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(aka Bike) Part 1531 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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Julie emerged before Simon came down and she looked on in horror at the plateful of cholesterol that Caroline had produced. Then came Simon to the rescue, he quite happily took up the challenge whereas I poured a cuppa and took two pieces of toast.
“That was a waste of time,” declared Caroline after she saw me with the toast.
“It was a very nice gesture and showed you were willing to act on your own initiative, however, I’m not a breakfast person, so please don’t do it again for me. I’ll ask you if I need you to cook for me.”
“Sorry,” she blushed and looked thoroughly ashamed of her effort.
“Don’t apologise, it’s a sweet idea but not for me. Simon will love you forever, but then he could eat for England–although he’s Scots like me.”
“You’re Scottish?” she asked in a way which couldn’t have sounded more surprised had she asked if I was really Lord Lucan.
“Yes, I was born in Dumfries, where Robert Burns lived and is buried.”
“I thought you were a Bristolian?”
“I think we moved there when I was a baby.”
“Crikey, there’s a surprise.”
I didn’t think it mattered one little jot, I’m still British and it changes nothing, except perhaps I’d support Scotland at various sports, like cycling–Chris Hoy and of course, Doping Dave–David Millar, whose kit I used to wear–until Stella hit me off the bike and shredded it on the hedgerow.
I mean it’s hardly like it means I come from a culture which is into cannibalism, though one or two meals I’ve had down here could have been made from anything, including human remains. Dumfries is hardly Mars, is it? It’s actually quite a nice little town with the river and so on.
“What’s so surprising?” I threw back at her.
“I just thought you were English.”
“Well I’m not, I’m an undercover agent, a sleeper, who’s going to stand for the Scottish Nationalists here in Portsmouth.”
“You won’t get many votes, will you?” she laughed.
“No of course not, I don’t see why it matters, I’m the same person you were talking to before you found out.”
“Oh yeah, it says more about me, I know. I was just surprised that’s all.”
“Look, Tom, Simon and Stella are all officially Scots. Only one talks wi’a Scot’s accent, an’ he didnae used tae?”
“You can do it to.”
“Only to an untutored ear, a real Scot would be holding me up against the wall, ‘Arr’ ye tryin’ t’ tak’ thae piss, Jimmy?”
“They wouldn’t would they?”
“No, but it’s quite easy to create racial stereotypes isn’t it.”
“What you mean like Bristolians are all thick?”
“No–that is a fact beyond dispute.”
“Yeah–hey, just a minute, I’m a Bistolian.” I kept deadpan face and merely shrugged. Then she saw I was joking and roared with laughter.
“I have to go and shower and take the girls to school.” I raced up to the bathroom and was showered in no time, dressing quickly my, still damp in places, body stuck to my undies as I pulled them up.
I swept a comb through my wet hair and dashed downstairs moments before Julie went off to work. I hadn’t really seen her to talk for a few days and she was pleased to give me a hug before she left. “Keep an eye on Caroline, won’t you–but nothing too outlandish–this isn’t ‘My Transsexual Summer’.
“What? I think they’re all really kewl, like.”
“Yeah if you’re into tattoos and piercings, which I’m not and neither are you until you have your own home, then you can do what you like.”
“That is so old-fashioned, Mummy,” she grumbled.
“So is caring about your children. I’ll stay an old fart if I have to.”
“I know, I love you, Mummy.”
“Thank you, sweetheart, I love you too.” She dashed off and a moment later I heard her car start and drive away.
“Did I hear you discussing that Channel 4 programme about the group of trans people?” asked Caroline.
“Yes, look I have to get the girls to school, we can chat about it when I come back.”
“Anything you’d like me to do?”
“Could you strip my bed and chuck it in the machine–Jenny will show you where everything is–where is she?” I looked around but she hadn’t come down for breakfast.
“I’ll go and find her.”
“Her room is across the landing from yours next to Julie’s.”
“Right, and go and see if she’s okay.”
“I’ll be back within the hour–c’mon girls, we’re late.” I scrambled the little darlings into the car even though Mima was trying to get Caroline to look after her favourite doll.
I dropped the girls off at school and spoke briefly with the headmistress. “Lady Cameron, I thought I’d let you know we’re looking for a couple of new governors for the school. Wondered if you’d be interested?”
“I’ll have a think and get back to you,” when I’ve thought of a good excuse why I can’t do it. I walked briskly back to my car, my hair nearly dry thanks to the wind. On the way home I popped into Morrison’s and got some more flour and yeast for the bread machine. Then it was back to home to see how Jenny and Caroline got on.
I carried my carrier bag into the kitchen to find Caroline sitting at the table reading my Guardian. “Haven’t seen one of these for ages,” she said looking up at me. “Stella showed me where the detergent was, your bedding’s in the machine.”
