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(aka Bike) Part 1460 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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“What are you crying for?” he asked looking bemused and sleepy.
“Just hold me,” I sobbed and thankfully he did just that. His body felt warm against mine and I felt protected in his strong arms. I leant my head on his shoulder and just inhaled his scent–that felt comforting too. If ten years ago someone had told me that smelling a man’s tee shirt would relax me, I’d have thought they were certifiable. I guess we all change somewhat with experience of life.
“C’mon, it’s only five o’clock let’s go back to bed for a couple of hours.” I let him lead me up the stairs and then cuddle into my back once we got into bed. I was asleep in moments and I was still in the land of nod at eight when the girls came in to see where we were.
I felt refreshed, considering how little sleep I’d had, unless of course I’d nodded in the chair and dreamt all that stuff about being beholden to some ancient crone. I didn’t remember eating any cheese last night, but something gave me that funny dream.
I gave the children breakfast and Danny went out to help Tom with the garden, Simon took Billie and Meems out with him–he wanted to go into town for something, and Livvie was helping Jenny with the laundry. I was giving Catherine a feed, which I presume was what Stella was doing upstairs with her baby when Trish came up to watch me.
“How come you didn’t go with your daddy?” I asked her.
“I didn’t want to.”
“Fair enough, I’m going to do some cleaning when this little monster has finished sucking me dry–you going to help me?”
“I s’pose so.”
“Don’t get too enthusiastic,” I said sarcastically.
“I said I would, didn’t I?”
“Just a moment young lady, you don’t speak to me like that–I’m your mother and deserve some respect.”
“You didn’t show any to the goddess, did you?”
I felt a cold shiver run down my back, “What d’you mean?”
“I saw you talking last night and you were quite cheeky to her.”
“I think you must have dreamt it, sweetheart.”
“No I didn’t, I heard you come downstairs and I was going to check you were alright. I waited in case Daddy came with you, but he didn’t so I came down and you were talking to someone. I peeped through the crack at the back of the door and there was some old lady here and you were being very off with her.”
“Was I now? Perhaps she was being unreasonable to me?”
“She was an old lady, so you should have shown her respect, Mummy. That’s what you teach us to do, and they say the same in school.”
“The old woman had come here without my request, and I was asking her to leave.”
“She was the goddess, Mummy.”
“I don’t care who she was, had I known you were watching, I’d have thrown her out.”
“No you wouldn’t, that would be very bad manners, besides she’d have done something nasty to you. She made you crash your car, and I don’t want you to get hurt again–it was horrible to see you in hospital when you didn’t know who you were and couldn’t see–you didn’t even know who I was.”
“I’m sorry to be such a disappointment to you, Trish, but I’m not at all happy about having some old crone telling me what to do.”
“You tell me what to do.”
“That’s different, I’m your mother, I’m responsible for you.”
“Maybe she’s ‘sponsible for you?”
“How can someone be responsible for me, I’m an adult, I’m autonomous.”
“That’s a big word, Mummy.”
“Sorry, kiddo, it means I’m able to take responsibility for myself which gives me some degree of freedom to do things.”
“Am I tonimouse too?”
“No, you’re still a child, so Daddy and I or anyone we designate as responsible makes decisions for you, like when you’re in school it’s your teachers who are responsible.”
“So if I do something wrong, it’s my teacher’s fault?” She smiled at this concept.
“Not quite, sweetheart. It would depend upon what you did wrong–I mean if you didn’t learn something properly, then it might be because someone didn’t show you how to do something properly.”
“They don’t, sometimes I have to show them how to do it properly–I mean there I was with Sister Lucrezia Borgia, and she was trying to tell me how I did my sums was wrong–I proved to her I wasn’t wrong, she was, my way was faster and better.”
“Why do I do these things–arguing with Trish I mean, she won’t listen or baffles me with some irrelevant sidetrack.”
“Yes I’m sure you did, dear, now back to the old woman–this is my house, so I can tell some uninvited visitor to leave if I want.”
“Would you have called a pleeceman?”
“I might have done.”
“That would have been a mistake.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“He wouldn’t have been able to see her–only girls can.”
“How d’you know?”
“She told me.”
“She spoke to you?”
“Yes, of course she did.”
This was news to me–“When?”
“Last night, but she’s come to see me before then.”
“Has she now?”
“Oh yes, Mummy, she told me I was far cleverer than you are–she said you were so obstinate you must be stupid.”
“What did you think about that?”
“I told her you were the best mummy in the world–even if you were thick.”
“Gee thanks, Trish, I’ll do the same for you sometime.”
“But I’m not thick, am I?”
“No you’re not, girl. Look if she comes again you must tell her to only see you with me–I don’t want her coming to you when you’re on your own.”
She shrugged, “She said you’d complain if I told you–she was dead right.”
“It’s a matter of protocol, if she wants me to treat her with respect, she must show me respect as your mother.”
“She comes to see the baby, too.”
“She does what?” I felt a coldness spread from my solar plexus.
“She’s been to see the baby.”
“How d’you know?”
“I seen her pick her up and whisper some foreign words to her–the baby laughed.”
“Can you remember any of the words?”
“No, but they sounded foreign–one was Yod, I think. What’s it mean, Mummy.”
“I thought you said I was the stupid one?”
“No, she did, not me.”
“Yod is a Hebrew letter.”
“What’s a Hebrew?”
“It’s an old term for the Jews and their language and culture.”
