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You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling
Cade, in a desperate attempt to flee from his Mother's abuse, runs away. His only crime was trying to escape the wrath of a spiteful, drunken woman that hated everything about her son. On a small hill, hidden among the tall weeds, he finds an old abandoned home. Soon, Cade will know what happens when the knob is turned on a the door leading into... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.
I dove across the bed and raced for the open door, my , drunken mother lunging for my arm. I sprinted around the corner, and down the hallway brushing against the wall as I passed, knocking our family photo down. It crashed to the ground. Much like that photo, our family was now shattered, and in a million pieces.
I raced toward the stairs as the crazed woman stumbled across the threshold in my wake and fallen, gathering herself from the floor where she lay, cursing and shouting at me in her drunken stupor.
I practically flew down those stairs, throwing open the door that led to the outside. Her empty glass bottle shattered against the wall by my head, narrowly missing me by only inches. Outside on the sidewalk, I could still hear her shouting and ranting at me. I sighed heavily and began to trot down the long sidewalk that led away from the angry woman. My Mother.
This was my life. It had been this way ever since my father left when I was twelve. Like me, he grew tired of Mothers drinking. I begged him to take me when he left and he tried, but the courts felt that my place was with my Mom.
I put a tree between myself and our house, waiting for her usual ranting to be unleashed on our neighborhood. My rapid breathing was calming down, now that I was far enough from her to easily outdistance her, should she try and follow.
I turned 16 yesterday, not like it mattered though, she gave me exactly what I got on my birthday and every day since Dad bolted... a serious ass whipping. I frowned at the pain I recalled, then winced as the door flew aside and she stepped out onto the porch. "Little shit! You better not make me come looking for you!" She shouted causing all of our neighbors to turn and look at her. "It's going to be worse on you if I have to search!"
I didn't move a muscle. She stumbled down the first three steps only catching herself on the last one. Across the small yard she staggered, falling next to the sidewalk. As she begin to pick herself back up, I took the moment to run like hell down the street. "Get back here you little worthless piece of shit!" She screamed loudly, staggering and falling in the lawn.
I ran on, tears streaming down my face. Only when I felt it was safe, did I stop long enough to contemplate my next move. Going back to that abusive woman was out of the question, I was 16 and was tired of holding back my anger any longer. I sighed and ran my sleeve across my eyes, trying to dry the tears that gathered. The little suburb that I grew up in was far behind me, only the farm fields lay beyond. Without a turn back, I shoved my hands into my pockets and began to walk, putting miles and miles between my birth mother and the abusive life I knew.
I cut across a field, row after row of 6 inch tall corn offered no obstacle for my youthful stride. Close to evening I crossed a happy little creek, one that I don't ever remember during any of the other times I had run from my mother's wrath. I stood next to that babbling little brook and sighed, "If only life could be as calm as this creek makes me feel." I found a small path to my left, leading away from the water. Without a thought, I took the path and headed up the little hill toward the rise beyond my vision.
At the top of a little knoll, surrounded by the trees, was an old house. The building appeared to be sound, although needed some minor repair. Little glass panes stared back, giving the impression of life, as if the house had a soul. I found myself smile, as I stood at the opening of the woods and surveyed the small two-story structure, it's seclusion giving me an idea.
Slowly I pushed my way through the tall skinny weeds until I arrived at the porch where I could look into the windows. The little house was probably quite lovely in a bygone time, it had once been a bright cheery white and evidence of a sky blue trim could be seen around the window and porch railing. I assumed that in a bygone era, it used to be a quaint little country farm, now it was overgrown with weeds.
I ran my sleeve across one small pane, covered thickly with years of neglect. The interior was brightly lit and entirely empty. I walked across the porch and tried the door, It opened with no effort at all. Stepping inside, I brushed the cobwebs from the air, it was eerily quiet and still inside that first little room.
