So sorry to ask, but can I ask for advice? Since Bobbie-chan asked me to turn off the computer last night, I have been having problems with Google and Yahoo. We don't turn it off so I am scaried if I damaged something when I shut down last night.
When I turn it on again, before the "Starting Windows" screen with the animated logo comes out, following text come out
viruscheck-ok trojancheck-ok spambotcheck-nopass
//msg nopass
//msg cancel
//msg basic setup running
Press any key to continue . . .
These words take a while to come out. When the words "press any key to continue . . ." come out, I press a key and "Starting Windows" screen comes out and computer continues on.
It seems normal after that except when I go to the internet. I cannot seem to access many many sites, but some are ok. I get the following messages many times
Unable to Locate Host
502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
503 Service Unavailable
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden/Access Denied
501 Not Implemented
When I do I go back to previous screen in order to continue working and I try other sites instead. Sometimes I can access the sites I need but only from other sites instead of Google directly. Refresh don't do anything.
What can you suggest?
Sincerest apologies if this is not the place to send this. I have no one else I can ask until tomorrow.
Thank you very much.
Advice please
You might try a reboot
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Well you need to rule out malware first
If you have anti-malware/anti-virus, I would suggest you run it first to rule out that possibility. On the surface it looks like you may have had your browser highjacked as you cannot get to a large number of websites maybe due to your DNS setting being changed but that is just a guess without being there.
I don't think it's malware
I don't think it's malware or a browser hijack.
In a comment to blog #16 Bobbie said:
"(sorry 'bout the late reply. problems with the proxy service. moe's turned off the computer at home - seems the service only allows one log-on at any one time)"
The messages seem to be related to using a proxy service run by Bayan telecomm in the Philippines. That must be something Bobbie needed to do for work. So I don't think I can suggest anything other than to wait for Bobbie to get home and fix it.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
The only allowing one login
The only allowing one login at a time sounds like it could be two things. One is a dial-up internet connection where the ID is only allowed on once. This making the login from home impossible while it's being used by someone away from home.
The other is a broadband setup where the computer is plugged directly into the modem, or multiple computers are plugged into a hub or switch that is plugged into the modem.
If (as many ISPs have done at times) they only allow one "computer" (actually MAC address) at a time to connect unless you pay extra, then you need to buy a *router*. Plug that into the modem and plug the hub or switch into the router.
The router will present only its MAC address to the ISP, and make everything connected to it look like multiple sessions on a single computer to the ISP. (which is why most ISPs gave up on charging extra for multiple computers on the connection).
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
Computer Problems
Good Evening,
It is almost certain that shutting down the computer would NOT cause any real damage. Knowing Bobbie, I am nearly certain you will not be having a problem with a computer virus.
My suggestion would be to properly shut down the computer again, then shut down the router that you use to connect to the internet.
Wait one minute.
Start your connection to the internet (the router).
Wait one minute
Start your computer
Wait for it to completely boot up.
Then try to connect to Yahoo and Google.
If it still fails to work, it would be best to wait until Bobbie can look at it.
Best wishes,
Hi Moe, Nice photo!
You may not have have closed everything down properly before turning off the system?
This may have corrupted some data/program files.
First bring the system to at least a stable state.
I would bring the system up in Windows safe mode first.
Run Dsk Check, and tick 'fix errors'. I would also do a disk cleanup after this stage.
If thats ok, take a back up of any important data and programs.
Close the system down again properly, turn off power and then restart after approx 30 secs.
Turn on, and start the system in normal windows mode.
If the problems are still there you will need specialist assistance.
Good Luck!
Merry Christmas Everybody!
Thanks for all your great stories.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
domo arigato
I have been unable to sleep, worrying that I might have done something wrong, and Bobbie-chan will be mad. But I have tried restarting the modem, router and computer together, as suggested. It has worked. Domo.
Also - that is not my picture: that is Mai Kuraki one of my favorite Japanese pop singers. Try and download some of her youtubes. You will like her, I am sure.
Althou I think I look like her a bit. :)
Thank you to everyone for the assisting. I will be able to sleep now. heeheehee
Hey, guys,
Thanks so much for helping out Moe. Surely do appreciate it.
And, for the record, I ain't mad at Moe. Why would I be?
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