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(aka Bike) Part 1476 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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“You managed to fix her then?” said Simon casually as we drove home.
“If I told you what had happened you wouldn’t believe me.”
“Try me,” he said glancing across at me before looking ahead at the road.
“Okay, where to start...”
“The beginning is usually the recommended place.”
“You know this healing energy which attached itself to me?”
“I wouldn’t say I know, but I know what I think you mean.”
“It appears to have an entity attached to it.”
“What does that mean?”
“It has a sort of personification.”
“Right. What sort of personification?”
“An Old Testament goddess.”
“Well she has manifested to me–she only does so to females, so Trish has seen her.”
“Okay, so I can’t see her?”
“That’s what she said.”
“I don’t know if I feel relieved or affronted.”
“If I were you, I’d say relieved.”
“Okay, so I’m relieved that I can’t see her–what did you see?”
“I’ve seen her several times, usually as an old woman who talks in the first person plural.”
“The royal we.”
“Exactly–only I don’t bow and scrape to anyone, especially something which I suspected was merely a figment of my imagination.”
“She’s not that weird is she?”
“Very funny–not; no she’s a real psycho who’s always threatening to harm or kill someone to teach me a lesson, she apparently caused the crash I was in.”
“The one with the Cayenne?”
“Then it’s possibly a good job I can’t see her–that car cost forty grand, babes.”
“You have to bear in mind that goddesses don’t usually care much about material things, including us humans.”
“Charming–I’m beginning to really dislike this old crone and I’ve never even met her.”
“Further encounters haven’t exactly endeared us to each other.” I possibly made the understatement of the century, so far.
“So why has she come to you?”
“I’m the chosen one, apparently.”
“Sounds like she’s been watching too much of the Matrix, Keanu Reeves wasn’t there was he?”
“If he had been, I wouldn’t have been calling you would I?” I felt myself blush.
“An’ there’s me thinking it was Johnny Depp you would be unfaithful with.”
“Only in mind.”
“Oh well, they can’t touch you for psychic adultery.”
“You’re speaking from experience by the sound of it,” I threw back at him.
“Ouch–so what’s this old crone got to do with you being the chosen one.”
“I don’t know–I don’t know what I’m supposed to be chosen for and hope it isn’t some sort of mission impossible.”
“I don’t know, Tom Cruise is about your size,” he sniggered.
“I was thinking more sticky ends.”
“Like how?”
“Like the lead character in the New Testament.”
“Jesus Christ,” said Simon loudly.
“Yes, him.”
“What? I was looking at the tits on that girl–she’s positively deformed.”
“Simon, I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you and you’re gazing at girls with large mammaries.”
“Large? She’d have been taller lying down.”
“No she wouldn’t, they tend to fall to the side–believe me I know.”
“Since when have you been looking at big bazongas?”
“Since I grew a set–remember?”
“Oh c’mon babes, she was twice your size.”
“Si, I was trying to talk to you about what happened.”
“Oh yeah, back to you playing the part of Keanu Reeves–can you do martial arts, run up walls and flip over?”
“No and neither can they, that was done with wires; I saw a programme on the making of it.”
“Aw, babes, you’ve spoilt the magic of it for me now.” He groaned and pretended to be very sad–it was all nonsense of course.
“Just take me home will you?”
“What about playing Mary Magdalene then?”
“Well you can ’ardly play Jesus can you–unless he had the operation as well.”
“Sure, that’s why he disappeared for three days–he nipped over to Thailand.”
“Missed out on the electrolysis,” said Simon so matter of factly that I nearly burst out laughing.
“Simon, just remember we’re talking about a high ranking prophet here and in some mistaken viewpoints, the son of God–but only after the Council of Nicea and Constantine’s interference.”
“Ah yes, how many Constantines can you balance on the head of a pin?”
“Exactly–but my situation is with Old Testament deities.”
“Why? Aren’t they old hat now?”
“Apparently not and they tend to have rather primitive moral senses.”
“In what way?”
“Such as threatening to kill my children or me, or even you.”
“In which case it really is just as well I can’t see her–I’ll give her goddess.”
“She did something to you tonight.”
“Who did?”
“The Shekinah.”
“That’s the name of the goddess, the Shekinah–or the female aspect of God.”
“You thought you were rescuing a hedgehog.”
“I was–I was there, remember.”
“You were in the garden, standing still–it was all happening in your mind.”
“I was bloody well there–I should know.”
“I saw you from the window, you were standing quite still and so was Peg.”
“And just what were you doing?”
“Arguing with the goddess, who came through Theresa, like she was some clairvoyant medium.”