I nodded approvingly, this little home could hide me for days! I looked back across the weeds in the direction from which I had just come, no sign of my passing could be seen. It was as though the weeds had parted only enough to allow me to enter, then after I passed, had returned to conceal me from the view of outsiders. I smiled slowly, I would hide out here until my mother could calm down.
The house's interior looked as though it was well over a hundred years old, the wide hand hewn beam still rested heavy above the stone lined fireplace. I looked up, above me was a narrow stairs that led to a small balcony almost beckoning me to climb to it's heights.
I started up the stairs carefully, the ancient steps creaking under my weight. As I slowly approached the top, my view became distorted as if I were looking through filmy glasses. I continued on up until my head cleared and I paused, slowly turning and looking down toward the floor.
Below me the scene had changed, now a warm, happy fire crackled in the fireplace, through the window I could see the feathery snow drifting past. I could suddenly smell a heavy hickory aroma from the glowing logs where a pot of stew suspended and bubbled its heavenly scent across the room. My eyes widened in surprise at this strange, ghostly scene laid out before me.
A table was set, the dishes waiting for hungry people to satisfy their appetites. I counted three plates positioned around its rectangle, hand crafted surface, sturdy chairs rested behind each plate. I looked above the door, empty pegs where a hunting rifle had been hung, waited for their master to return. I glanced back toward the upstairs, it still looked old and strangely vacant apart from the homey scene that I was viewing down below me. It was as if I were caught between two worlds, each showing a different take on the little house.
"Too cool!" I sighed softly, as my eyes trailed the steps upward behind me, each one was meticulously clean. Again I glanced up toward the topmost step, dirty and dusty under years away from a caring hand. I again looked back toward the table, a small child's chair was positioned at one end, a smaller plate resting next to one of the bigger plates. With awe of what I was seeing, I stepped down the stairs cautiously. As I neared the bottom, the images before my eyes slowly blurred and I found myself again looking at an empty room.
A slow chill passed down my spine, but as yet, I had remained unharmed so I returned to climbing slowly up the stairs. Again, a uneasy distortion crossed my vision. It was almost like looking through a mirage caused by the heat, I slowly began to climb. I glanced down at the step I was on, my shoe has somehow changed from the one I had been wearing. I held my foot out and felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach as the one that graced my foot had a taller, slender heel. Buttons lined up one after another from the bottom at the ankle to the top, around four inches above the same ankle.
The socks on my feet were strange and odd to see, in fact, as I reached down to touch them I had to pull aside the hem of a gray dress. I felt myself fall quickly against the wall, startled from what I was seeing; a slender feminine hand still holding the hem of the plain gray dress. My eyes followed up that graceful arm until it merged with my own arm just above the strange blurred mirage.
Slowly I let the dress drop, I looked above my head toward the top of the stairs, it still looked empty. Below me looked as if it were torn out of the pages of history. I sighed deeply, forcing myself to ascend up two full steps, my eyes grew wide in shock over what I was seeing.
I held a dainty hand at my stomach, it appeared that a thin corset was holding in a slender waist... my waist! I swallowed hard, my panicked breathing was moving the feminine breasts with each frightened breath. I felt upward toward my throat and touched a high collar, I followed it up to where it simply vanished at my neck, I gradually raised my hand higher above the distorted reflective surface, it surprisingly looked normal.
As I moved upward, the strange distortion followed, at the top of the stairs I stopped and glanced back down, the room glowed from the crackling fire. Outside, the soft snow was drifting past the tiny glass windows with their outer edges coated in a thin ring of frost. I reached out a feminine hand and touched the rail that ran up the steps, my hand was small with dainty fingers. I shook off a sudden eerie feeling, and peeked into the first open door I found, its hardwood floors looked polished from years of use. I hesitantly moved toward a window at the end of the balcony, leaned forward and peered outside.
