s more pleasurable than the plastic bullets.”
“Plastic bullets, cucumbers, dildoes, dilators–have they any other names you’re not telling me?”
“In the beginning, it feels like you’re shoving a large post–a square one at that–into a very small round hole. It also feels like the post hasn’t been rounded or planed. It hurts.”
“Like childbirth in reverse?”
“It’s certainly an uncomfortable way to lose one’s virginity, to a nurse with a gleam in her eye and big arm muscles. If she’d shoved it much harder, I’d have had a sore throat for weeks.”
“I thought she was teaching you how to dilate not do blow jobs?”
I looked at him for a moment and wondered if I’d married the missing link or should I call the local asylum and see if any of their inmates was missing, ’cos they have one who looks and sounds just like Simon.
“Anyway, I have to take Jenny back tomorrow.”
“Oh yes.”
“And Caroline will have to look after the children, I can’t do it all myself.”
“I could run her back for you, obviously have to use your car.”
“The Mondeo would be easier, it’s an estate.”
“Fine, I’ll do it then.”
“Is there anything you’d like me to do?” asked Caroline a little later.
“Simon is going to take Jenny back to Southampton tomorrow.”
“Oh, okay, I’ll tell her–do you mind if I go with them?”
“No you must be due a day off–take it tomorrow.”
“Thanks that’s awfully decent of you.”
“I’m sorry I was short with you earlier.”
“That’s okay, it surprised me, that’s all.”
“I told you I wasn’t all sweetness and light.”
“You did indeed–however, you are still the best employer I’ve ever met.”
“Go and tell her.”
“Yes, boss.”
“Oh and Caroline...”
“Don’t become a doormat. You can’t see it because you have stars in your eyes, but I can.”
“See what?”
“She’s playing you and reeling you in.”
“How can you see that?”
“I’m a woman, I know how to play the game,” I nodded at Simon passing.
“You did that with him?”
I coughed instead of answering.
“But I’m a woman too, aren’t I?”
Not if Jenny has her way, which may not be all bad, because I’m beginning to have some doubts myself. “Shall we say, I’ve been at it a bit longer than you and leave it at that.”
“You think she’s gonna get me to revert, don’t you?”
“I don’t know what the future holds for any of us.”
“No you don’t, so stop guessing on my behalf. I’ll do what I want and what I think is best for me, and at the moment that means being with Jenny.”
“Fine–it’s your life–I wish you both happiness.”
“You sound surprised?”
“I am, you seem inconsistent, one moment you’re criticising her and the next wishing her happiness.”
“I’m wanting you to be happy too, Caroline and I’m not convinced you want the same thing, that’s all.”
“But we do, we both want to be happy together.”
She couldn’t see my point and I felt we’d discussed it long enough. “Fine, I’ll speak with Tom about converting the old cowshed into a bungalow. If he’s happy, I’ll get Maureen to have a look and get some quotes.”
“Wow, that’s serious money.”
“I want you both to be happy and that means having somewhere to live.”
“Will you be able to heal her some more?”
“Perhaps a little–the injuries are possibly too old or there might be some other reason which I don’t understand. It works with me, the energy, not for me. If it did, I’d have saved Billie.”
“Of course–I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, she’s been through a lot and improved in ways you won’t appreciate because you didn’t see her in the beginning. The healing has helped with that, but I can’t say she will ever walk again.”
“D’you think that’s some punishment?”
“For what?”
“For running out on you and for stealing from you.”
“Oh come on, the first is a breach of contract thing and the second is petty crime for which she’d have got probation or suspended sentence not a life one to be carried out in a wheelchair. I think I understand where she was coming from and why she did what she did, including the bridge–but the punishment was all by her own hand, nothing to do with me.”
“She felt she’d let you down.”
“She did, but she won’t be the first and probably not the last either. Anyway, we’ve settled any outstanding business between us, so in that regard, we’re quits which means a new leaf has been turned over.”
“She really loves all of you.”
“I know and we love her too.”
“She knows, she thinks you’re the most angelic person she’s ever met.”
“Obviously she hasn’t met many then.”
“I couldn’t comment, could I–but don’t put yourself down, boss–you’re still the best.”
“Go and sort her out and find out what she’d like for lunch–it’ll be turkey in some shape or form.”
“I know I’d love a curry.”
“Okay, I’ll make you heathens a curry–us believers–in functioning taste buds–will have something different.”
“You sure?”
“It is written.”
And so it came to pass that a curry was delivered to those who wanted to eat it, and the moving finger kept beating the eggs which made an omelette for those who abstained from the spicy dish–Catherine, Puddin’ and me.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1574
Maybe her halo made of cury
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The moving finger writ ,,,
and having writ moved on...
and left behind another chapter of Bike in the ether.
Thanks, Ang!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I don't understand curries and those who like them either. I too like my taste buds to work. They allow good wine to taste better.
Much Love,
Valerie R
Much Love,
Valerie R
Is spiced Moong Dahl Curry?
My roomates love curry, but had Moong Dahl the other night and I thought I'd get away with it. As it turned out, I find it is an abomination to my digestive tract. So from now on we are anathema to each other.
As for Jenny and Caroline... Sigh.
Caroline and Jenny
Well, that is a pretty well worn path isn't it? God knows how many transwomen have either opted not to transition or futilely tried to transition 'just enough' to keep themselves and their female SO happy.
It can work after a fashion but only if one is willing to always be sad in some fashion (even if you bury it) if one is the former or feel half-fulfilled if you should be on a full transition track if you are the latter.
It's up to Caroline and hope Jenny is the selfish little SOB she is being. Which leads me to wondering if she is not getting a complete healing because that way she will need Caroline and it acts as a hook to get them together. Of course if that was not necessarily that means she might even be fully healed now. The blue energy no doubt could do a full healing.
Finally, I am trying to get a better feeling for Caroline's current presentation wrt stuff like size, , movement and voice and stuff. I mean, is she that much of an obvious tranny or is it compared to Cathy, most every other transmwoman would pale? Oh, and I hate those bloody dilators!
Cathy can be a bit too philanthropical at times especially if she feels that gives her a licence to offer un-asked-for advice a wee bit too often.
It's a fine line between interfering and just offering a friendly non judgemental ear whilst offering the odd tip or bit of advice.
Only an individual can really know what he, she (or in my case,) it wants. (Wish there was a gender-neutral, third-person, human pronoun that was less abusive than 'it'.)
Nice to see that Cathy's in a position to help with accomodation, (Safe accomodation that is.) Secure accomodation can sometimes be the biggest issue in a trans-persons' life.
Good work Cathy but easy on the advice, a light touch can often be more productive than a heavy hand.
Can't say much about dilators, Not in the storys' context anyway. But yes, any invasions around that area are painful, especially if not wanted.
Nice philanthropical theme though.
Still lovin' it Angie.
Happy new year girl.
Growing Old Disgracefully
Talk about a bad mood! There are times it pays to walk carefully around Cathy.