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(aka Bike) Part 1520 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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I reached the site of Billie’s crash–the bike was stuck into a hawthorn bush and the front wheel and forks were badly buckled. The RAC man was looking at the hedge and talking on his mobile. “Yeah Portsdown hill, Portsmouth side, you’ll see my van, okay.” He slipped the phone in his pocket, “I’ve called the ambulance.”
“Thank you,” I tried to force my way through the shrubbery but it was a vain attempt. “Stay still, Billie, I’m coming, Mummy’s coming,” I shouted, feeling a sense of frenzy and fear at the same time.
“There’s a gateway here,” called RAC man and I saw him vault over it. I ran after him but had to open the gate which delayed me by several moments.
I ran into the field and saw him rise from her lying so still and then he grabbed me and held me back. “Let me go, that’s my child,” I screamed at him.
“You can’t do anything for her now,” he said and held me.
“I can, I can, let me go.” I wriggled free and pushed him away and ran to where she lay face down her head at a strange angle, her helmet all broken on her head. I couldn’t really take in the scene before me.
I rolled her over on her back holding her head as I did so, she wasn’t breathing and her eyes, which were open were lifeless and unseeing. I immediately began chest compressions–I couldn’t remember how many, I just did them, thinking of the Archer’s theme tune.
“She’s dead,” said the man and in the distance I heard the wailing of the ambulance siren. “Her neck’s broken.”
“No,” I screeched at him, “I won’t let her die, I’m her mother.”
“I’ll go and get the parmamedics,” he said and walked off. I continued my urgent task, two breaths and thirty compressions.
“Hang in there kiddo, c’mon we can beat this, c’mon, get well and I’ll get you your surgery even if you have to go to bloody China. Please don’t die,” I pleaded with the lifeless body which lay in front of me, continuing the compressions and trying to call up the blue light to fix her.
Time seemed to standstill, I was still pounding away on her chest when the green uniformed male paramedic dropped down beside me. “Keep going,” he said and began opening his cases, then his colleague, a young woman arrived with more bags.
I kept up my chest compressions and the breaths, my back was hurting but not as much as my heart–the pain there was inconsolable. The woman began to take over and I stood and watched as they placed sticky patches on her chest and I knew they were checking for heart and possibly going to defib her.
“Stand clear–shocking,” said an electronic female voice. “Assessing–preparing to shock–stand clear–shocking.” I think I’ll remember those words for the rest of my life, they were repeated over and over as the two paramedics fought to save the life of my child. While I stood and watched though tear laden eyes, the RAC man his hand on my shoulder.
I watched as they administered injections and even put up a drip but it was all in vain. I went in the ambulance watching in a dreamlike state as the male paramedic continued to treat and save my child. I waited in the QA A&E department the RAC man having followed behind the ambulance with the bikes, and then came to support me until Simon could get there.
Simon had just arrived when the doctor came into the little room to which they’d taken us. He was Indian, I think, but his English was very clear. “I’m sorry, but your little girl didn’t make it.”
I think I screamed and then all I remember was Simon lowering me into a chair, before everything went black. I came round lying on a trolley in a quiet part of the hospital. I had a blanket over me and Simon was sitting beside me holding my hand. It took me a moment to orientate myself–then I felt as if I’d been deflated, disembowelled and crushed at the same instant. The pain I felt consumed my whole body yet everything felt numb.
“How ya doin’?” said Simon.
“I wish I was dead,” I replied and began crying. He held me and I cried some more.
“Feel up to going home?”
“I want to see her.”
“Is that a good idea?”
“I want to see her and hold her.”
“Okay, wait here and don’t move. I’ll go and find someone.” He left me clutching his soaking wet handkerchief and sobbing. I felt a total failure.
Sometime later he returned and told me they were getting her ready, then he put his arm round me and held me, a sobbing pile of snot and tears. “I’m a failure as a parent.” I heard myself say between breaths.
“You’re a wonderful parent,” he said and squeezed me.
“No I’m not, I let her die–it was my fault–I should never have taken her to that hill–she was too young.”
“It was an accident, Babes, it could have happened at any time to anyone. It’s just one of those things.”