“How come you get all the best jobs, an’ I get all the shitty ones?”
“It is a female deity and I suspect she might be a trifle sexist, but then the male manifestation was a misogynist.”
“What, Jesus?”
“No, God.”
“What about the widow’s mite?”
“What about it? Silly bugger ended up buying songbirds to kill–like bloody Malta.”
“They don’t sacrifice birds there do they?”
“No they just shoot the poor little things–did you know there’s some horrible disease killing finches, mainly greenfinches and chaffinches but has also infected sparrows and yellow-hammers.”
“Is that more of this bloody chutzpah woman thing?”
“Shekinah,” I corrected.
“That’s the one. How did you conjure her up in your imagination?”
“I’m not so sure I did now.”
“Well don’t look at me–I had nothing to do with it.”
“Yes I know, she was far too intelligent an entity for that.” Two can play games.
“Ha bloody ha–we’re home.” He parked the car and after we left the car he clicked the bleeper and locked it.
“The girls are in bed,” said Jenny as we went into the house, “But it may be a good idea to show yourself–they might settle down then.”
“Okay.” She promised to make some tea when I came down again.
“Mummmeeee,” squealed Trish and they all sat up, “did you see her?”
“See? See who?”
“The old lady.”
“No, the Shek thingy.”
“Shrek?” asked Billie winding her up.
“No, the goddess thingy.”
“She was here?” I felt very angry.
“Yeah, that’s what I was tryin’ to tell you.”
“Okay–she won’t hurt you.”
“I know, an’ I got her to promise not to hurt you or Daddy, too.”
I looked at her, seven years old and already light years ahead of me. “Okay, bed now and sleep.”
“What shall I tell her if she comes again?”
“Tell her to deal with me and to leave you alone or I’ll be very cross.”
“Okay–night, Mummy, love you lots.”
“Yeah, we love you too,” echoed the others.
“I love you all very, very much–now go to sleep before I strangle the lot of you.” They all started to giggle and I knew I’d said the wrong thing–again.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1476
Leave it to Trish to back up her Mummy.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thank God (or whatever.)
Well thank God or the big blue sky pixie or the Shekinar or whatever, that Cathy's got an ally in Trish.
Now at least Trish has screwed with the Shekinar and nailed her psycopathy. By extracting that promise, Trish has got the goddess by the b---s and that's strangest hold in all-girl spiritual wrestling.
Wierd chapter but interesting and I'm still lovin' it.
in his stride
Simon seems to be taking what Cathy is telling him in his stride as if it is all normal, could the goddess have done something to him as well ,At least Cathy is now acknowledging the old lady is not just a dream .It will be interesting to see what adventures lie ahead .
hugs Roo
Do I get the feeling
that Cathy is finally starting to accept that the Shekinah exists and is a powerful being? Annoint 'the one' what? Lesser minds (including mine) will remain glued to future episodes.
Gods seem to reflect those who worship them
... from what has been proposed by others so what does that tell of the worshipers of Shekinah?
Why could it not have been Kwan Ying visiting? Lots more pleasant I would think :).
Hmm actually
Shekinah as written in this story had never truly been worshiped.The Hebrew Sh'kinah isn't a female deity, its what the Jews called the spirit of good, the feeling that god resides with you .
The funny thing is that people automatically assume the Hebrew god is male/female but in all truth it is just gender-less and its all a problem in translation. When the old testament was translated they translated the reference to god as male even though it is said that god doesn't have a sex/gender they did it cause the way to address an unknown gender thing in Hebrew is mostly in the male form.
Sh'kinah is referenced by female form cause it a sort of a spirit , and those are female in Hebrew.
Its also worth noting that god never "shows" himself in human form according to the Jewish religion , he only appear as fire .
People just assume that the concept of god in Judaism is similar to Christianity - Hence the all christo-jewish nonsense, basically those are entirely different religions. Judaism is a weird combo Babylonian and Egyptian religion : it was formed by a collection of monotheistic Egyptians and Assyrians . The Jewish god is essentially a manifestation of RA ( there is even reference to Aton in Judaism ) where Christianity is basically a Roman-Greek religion , its entire belief system is hence different . Where Christians have representation of god on earth (Pope) in Judaism no one can represent god ( RA was one of the only gods a pharaoh can't represent). There are also other things to note ( the Jewish culture being a moon based religion VS sun based and so on) but the general idea is that those two religions are really far from one another.
So to sum up : this isn't really how the Jewish religion treat their god so basically its just a fancy name for a random deity :).
As an agnostic I got far too much info on religions :)