“Thanks; where’s Jenny?”
“I don’t know–her bed hadn’t been slept in. There’s a note for you.”
I picked up the envelope and tore it open.
‘Dear Cathy,
I’m sorry to let you down like this, but now you have someone else to help, I felt it was time to go. I’ve been seeing this guy for a few weeks and he’s asked me to move in with him.
Thanks for all you did for me,
PS my bank will take care of any outstanding pay you owe me.’
“Oh that’s just bloody wonderful,” I exclaimed as Puddin’ came past.
“Buddy wunneral, buddy wunneral.” She said and both Caroline and I smiled at the almost surreal quality of her mimicry.
“What’s happened?” asked Stella closely pursuing the family robot.
“Jenny’s left us.”
“Last night.”
“She’s got a new bloke–hence the new hairstyle.”
“Well I’ll be...”
“Remember that robots have ears,” I quickly interjected.
“Oh yes,” she looked down at Puddin’.
“Mummy,” said the diminutive one, “Can I dwink?” she pointed at Stella’s breast.
“I’ll leave you to deal with that one,” I smirked at her.
“I’ve only just finished having my boobs sucked inside out by the other horror. C’mon then–I’ll catch you later, Cathy.” She left with Puddin’ holding on to her hand as they left the kitchen.
“So Jenny’s got some new bloke, has she? It isn’t because I’ve come–I mean the transgender stuff–she hasn’t gone because of that, has she?”
“If she has, then good riddance, but I happen to believe her and she says–oh have look yourself.” I handed her the note and went to switch the kettle on and then fill the bread machine.
In my life it never seems to rain but it pours. Now I’ll have to try and find someone else and without someone who knows the ropes to show them how I like things done and where everything is. Frankly, I’m disappointed with Jenny, and with myself for not spotting it.
Oh let’s have a cuppa and calm down.

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Thank you Angha,
'another interesting one,bit weak on Jenny's part,but that's life. Until Cathy finds a replacement
Caroline will have to fill the breech.
So much for loyalty
One minute Jenny is almost like friends and family, the next it is not so much as a proper goodbye skulking out in the night, wow.
Good riddance is right.
be interesting where Cathy will try to find a replacement for Jenny ,maybe the old lady that kept crashing into her car would like the job, after all Cathy cured her of all her ailments .
What happens
if and when Jenny's new relationship goes South? A little immature of her to chuck everything away for someone she's known 'for a few weeks.' Very immature and impulsive to walk away without notice. Maybe she was afraid that Cathy might try to talk her out of it.
Lots of guilt flying about; Cathy, Caroline, anyone else care to share it?
Sometimes it rains and sometimes it effing pours.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1531
What if Jenny is in trouble?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Now that's an interesting thought
and, as the next episode proves, Cathy is having thoughts of 'unsure about the whole thing.'
Seems like a merry-go-round,
Seems like a merry-go-round in the Cameron house, or is that a highland reel. It's very difficult to read what people are thinking, especially if they don't feel comfortable.
I watched transexual summer. It's hard sometimes to think back to the times I was too terrified to go out.
When I heard those guys talking about the angst and the fear I wished I could have been there to reassure them it's not as bad as they think. As more of us transition or just go out cross-dressed, so it will become more common and then slowly more acceptable.
I have long ago discovered, (and I'm ashamed to have to say this,) that it is mostly my own generation (60 and over) who are the most offensive towards us. They give us dirty looks all the time. But most younger people just glance once then carry on by. Boys between 11 and 16 are also pretty obnoxious but they're obnoxious anyway.
One of the girls in Transexual summer is well known on the trans cicuit in South Wales and Bristol. I've met her on several occasions.
Growing Old Disgracefully
Oh, my...
Things never happen in ones and twos there, do they... No sooner a bit gets settled, then the rug gets pulled out.
Caroline seems one to pitch right in. That'll come in handy... As things go crazy around the house. Hope she manages to cope.
Given the household's history... may be the case that Jenny's genuinely fallen in love and decided to move in with her new beau...
...however, given the suddenness of her quitting, there is a possibility that she rushed into the decision and may come to regret it, pleading for her old job back. After all, before she pretty much permanently moved in with Cathy, she was renting the Drummond's old place, so although she couldn't invite a potential new suitor back to the main house, there would be another bolthole she could use as an alternative to her new suitor's place.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Hope this guy is all
Jenny think's he is! A few weeks and she is moving in, Hopefully it will all go okay , But just what secrets might this guy hold that Jenny knows nothing about ?
I just hope Jenny is OK,
She doesn't have the best luck with men.
I would have expected 2 weeks notice at least.