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(aka Bike) Part 1553 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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I awoke to voices and sleepily reached to switch off the clock-radio, only to realise it wasn’t coming from there. I opened a bleary eye and saw it was after two in the morning, and apart from the moon and the security lights it was pitch dark. I lay back and closed my eyes. Security lights? I almost fell out of bed as my foot caught in the duvet as I tried to get myself downstairs to investigate the noise.
I grabbed my dressing gown, something I hardly ever wore normally, preferring to dress before going downstairs. I tied the belt and scuffed into my slippers. I’d be a real fright to any would be burglars with bed hair and a maroon and pink dressing gown. I stepped noiselessly down the stairs walking on the sides of the stairs and leaning against the wall to keep my weight off the treads of the stairs.
Downstairs I heard muffled voices and saw the kitchen light switch on and cupboards open and shut. Damn, my knife block was in there, I could be stabbed to death and no one would know until the morning. Worse, I’d left my purse and mobile phone in my bag which was hanging from the back of the chair I’d occupied when drinking a cuppa with Stella before going to bed. I’d noticed its absence when I got upstairs, but was too lazy to come and get it. I doubted I would be again if I lived to tell the tale.
I heard two male voices, they were heavily muffled by the kitchen door which like most doors in the house is solid wood as a sort of fire door and in keeping with the rest of the place. They seemed to be searching for something as cupboards opened and shut with more noise than I’d expect from burglars, and surely the cars in the drive should indicate there’s someone home.
I crept to the door and leant against it to listen to the voices–yeah, I know, it sounds like I’m schizoid–and as I did so, the door opened and I staggered into the kitchen ready to fight for all I was worth.
“Oh hi, Babe, where’sh the can opener, I’m shtarvin’, Tom’sh hungry too, aren’t you?”
“Where’s Julie?” I charged him.
“She’sh with you, ishn’t she?” he drawled having difficulty standing still without wobbling to and fro.
“If she was, d’you think I’d be asking a couple of drunken fools where she was.”
Simon blinked at me a couple of times. “She’sh with Carolina, I think.”
“Caroline? She was being courted by Monica.”
“Yesh, exactly what I wash thinkin’–ishn’t it, Tom.” I glanced at Tom who was sitting in a chair trying to stop the room spinning by the look of his actions.
“Simon, you are a great disappointment.”
He looked at me and laughed, “You’re lovely when you’re angry.”
“Bah,” I screeched and slammed the door shut, probably waking the children and registering a blip on the Cambridge University seismic apparatus. I’d grabbed my bag and took it with me upstairs. Once up there I phoned the hotel and discovered that Julie was recorded as staying the night in the family suite. I thanked the night porter and silently cursed Monica if she’d so much as thought about touching Julie. I was also composing a letter sacking Caroline if she as much as touched my daughter either, even though I knew Julie was officially an adult–albeit a very young one.
Sleep became impossible and I lay there and fumed while I heard the voices drone from downstairs and occasionally cupboard door's bang. It went quiet and I thought I heard the back door open and close, then a short while later the same again. I must have dropped off because I woke when the clock radio came on and the dulcet tones of Jim Naughtie asking awkward questions of some cabinet minister.
I dragged myself out of bed and saw that I was alone. I pulled on the dressing gown once again and scuffed my slippers on before walking noisily down the stairs. On opening the kitchen door the sight which confronted me made me want to cry and laugh at the same time. Simon was sitting at the table fast asleep his one hand wrapped in a bloodstained hankie, in front of him on the table was a tin of corned beef and a hacksaw. Alongside this was a loaf and a tub of Flora margarine. Tom was sitting on the floor snoring.
It was when I went to clear the debris off the table I noticed the deep scratches and a groove cut into the oak table, which was about a hundred and fifty years old–the table not the scratches. I went absolutely ape and threw a bucket of cold water over both of them before reading the riot act. I wished I’d had it on video, it would win prizes for stupidity, from all three of us but I was just so mad. I left them spluttering and floundering and told them to clean it up before I got back with Julie. Dashing upstairs I washed and dressed and then jumped in the car to go and get her. It was half past seven and my temper was not improving.
At the hotel, I got the cleaner to let me into the family suite and found Caroline and Julie both fast asleep in separate beds in separate rooms and alone. I rousted them both and told them to hurry if they wanted a lift home. Julie groaned about feeling ill and I offered to help her out to the car naked, as it might wake her up, because she was going to work if it killed her.
