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(aka Bike) Part 1524 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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When I got back to my parent’s house, I had a bath to relax me, made myself a cuppa to drink in the bath and phoned Si. I told him that I expected to be home about lunchtime tomorrow with Caroline.
He told me he’d been playing Monopoly with the girls–Danny won’t play it with Trish–and she bankrupted him. I suggested he try Scrabble next time.
“No way, I put that programme on her laptop a while ago and she usually beats it.”
“I didn’t know that,” I said sipping the last of my tea.
“Yeah, about the time you crashed the Porsche.”
“So that’s what she’s been doing on her computer?”
“Possibly, why?”
“So the next time we play she can beat me. Her desire to win is one of the few boy characteristics she’s carried into her new life.”
“Oh that’s a boy thing is it? So Ms Pendleton is similarly affected?”
“Oh I think any of the women top athletes have more than a little testosterone circulating, which we know drives it–plus of course, it’s their job to win or to try their damndest.”
“So what drives you then–you like to win, too?”
“Do I? I think it depends upon the contest.”
“Yeah, okay. Look, I have to sort out some stuff before I go to bed.”
“Okay, darling, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“This Caroline woman isn’t a real Gorgon, is she?”
“We had dinner in a pub and had two guys try to chat us up.”
“Yeah, but that was you they were after I expect.”
“No it wasn’t, they try to chat her up too. Frightened the poor woman half to death.”
“Ah, but my little Rottweiler saw them off, I expect.”
“They went when asked, I didn’t have to savage them at all. I just told them my husband worked for MI5.”
“Did you say MI5 or the M15–they might think I make motorways or something.”
“If I did I suspect they were concerned they could end up under one.”
“Too right–I’m Simon the...”
“Pieman, okay darling, night night.”
“I was going to say, terminator, but you terminated me first. It’s true what they say about you lot being deadlier than the male.”
“I’m not a mantis.”
“That’s a Spanish head-dress isn’t it or is it something to do with logarithms?”
“Go to bed, Si, your combat with Trish has obviously softened your brain.”
“Okay, night.” He rang off and I pulled the plug and got out of the bath, which was starting to get a bit cool anyway. I dried myself and then plastered moisturiser all over the bits I could reach. I don’t do it often enough, so get the odd bit of flaky skin and dry skin on my heels. I did think about painting my toenails but what was the point if I’d be wearing trainers to drive home?
I got to bed and read for a while, I was really getting into this Brunetti story, where they found the body of a man dumped wearing a red dress, high heeled shoes and makeup but with his face smashed in. I wasn’t sure how informed the author Donna Leon was about tranny prostitutes, most of whom are probably gay men rather than transgendered. Anyway, the Anonymous Venetian, was still a cracking yarn.
I put the light out about half past twelve and went off to sleep quite quickly as far as I know.
I saw Billie walking towards me, she was accompanied by a woman who looked ageless and was so beautiful it hurt to look at her face. I held my hands out to hug my child but the woman held her back.
“Can’t I hug my own child,” I asked tears running down my face.
“Don’t worry, she is safe, I shall look after her. I brought her to say goodbye and for you to know that the time she was with you was the happiest part of her life. You’re a good mother, Catherine.”
“Might I ask, who you are, milady?” I was aware this female figure was something special, the energy around her and the aura she had was something else.
“Yes, Catherine, I am sometimes called the Shekinah, but I have other names as well.”
“But–I’ve encountered you before–you threatened to take one of my children–so that’s what this is all about is it? Come to rub it in?”
“Please, Catherine, you are overwrought as one would expect from a recently bereaved mother. No we haven’t met before, and I certainly would not do any such thing as to hurt a child.”
“So can you give her back to me, then?” My heart rose for a moment.
“I’m afraid I cannot, this was Billie’s time, so nothing you could do would prevent it coming.”
“But–I’m sorry, I don’t believe in fate and such things except by dint of genetics.”
“Ah, that as well, they didn’t tell you that the injury triggered a brain aneurysm which would have burst the next time she’d taken violent exercise or shaken her head. Would you have preferred she’d been playing with one of the other children and have them think they’d killed her?”
“But if you’re a goddess, couldn’t you have prevented all that?”
“We are sworn to uphold the fate of humanity, to observe and not interfere.”
“What about the blue light? Is that you or the other woman who threatens me?”
“That came from me, Catherine, it is granted to special souls like yourself.”
“Special in what way? You mean transsexual?”
“No, special in the amount of love you have to give anyone who seems in need. Your light shines brightly in a world of darkness.”
“Not many women would adopt seven needy children–but you did. Not many would forgo the fame that some of the healing you have done would bring–but you did, because you could see the greater view.”
“What about all the people I’ve hurt–I’ve killed people–I’m not special, unless you consider it applies to mass murder.”
“Your modesty is very becoming, Catherine, sometimes we have to operate in Geburah, where justice is sometimes hard on those who don’t observe the rules of life.”
“I don’t understand,” I was totally out of my depth.
“Sometimes we have to be the tough parent because we know unless we are, our children will suffer more by our not exercising control.”
“Yeah, but killing people–nice people don’t do that, do they?”
“Each time you did so to protect someone you loved. In putting your loved ones at risk, they had put themselves beyond the protection of our love and into the sphere of Geburah, where justice may be dispensed. It is cause and effect.”
“Can you please find someone else to be your executioner next time?”
