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The Angry Mermaid 48 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 48.

A Chapter where Drustina finds herself with her back to the moral wall when confronted with some violent hyprocritical church-men.

The Angry Mermaid 48


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 48

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.

Through the years: Two against the world part 2

“Troy, I told you before, if you need to talk to me, you can.” Mr. McCoy said.

“I know, sir.” Troy answered back.

“Are there problems at home? Problems with your brother, or parents?” The teacher asked, probing for a clue.

“No sir.” Troy looked up. “They've all been great, it''s personal and I don't feel comfortable talking about it here.”

Mr. McCoy nodded slowly. “It has to do with your injuries after Thanksgiving, right?”

“In a way.” Troy answered. “But I don't want to talk about it.”


Big thanks to Djkauf for the Editing.

It's back to School time for Tracy. Or is it Troy?


Faery, Fairy, Djinn, Djin Me speller ant workin.

Well, I am beavering away on a story and have come to an impasse regarding how to spell some words. The premise of the story is that it is written with the primary protagonist doing some of the naration, and she is from Worcester, UK. So, I've been trying to write using correct UK spelling and must admit that at least in this last chapter, I am mucking it up.

I've come within a few miles of the UK, having flown over enroute to Kenya, but that is all I have.

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The Library: Rewrite, Part 3


The Library: Rewrite

Part Part 3: Basement

by Roberta J. Cabot

So. Here I was. Alone in the library with my sexy, French-speaking ghost. I wanted to get out of there, but I wanted to find out what this was all about, too. I wanted to know. I NEEDED to know. Even if I had to ask the ghost.

My name is Mark. And this is the continuation of my Halloween story.







Transgendered Children - On line video

I enjoyed the program - seemed to be fair & modern views except for one doctor who alluded to TG children deciding that they would revert back to their birth gender. Not my experience for myself & those of my aquaintence. is the web address enjoy. I cannot figure out how to make the address a hyperlink.

Queen Ruth

May the sun always shine on your parade

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Ghost Wife

Ghost Wife
Maggie Finson

This could be a treat or a trick. Your choice there. I'm glad I got it done on the day it was meant for. There was some doubt about that given how RL has been with me lately. *grin* But here it is, my offering for Halloween and for the very first time, posted on the actual day!

I hope you all enjoy it.


Okay, so I should warn you all

Was almost ready to send off four chapters to get edited for Through the years and I realized how much I hated them. So right now I am in the process of changing a lot of stuff around. I am also deciding to work on the "Impossible dream." I know, I need to do more, but been busy lately watching very bad slasher films.

also noticed something. I have a few ideas outlines for other stories and I came to an interesting discovery about my stories. They're all named from songs.

Through the years: Kenny Rogers
Could I have this dance: Anne Murry

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Going to be away Tuesday and Wednesday

Well, I'm going to be away Tuesday and Wednesday, as my work has asked me to go to a store in the far north of Alberta for two shifts. I'll stay in the town overnight between them at hotel on Walmart's dime, and my meals and gas will be paid for as well. I could use the extra work, but I'll be without a computer for the two days, so more than likely you guys wont hear from me until I get back. Super hugs to all.

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Another title on Kindle - Weird Wednesday.


Just to let those who may be interested know - WEIRD WEDNESDAY is now available for Kindle.

Tanya Allan's Page

On Kindle US

On Kindle UK

My next Title will be the previously unseen and unpublished MARINE... hopefully within the week... WATCH THIS SPACE.



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Wicked! - Encore

I know it is off topic, but for any musical theatre fans out there, tonight Wicked! is celebrating an anniversary, and after the performance they are webcasting a special Encore with the whole cast performing in concert mode, a song that was voted on by fans.

It will only be availble tonight at 9pm EDT.

You can catch it at

This is streaming some older content right now.

At 9pmEDT it will also be available at

It's only about 15 minutes away.

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Gaby Book 7 Chapter *39* A Part-ee

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *39* A Part-ee
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Proofreader wanted

I'm working on a new story and would love to have it looked over before I post it.

The themes involve love, hate, betrayal and ultimately redemption, with a healthy dose of malevolent magical transformation. The preliminary title is: The Chain Letter.

It will probably be 5-10 parts in 3-5 page increments.

Please PM me if interested and I'll send you what I have so far to see if you'd like to read and help improve the tale as it goes.




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Transgendered Children - Clarification

I have been told that I was not clear in my Blog on the above noted program. According to the CBC's website, the program airs tonight, October the 30th at 22:00. It is followed by one titled "The Third Sex" at 23:00.

My apologies for any confusion I may have caused. I have a DVD player hooked to my boob tube but have never used it but will try tonight if the weather is clear - I only have satellite reception - no reception when there is nothing to do but watch TV - LOL.

I hope the program lives up to the trailer I saw.

Queen Ruth

May the sun always shine on your parade

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My, my, what my little post has wrought....

Edited slightly, to eliminate some rather embarrassing errors your gentle writer has found...

Well, it does seem that I made my debut here with a bang, did I not? The massive response to my debut blog entry, on the supposed dearth of disabled protagonists in TG fiction, was completely unexpected. I thank those of you who responded, and especially those inspired to write (such as Bailey Summers and Raff01). This tells me I've chosen the right corner of the Internet in which to kick back and relax.

Some of you have no doubt wondered why I don't attempt such a story myself.

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Transgendered Children

The CBC has announced that its program "The Passionate Eye" will present a documentary next Sunday at 22:00 eastern time dealing with transgendered children and their parents. The trailer, shown tonight, led me to believe that the parents were supportive and the children young.