It was actually after eight when I got them both in the car and then home. The kitchen was better than I’d left it, then I discovered Stella and the girls had done most of it–Simon couldn’t because of his bad hand. She’d had to dress it for him, he cut himself on the corned beef can. Serves him right, drunken fool–he couldn’t find the can opener–which was in the drawer under the draining board of the sink, where it always was. I pulled it out to show him and felt like beating him over the head with it.
Danny was eating his breakfast in the dining room to avoid the mess and what he knew would be the whirlwind the two men had unleashed viz. my anger. He went off to play football on his bike and I had momentary qualms but he was gone before I could say anything.
I got Julie washed and dressed and dosed with paracetamol and a cuppa before taking her to the salon, apologising for her zombified state to her boss who laughed. However, she didn’t laugh when I told her that Julie would be unavailable for a couple of months due to her forthcoming surgery. Instead she clapped Julie on the back, told her that was wonderful news and suggested they should have a drink at lunchtime to celebrate whereupon Julie groaned, rushed to the loo and was violently sick.

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Well Julie needs to understand with privileges
... come responsibilities of being an adult. If you can't do work then you have no right to get drunk the previous night.
Frankly I have never understood the 'joy' of being drunk. I like to be aware during my fun.
Same here
I never understood the point of getting drunk to hangover-inducing levels. I think I had a couple of hangovers at uni and the memory of those was enough to persuade me to switch to soft drinks as soon as I felt a little light headed. Actually nowadays I rarely have alcohol when I'm out and about... mainly because I generally drive there and back!
Meanwhile it's business as usual in the household - Simon proving himself completely incompetent to do anything useful when drunk (using a hacksaw to open a can - ancd nearly splicing the table in the process!), the girls clearing up after them in the morning and Danny staying well out of the way. Not to mention Cathy's pessimism / paranoia about a situation (Julie / Caroline) being completely unfounded (again).
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I don't like acting stupid. (and laughing about it till hte next day)
I don't like feeling dizzy and sick.
I don't like spending money on dumb things
Suspect I'm way to inhibited and up-tight but too bad.
Normal Hhoushold
It all sounds like a normal crazy household to me:)
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1553
Here in America, we have a few shows that plays the candid and funny home vids/
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I never eat meat but ...
... when I did (about 100 years ago) corned beef tins had their own opener built into the tin. Don't tell me the world has moved on! Is nothing sacred?
I think this episode illustrates admirably a typical morning in the Cameron household. So different from that of our own dear Queen's ... I mean story teller, of course; it's an easy mistake to make. I also can't dismiss the enduring image of Danny playing football on his bike.
Thanks for raising my spirits on this chilly evening.
edit: just had my wrist slapped by our beloved Angharad for renaming her family 'Campbell' - now corrected. How many lines was it, Ang? Or do I have to stay in after school?
It could have been worse
Simon might have fancied a Chip (fries) supper , Given that as a choice damage to the table might seem to be a safer option than what could have happened with an unattended chip pan ...
I guess that's what happens
when you saddle yourself with 107 children (I'm counting Simon, Tom, Julie and Caroline as 100 in terms of 'trouble value').
Just another frustrating day for Cathy.
Imagine 2 Toms
He's going to be beside himself when he realizes what Simon and he did to his 159 year old family table.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
as a woodworker and amateur cabinet maker
it pains me greatly to hear about heirloom furniture being abused. Fortuntaely, a skilled craftsman (or woman) can do nearly invisible repairs.
sometimes that old ugly dresser can be worked into a rather charming vanity with a bit of work. Old wood holds a varnish like nothing else. I have an old dresser upstairs that has been abused repainted ugly colors and has wallpaper on it. But under all that is some really nice wood. Its pretty much shot for most part but hmmm vanity ... this may have posibilities.
The Daily Dormouse 1553
Poor Julie, having to suffer that terrible headache!
It is something I have avoided for many years. Back in my younger days I was happy to be the designated driver for friends when we went out, but don't remember any of them being seriously over the top.
Well done to Angharad and the assembled company in Bonzai Towers.
Reminds me of
The one time I ever had a night of adult beverages, ever since I have stuck with Tea or water.
Sorry about my comment writing being almost non-existent.
3 out of 5 boxes of tissue and 8 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Ah youth,
Part of life's lesson on not being invulnerable.