“One of those things,” I screeched at him–we’ve just lost one of our children and you dismiss it as one of those things?”
“I wasn’t dismissing it, I was trying to say that you couldn’t have stopped it once it began. John, the RAC bloke saw the car get very close to her and heard the horn sounded before she wobbled across the road. He’s given the police a statement and gone to show them exactly where it happened.”
“She wasn’t going that fast–how can she be dead?” Nothing made sense to me.
“She landed on her head, the ground was hard. She broke her neck and she had brain injuries as well. Even your magic couldn’t sort all that.”
“What magic? I’m as useless as it is–and those religious morons have the nerve to tell me there’s a fucking God–where is He when we needed Him? In their fucking imaginations, the only place He ever fucking existed.”
“Calm down, Cathy, remember we’re going to see her in a moment–she’s at peace, let’s leave her there shall we?”
I looked up and saw Sam Rose standing before me. “I don’t know what to say,” he said. I nodded back to him. “I’ve seen the notes–if it’s any consolation, she wouldn’t have felt very much–it would have been very quick.”
“It isn’t any consolation, Sam. I couldn’t even say goodbye to her.”
“You’d like to do that now?” he asked and he led us away to the mortuary.
She lay on a small trolley, wrapped in a sheet and was cooling rapidly. Her body was stiffening with rigor but I was determined to hold her one last time. I kissed her and talked with her, asking her to forgive me and that I’d remember her forever and love her forever too.
I think I’d have stayed there until I starved to death but a porter came and Sam and Simon held me while he wheeled her little body away and I collapsed with grief into Simon’s arms and don’t remember much else until I woke up in my own bed with Stella hovering over me like my fairy godmother.
“How d’you feel?” she asked.
“I want to die.”
“What about the others?” she asked quietly.
“What others?”
“The other children, your other children–they need you more than ever now.”
“What for? I let one of my children die–perhaps they’d be better off with someone else.”
“Look, I know it’s a sad time and I share your grief, but I have no time for self pity, so get off your bloody arse and go and look after your other children–they need to mourn as well and they need you to help them understand what they’re going through. Lying there like wet lettuce isn’t going to help anyone–you have to be strong for them, you have to be a mother for them, Cathy. Now come on, get up, have a shower and I’ll go and make you some tea.”
I watched her go and my eyes still dripping tears dragged my stupid body out of the bed and lurched into the bathroom.

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are falling.
Hugs, Fran
Hugs, Fran
I'm always amazed at how you churn out episode after episode and still produce such an intensely emotional and sad chapter.
Now, Billy will always be the girl she was meant to be. It will be interesting to see if The Goddess pushing Cathy weighs in on this.
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
A Stake In The Heart
I suggest everyone go back and review the comments in the previous story. Then do some serious self examination. This is about real life in a large part, and many readers have lost touch with that.
I did...
I did go back, and look at my comment on last episode (and even replied to it). I still hope - that the failure to recover Billie is a dream, but am coming to believe that maybe not. There have been many deaths, near Cathy. First her mother, then her dad, then so many others. There have been close calls (for her even). Ang has asked us to think about issues more than once in this saga. This could well be one of those times.
The loss of someone you know/care about is never easy. When it's someone very old, we can sometimes convince ourselves that they've lived a long and full life and are perhaps better off now. But, how do we do that where a child is concerned? I'm generally tongue tied at viewings/funerals/wakes. I never know what to say... When it's for the child of a friend, it's in many ways worse.
I wonder if that's a lesson we can take away from this sideline in the story. *sighs*
Frozen in time...'s no secret that I cry...a lot. This episode struck me hard, and I realized that I've lived this. When I was 14, my 8 year old cousin Robbie was riding his bike...Lathrop Avenue in Boonton, New Jersey. A Bakery truck had turned onto the street and was accelerating when the driver saw Robbie and tried to swerve. Robbie did at the same time and he was hit and dragged under the truck. Robbie died that day; he would have been 54 now, but in my mind and heart he's frozen in time as that cute 8 year old whose smile was infectious and his innocence irresistible. Like this beautiful child that the family has lost. I could be wrong, but I don't think it's a dream at all. And I cry.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Gut wrenching
It's hard to type through tears. You tore my heart out. Thanks, I needed that.
