Advice please


So sorry to ask, but can I ask for advice?   Since Bobbie-chan asked me to turn off the computer last night, I have been having problems with Google and Yahoo.   We don't turn it off so I am scaried if I damaged something when I shut down last night.

When I turn it on again, before the "Starting Windows" screen with the animated logo comes out, following text come out

viruscheck-ok trojancheck-ok spambotcheck-nopass
//msg nopass
//msg   cancel
//msg basic setup running
Press any key to continue . . .

These words take a while to come out.   When the words "press any key to continue . . ." come out, I press a key and "Starting Windows" screen comes out and computer continues on.

It seems normal after that  except when I go to the internet.   I cannot seem to access many many sites, but some are ok.   I get the following messages many times

Unable to Locate Host
502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
503 Service Unavailable
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden/Access Denied
501 Not Implemented

When I do I go back to previous screen in order to continue working and I try other sites instead. Sometimes I can access the sites I need but only from other sites instead of Google directly. Refresh don't do anything.

What can you suggest?

Sincerest apologies if this is not the place to send this.   I have no one else I can ask until tomorrow.   

Thank you very much.

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