“Is she a Hebrew then, Mummy?”
“I don’t know what she is–certainly the name, Shekinah comes from Hebrew, so it could be she is.”
“What was she saying to the baby?”
“I think she might have been blessing her.”
“How d’you know?”
“I have a feeling she might have been saying one of the names of the Hebrew god Yaweh or Yaveh.”
“Is that good, Mummy?”
“I hope so. It’s the name of the god mentioned in the Bible.”
“Oh well he’s good, isn’t he, Mummy.”
“I don’t know, he does some pretty nasty things to people he didn’t like.”
“Yes, but he was Jesus’s daddy, wasn’t he?”
“What does, ledgedly mean?”
“It means, so they say.”
“Oh,” she looked rather worried. “They could do DNA testing couldn’t they, Mummy?” I had to look away.

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The mind boggles
DNA tesing on Jesus? That would be a challenge.
This Brings Up a Whole Bucket of Worms
The possibilities of what the results might be bring up all sorts of blasphemous thoughts. This would require testing several other people, too.
Yeah, and how would you get
Yeah, and how would you get the comparator samples?
Not really
The family tomb has been found and identified. It contains his earthly remains.
“They could do DNA testing couldn’t they, Mummy?â€
That child is too well read for anyone's good. Interesting that the patron goddess is poking around the house and visiting the kids. More for Cathy to complain about.
I wish Cathy could have an intelligent conversation, even and intelligent argument with the goddess. Have a respectful debate. She is a bit obstinate and she's too young and too smart for that. I wish she'd start thinking like a scientist about Shekinah - study her, study the mythology, learn what she can and converse instead of getting angry.
There is no scientific issue with Shekinah
She's another thing that we can not explain. People were really afraid of Dobson, but to me he is a pitisom whiner. So, he had a rough time with Daddy in Kenya and can't believe in God now?
I'll go with the idea that Cathy is thick where Shekinah comes in especially after all the direct experience she's had. Even if she is an Elf, or a dragon spirit, she's done pretty good by Cathy.
I'm feeling crabby about this. Maybe it is time that Si gives her a good spanking.
Si wouldn't dare. Shekinah could do it, though. That would be quite amusing.
By the way, are you talking about James Dobson? I don't know anything about his dad or him being in Kenya.
Not just that, Cathy is being a hypocrite
If she is a scientist then she has to create an experiment that proves or disproves her as being the Goddess aspect. If she does not have the guts for it then tough then she should not call herself as a scientist. She has preconceived notions and hell or high water she will stick to it. She is as bad as a creationist but on the opposite side.
Um... Not sure that is correct.
What experiment can prove or deny the existence of a god? How do you prove that something is all powerful. How do you get willing participation from a god? The correct 'scientific' attitude is to regard it as not a province of science.
Not sure experiments are important
but thinking like a scientist instead of leaving it to her emotions would help Cathy in this issue. (I think)
A Nice ride around Manchester to finish off the Sparkle weekend.
Yep. This kid is bright. God knows where Shekinar will take her. As for DNA Testing on Jesus well as has been said; the mind boggles. The comparator samples must be all around though.
Still luvin' it but yer gorra larff though.
Sweet dreams Cathy.
Cathy is thick?
Say it isn't so! LOL
She once read that people hold on to their faith even in the face of contradictory evidence. Of course, she's doing exactly that with her "there ain't no god" orthodoxy. I hope the irony isn't lost to her when she finally figures that out (or has it rubbed in her face by a certain little girl.)
I really enjoyed this episode.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1460
Maybe now Cathy will be more respectful of the Glory.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Oh, my...
Things be a tad confusing in Tom's house me thinks...
Quite fascinating revelations today. Trish talks to Cathy's "nightmare", and sees her talk to the baby... What's next? The baby starts talking, too?
Strong like tractor - thick like brick.
I still feel that Catherin's resistance to her experiences is a self defense tactic, trying to keep her self doubt monsters under the bed. IF SHE ACCEPTS the reality of the Goddess she, in her all or nothing way of thinking, would have to accept that what the narrow minded bigots like her parents told her she was. We as readers looking in know that the bigots were so wrong. But Catherin still fights her internal dialog not to accept it.
At 57years old I have just this year gotten rid of what this over burdened 20 something woman is struggling with. And keeping us very entertained doing so. I would so like to be her friend just to chat and have tea.
The only ,bad question is the one not asked.
The only bad question is the one not asked.
Alternative strategies...
Ho hum, so Shekinah's decided to try a different tack - approaching Trish directly. IIRC, a few weeks ago Trish demonstrated affecting electronics with her blue light, and the university did an experiement which proved that whatever was going on couldn't be explained away. Perhaps that could be used as the basis for trying to get Cathy to open her mind - no so much prove the existence of Shekinah, but prove (through their own experiments) that the blue light can do stuff no human should be able to.
Maybe also there's scope in future for Shekinah to pay a visit to Julie - she's the other member of the clan who's used blue light on multiple occasions - once when tag-teaming Cathy in healing Maureen and at least twice as a homing beacon.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
For a smart Woman she seems
For a smart Woman she seems to be a slow learner.
I think the jury is in,
Cathy is being thick on this issue. It is emotional, not intellectual, much like all religion. She has an independent witness to corroborate what she is seeing, so this put it in the realm of scientific proof, even if she can't write a paper on the subject (which lots of other people have done with less evidence). I just hope she doesn't get hurt too badly fighting this.