It's good to see Stella come through with support at a time like this.
Much Love,
Valerie R
Much Love,
Valerie R
Not much to say
Poor Billie. It was meant to be I guess. She so wanted to be whole and it no doubt drove her recklessness that day. I am so sorry Cathy. Her discussion with the kids about dying in the previous episode kinda hinted that something might be coming up.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1520
Hope that all of this is a very bad nightmare.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I don't know what to say after that, I really don't.
Crying for Billie ,a young life gone.Crying for Cathy for her loss.It felt as though I was there with them and it hurt.
Biting the inside of my mouth...
...painful silence. As if Cathy was 'real' instead of a character; no advice or pithy sayings, but only hugs and more hugs and shared tears. This is truly where Simon needs to shine. Cathy has to be strong, as Stella said; and only Simon can be her strength and whatever she holds onto and believes apart from her unneeded guilt and shame. She needs no more than knowing that as she's there for her children that Simon is going to finally be the man she married and be there for her. Truly the most powerful episode of this series that I have read. I am in tears. Thank you, Ang.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
If this isn't a dream (a horrible nightmare), then "someone" piled yet another "burden" on Cathy... If it's the "crone" proving to her that they can take away what is dear to her for not believing - when nothing else seemed to get through - it could well let her believe, but I think it'd have the opposite effect from what "she" thinks about getting Cathy more biddable... More likely to get Cathy's HATE, which would open Cathy to finding who/whatever was that entities greatest opponent and working to destroy her.
If it's not the "crone"... And just some "horrible accident" (oh, how I hate that word), it's likely to color things for a long time... Cathy's been the resilient one for so long... I wonder if this might be what causes her to "break" - if only for a little while. Might make her understand Stella better... Be nice if it were Mima that pulled her out of it - Mima being her first daughter... And, perhaps, most precious in some ways.
I am sad for the loss of Billie, I am going to miss her sweet nature. She reminded me of a little Cathy.
No one should have to outlive their children.
To me, that sounds like a trite and worn out platitude. Still, I know that many people do exactly that.
This feels awful.
I know that our author, as a Medical Person sees lots of death, and it is quite hard to deal with. My compasssion for you Angharad.
Much peace
The Goddess
If my one brain cell hasn't deteriorated, didn't the Goddess threaten one that Cathy loves if she did acquire some more respect?
RIP Billie?
I kept waiting for the blue light to kick in.
Billie has had a troubled life, but found acceptance and support with the Cameron clan.
It's always a tragedy seeing the potential of a young person denied by death.
Pretty Sad
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
There has been a BBC supernatural series called 'The Fades', and in the last episode something happened which shocked a jaded old tart like me. My boss was away, and the same scene knocked him sideways, and when I mentioned my shock he knew exactly which bit I meant.
This bit shocked me as much. Well written.
I was surprised with this episode. It brought tears to my eyes.
RIP to Billie.
Pain in my heart
Angharad, you have put pain in my heart ,for i have been where Cathy is now ,i will be teary for he rest of the day.
Love and Hugs
I don't know what to say
except that Stella is correct; 'Mourn the past by all means, but live for the living.'
Thank you Angha,
'But your early post(for me) has left me with a very sad Sunday morning.I share Portia's sentiments
re yesterdays chapter and the comments of some people.Enough said,I am glad your story was fiction.
After all the loss Cathy's suffered to date - including her parents and the entire Drummond clan (apart from baby Catherine), plus nearly losing Mima, Trish and Julie on several occasions each (not to mention Simon and Stella), losing Billie must be especially hard on her. Cathy definitely needs some regular appointments with Ann Thomas to help her through the coming weeks / months.
I just hope Shekinah doesn't turn up and rub salt in the wound as she did following the deaths of the Dummonds. She may be a bitter goddess with an obnoxious personality, but turning up now would only be detrimental to her cause of trying to get Cathy to publicly acknowledge her and her works.