“It is nothing to do with me, they bring it about on their own heads. If it wasn’t you, they’d cause someone else to do it. We all have freedom of choice, we can either do as we are meant to, or do other and pay the consequences.”
“So, in becoming an abhorrent in the eyes of God and so on, am I paying the consequences now–having all those I love taken from me as punishment?”
“Punishment? Why should we punish you?”
“Because I mutilated my body and chose to have a relationship with a man.”
“Catherine, what are you talking about? What you do to your body is your free choice, we are only interested in your spirit, your soul and you have one of a female. In fact it’s so strong in you that it hindered your development as male anyway. You are fulfilling your destiny, part of which is to be the mother of some needy souls.”
“Are you saying, I was meant to do all this–changing my sex and so on?”
“You had the freedom of choice to do it, you chose to do so and were rewarded with the power to heal those whose destinies you weren’t affecting.”
“If I stop people dying, surely that’s affecting their destiny?”
“Some of them weren’t meant to die until much later. Misfortune or stupidity meant they were at risk before they fulfilled their part in our overall plan.”
“Overall plan? What overall plan?”
“I’m afraid that is not for you to know about.”
“If you didn’t threaten to take my children, who was the other woman?”
“The Lillith, she fooled you into thinking she was me, did she?”
“Never mind, if you don’t know, it matters little, I grant you the power to send her away if she should trouble you again.”
“Why can’t you just stop her full stop?”
“I’m afraid things don’t always work the way humans think they should.”
I bit my tongue, I felt a respect for this woman/goddess thing and I suppose she was respecting me.
“What do I have to do to get rid of her?”
“You will know if the occasion arises.”
“Might I embrace my child one last time?” The tears started again.
She motioned Billie to come to me, we hugged and I kissed her. “I’m okay, Mummy, really I am.”
“Please take good care of her?”
“You can rest assured of that, now you must return to the world of the material.”
“Where am I now?”
“Farewell, Catherine.”
“Bye, Mummy,” called a little voice.
“Goodbye, darling.” I shouted as what felt like a whirlwind of light pulled us away from each other and I woke up with a start, my face wet with tears but a sense of peace inside me which hadn’t been there before.
I went for a wee, rationalising that it was all a self generated dream to take away my fears and guilt about my loss. I settled down in bed again, with the conclusion that no matter what it was, I felt so much better–my mind was at peace and although I had still the wound in my heart, the pain felt less. I went back to sleep.

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Oh Damn!
Now my keyboard is wet! I don't know why Cathy doesn't get it. I hoped that maybe this would convince her. So Stubborn!
Beautiful imagery, and so touching!
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1524
WOW! Will be most interesting to see how this chapter affects any future meetings.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Wet Keyboard, Too
That was strong stuff, A. You have solved several problems associated with the mean spirits. I feel Cathy has gained quite a bit of understanding about how her particular universe operates. Very nice chapter.
I Have Actually Read Stories From
Multiple kudos, Ang.
Multiple kudos, Ang.
Or at least I would if I could.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Fooled you as this time I did not get my keyboard wet
... I only got my sweater wet instead.
I have loved ones I miss too :(
back to normal
It seems Cathy is going to be able to sort out her feelings about herself, and find out who she really is in the scheme of the universe,
I'am pleased that she could say goodbye to Billie .
Even being normal.
Life, even being normal, is not for wimps, being an extraordinary trans woman who is a natural healer and so much more requires being a person of exceptional strength of character and soul. That is what Cathy is very strong and so not a wimp.
The only bad question is the one not asked.
The only bad question is the one not asked.
Ya got me
As another Author said heart
Crying for the loved ones I miss.
Thank you
So now we've got two deities: the "high and mighty" one who's been annoying Cathy over the past year or so wasn't Shekinah after all but The Lillith (definite article + double 'l', not to be confused with our very own Lilith - solo 'l'!). This Shekinah's far better than the fake one - even going as far as to explain concepts in terms Cathy can rationalise.
Meanwhile, life appears to slowly edging back to normal - with banter between Cathy and Si, plus Trish beating Si at Monopoly (perhaps he could devise a simulation of his day job and see how she does...)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Hmmm... next encounter with
supernatural beings will probably be interesting.
Glad Cathy had a chance to say goodbye but still doesn't change the fact that she lost a child. Wonder if Billie is now all girl.
Fascinating... I find myself using that word far to often. Perhaps I'm just easily fascinated.
Playing games with the kids can be "educational" in more ways than one. It's also a wonderful thing to do - both for the kids AND for the person playing with them.
That competitive streak... I know quite a number of ladies that have it BIG TIME - at least in some categories. For some, it's very like the comparable male aggression. But for others it seems to manifest in a different way. Yes, they want to win. BUT, they also want things to go well for other participants.
Thinking back to young children - some kids (male and female) seem to be "me first everyone else last"... While others seem to be willing to take second place (not glad to take second, notice, but willing). This seems (to me) to fit more into the Type A, B, etc. personality thing a bit... And, the comment that "T" may have something to do with enhancing that Type A mentality may well be telling. Bears some thought...
But, back to what was so fascinating - that Cathy was so respectful to this "deity". Quite a change from her usual demeanor (when chatting with the other one). Nice to see Billie, happy.
Thank you,
A minor story reset! I like the new Goddess more.
I knew there was something wrong with that old crone, it just didn't seem to fit.