This for your information in case that you are interested in viewing.

Queen Ruth

May the sun always shine on your parade

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Chris in hiding

  If this has any relevence to anyone you know or have seen, it was coincidental. This is my first story, so please judge how good I did.

Problems opening BC

Has anyone recently had problems logging in to BC? For the last 3 or 4 days I haven't been able to open the site using (That is what the computer calls up when I start typing Big....) Just to check, I went to acouple of other sites and clicked on the link to BC and they didn't seem to work either.

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Black Balled?

I first discovered this site a year ago. Imagine my joy when I found like minded people. But Alas!

I find there is a small town mentality here. The same village that I ran away from at the tender age of fifteen. I did not know where I was running too,I only knew I had to escape that small minded village full of cliques.

I ran blindly towards the big city and annonymity, it worked for a while. Sadly the true nature of myself always came through. I would move on to a bigger town in order to preserve my true self. Everywhere I went the inevitable happened.


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a sign of growth?

Well, last night I had an incident that shows how much I've changed in the last while. See, I was on my way to work, and I stopped in at sub place to grab lunch, and the kid behind the counter said "What can I get you sir?" Now, I was in my wig, my wal-mart clothes, and was carrying a purse, so "sir" just wasn't the pronoun I would have preferred him to use. But while not that long ago an incident like that would have sent me spiraling downwards, I immediately thought "poor kid, needs better glasses, cant tell sirs from ma'ams." I think its a good sign, dont you guys?

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So... I'm shopping for health insurance.

One of the best quotes I've been able to find is from SuperMed One / Medical Mutual of Ohio. The question, friends, is, are they known to be kind towards us? Antagonistic towards us? Or don't really care as long as we pay our premiums on time and handle our copays and coinsurances?


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Where are the disabled characters in TG fiction?

I'm still fairly new to this site, so I should probably start with a bit of an introduction.

As my screen name (Ragtime Rachel) indicates, I'm a ragtime enthusiast. I'm quite enamored as well of the music of the Roaring Twenties and swing eras, and have dabbled a bit in composing ragtime on the computer. (I just wish I could play the piano worth a darn....)

I'm also a male-to-female pre-op transsexual who, incidentally, has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair.

It has always amazed me that I have never seen a protagonist in transgender fiction who is like me--a wheelchair user with a neurological disorder.

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Ho hum. Annuder HHH update,

I got the final word just this afternoon.

My Chemotherapy starts around noon on Monday.

And I have been accepted into the trial study of the immunosuppressant inoculations. There was a fifty fifty chance I would actually receive the injections, and the other fifty percent, that I would just be in the other half, being monitored periodically the rest of my life.

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Can you read my mind?

This week I've really been out of it, but I wanted to post the two stories I had ready. Knight and Dragon to BCTS and Spinning to StarDust. However, like I said I've been ill and actually messed up the title to my own story. LOL! I posted it as Dragon and Knight instead of Knight and Dragon. Even that wasn't the original title because someone else posted a St. George and the Dragon tale. The two stories are very different but I changed mine because I like all authors want to be remembered and unique. Then working on my Voodun story, I saw someone had posted one with that in the title too!

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My Journey

Well I have posted a little bit about some of my dorm experiences. I know it has been a while since I posted. This is a very short post, but I may add more to it if inspired. A lot has happened in the past two months. At the end of August, I had to live out of my car for about a week or two. That is an experience I would like not to repeat. I moved into a house that I am renting and getting used to that. As to not writing, my stories' characters have been silent in telling me where they want to go.

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My Journey Through Life, So Far Part 6

My Journey Through Life, So Far
Part 6
by Lesley Renee Charles

I have highlighted the major bits of my college years, but I have to back track a little and tell of some of my experiences when I lived in the college dorms.

To begin with I had to fight my whole Senior year of High School to be able to live in the dorms. I lived within the 10 mile radius and the college was denying me the right to live on campus because of that. Meanwhile they also guaranteed Freshmen housing. See the conundrum.

A Very Big Thank You

I just wanted to thank all my readers for their response to my latest effort, St. George and the Dragon. I was concerned that the reception might be considerably less positive than it was. Those of you who have been reading it know that the theme is not tightly tied to the TG experience; however, many of the trials one of the characters goes through are directly due to the homophobic beliefs of the people in the circle where she lives.

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"We girls"

Last night, I was putting cardboard into the baler (a device that squishes it down and makes it ready for recycling) with another lady, and we were trying to figure out if the baler was full. She asked one of the guys to help us make a bale if it was needed, and put it this way - "We girls need a strong guy like you to help us."

It came across so naturally, like she never even considered me as anything but a girl, and it kinda made me tear up with happiness.

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The Madonna Of The Future: 2. Testing The Water

There was still one more shot I had to fire. "Maze," I ventured, "Do you think this Chrissie might be a gold digger?"

"I dunno," she replied, and I could almost see her shrug. "I guess she'd *have* to be to put up with my dad. But anyway, she's good for him. He's not as much of an asshole when she's around. I think they might get married."

I sure wasn't going to tell Ida that last bit of news!

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

MS-office HTML-generator

I realized that I can use MS-Word to save my stories as html-files. Does anyone here have some experience with doing that and posting the stories on this site?

I wonder if I can just copy the source code into the story field, or if I need to change something.

I hope you can help me with further information,



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Dragon and Knight

Into the jaws of death the Knight rode. Before him, the early morning fog lingered over the burnt remains of the entrance to the vale. There no signs that once a village had prospered within those borders.

“Might I ask what you think you’re doing?” A voice out of nowhere rumbled like thunder.


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