Unfortunately by the sounds of Billie's injuries, she was beyond the reach of BLH, even if Shekinah was feeling unusually helpful.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
A sad day in Cameron Land
I understand Cathy's pain... well not entirely, but I do know young death in the family. It is, like a previous comment, somehow different than when an old person passes on. I do hope to see Simon step in and be the strong, solid support that Cathy needs right now. I have really become attached to the children from Cathy's point of view and my heart aches with hers.
They say every cloud has a silver lining.
I really don't want to say this has anything to do with her Shekiniah experiences, but who am I to say...
Just come back from a wonderful two days trannying and cycling around Brecon and Builth only to crash into this ephisode.
It made me think back to the hills I've just been whizzing down and the number of times I could have come off.
Poor Billy. When a child dies it makes me think of all the lost potential.
Growing Old Disgracefully
How is Trish going to take this?
Everyone else has said most of what I wanted to say.
But Trish also has the blue light gift, and Trish has also see the Shekinah and heard her/it talking to Cathy.
And the Shekinah is, I think, not going to win Cathy over if this was her/its doing.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
WTF? OMG! What the HELL were you thinking?
Has the Shekinah punished Cathy or is this just one of her self-flagellating dreams?
Either way it is terrible..
'But then terrible things happen ti good people. Like my mom and older sister dying from unrelated and non hereditary cancers barely six months apart.
The universe is a fucking bitch! Poor Billie!
You made my cry... Thinking of loved ones who ...
John in Wauwatosa heating up the tar to tar and feather a certain writer.
-- grin --
Take guts to kill off a character. Ghod I hope you didn't or a certain goddess and Cathy will fight to the death!
P.S. Bonzi is DOG FOOD! Even MY cats hate you now.
-- snicker --
P.P.S. I agree with Holly, Trish will freak!
P.P.P.S. Damn you are good, Ang.
John in Wauwatosa
Sad, but maybe the poor little girl died because she was in the road at the wrong time? No deific retribution for any lack of faith; no angry god or benign neglect, but simply the sad death of a precious child, which may help assuage her grief and surely might take away guilt over what was a tragic accident?
Fears the most.
This is what every mother fears the most. I have two girls 10 and 7 who have completed me as a person and as a woman. Lousing either one of them would be so unbelievably devastating I can not even conceive of it. It would be no comfort to Cathy but this loss shows her to be truly 100% woman. And I am crying for even an imaginary child as I would my own, that's evidence of how good a writer you are Angharad my dear one.
love misha
The only bad question is the one not asked.
Why do the good dye young?.
RIP Billie you touched us all.
The only bad question is the one not asked.
Having just read this episode I, along with many other readers I suspect, had tears in my eyes.
If this was emotionally draining for me to read I cannot imagine how it must have been to write it.
Angharad, please take heart from all the comments above, as being a sign that people care not only for your characters but also for YOU as well.
Love to all
Anne G.
I know only too well ...
... and from personal experience how seriously a fall from a bike can be. I also damaged my neck but in my case it only paralysed me, although the thought of spending my life as a quadriplegic was quite frightening. Fortunately I partially recovered to be able to ride again though not as well as before. However incidents like this one certainly 'push my button' and bring it all back.
As a friend of mine once said, "We think all this fresh air and scenery are here for free but eventually we have to pay the price for the freedom we enjoy and sometimes it's price we'd rather not pay." He'd just lost his wife to a hit-and-run driver and Billie's accident is closely related to that.
I wasn't totally shocked by this episode because I saw Angharad's recent blog post before reading it and, after a few days away, I hadn't caught up. I'd assumed Billie's death was going to be related to some evil wrong doers related to Simon's recent problems, but no, it was a simple(?) run of the mill cycle accident which somehow makes it much worse because it could happen to me or my loved one at any time and for real.
A courageous episode but I'm not sure it's one I can thank you for in my usual way. Still very good, though.
I only hope this is a dream, but I suspect it isn't.
To loose a kid, even if they are grown...
It isn't supposed to happen that way.
Since writing this
I have lost one of my own children. My life will never be the same again, nor that of my ex or my daughter. I cried again when I read it.
Why, WHY!!!!!??
Anne Margarete
This was
the saddest chapter yet, I was bawling like a baby.