I could see a barn not far from the house, in a fenced in pasture a cow and two horses grazed, using their muzzles to push away the thin layer of snow upon the ground. Chickens scurried across the lane, searching for seeds as they moved. My heart began beating quickly in my chest as I backed from the window, a few gentle flakes of snow drifted past. My eyes studied the scene below me, unbelieving of what I was seeing just outside the window of this strange home.
Slowly I stepped toward another door that was also open, inside was an old bed, at it's end rested a wide dresser with a long, somewhat ancient mirror. My eyes were drawn toward the mirror, a young woman dressed in the mid 1800's stood looking back toward me, my pulsing heart felt as though it would skip a beat. I began to scream, raising a hand to my face and gasped as the stranger did the same.
"Oh my God!" I sighed in shock, it was no stranger at all, it was me! I crossed the beautiful hardwood floors and looked into the mirror at the young woman I had become. "How?" I asked softly, raising a trembling hand to my face. "How could this happen?" I cried. The reflection... my reflection looked back at me. She was pretty, even without makeup. She had golden hair with thin brows and long, curved eyelashes in a deeper brown, she touched her chest with a slender, feminine hand. Her rounded breasts looked full and plump for her small size. She had a thin waist and wide hips that was hidden by the fullness of the vast multitudes of petticoats that she... I most likely wore.
In shock, I moved out of that room and toward the third and final door on this floor, it was closed. A thin shaft of light reflected from a window within the room, and out under the door. My trembling small hand grasped the knob, I opened it a tiny crack. I could hear the voice of a small child inside. More and more of the room was revealed as I opened the door wider and wider. A small child of about four years old was sitting on a bed, humming to herself as she brushed her long light colored hair.
I let out a startled gasp causing the little girl to turn, "Mommy, can you brush my hair for me?" I slowly stepped into the room and took the wooden brush in my hesitant, trembling hand. She smiled and flipped her golden hair away from her neck with tiny hands.
Across from me a mirror caught my attention, I studied the little girl momentarily in the reflection. What made my heart skip was the beautiful young woman that had seated herself behind the girl. "Is that truly me?" I sighed softly in wonderment, amazed at my feminine appearance. As I sat there in complete and utter amazement, I realized that the youth sitting with her back to me, could really have been the daughter of the woman I had become.
The little child glanced up at my reflection, her strange gaze chased away by a innocent smile. "...And I'm going to look just like you when I grow up!" She added as my trembling hands continued to brush away at her silken hair.
I looked down at the top of her head, no higher than my bosom, "Mommy, after you're done, can I wake up Melissa and play with her?"
I sat dumfounded, "How can this be happening?" I gasped softly. Then her words seemed to work their way into my mind. "Melissa?" I asked, my voice sounded so young and sweet.
The little girl pointed toward the corner of the room, a young child lay sleeping in an antique crib. Only, in the time period I've found myself suddenly in, the crib was most likely brand new. I gently rose to my feet, the little girl took her brush and sat it on the dresser. In a daze I made my way to the crib where the small child slept. I felt the little girl touch my hand, "Are you okay Mommy? Do you want me to run and get Daddy?" I only blinked at her comment, suddenly realizing what she was asking.
"N... No dear, that won't be necessary." I forced a smile and with a trembling hand touched the hard railing of the crib. The small child stirred, looked up at me and began smiling.
The little girl let my hand drop and scurried about the room gathering up items and quickly returned. "Melissa?" I whispered softly. The tiny child sat up, looking through the thin bars of the ancient crib. She held out her hands, grasping my own, and pulled me down to her. I gathered her up and slowly swished back to the little bed that the young girl had been sitting on earlier, "What is happening to me?" I wondered.
"Uh... Melissa?" The little four year old, looked up and rolled her beautiful blue eyes at me.
"It's Nicole Mommy." She sighed. "You keep calling us by each other's name."
I smiled and laid the baby down on her back, Nicole sat everything next to the little one. "Let me do it!" She giggled and began to change her little sister. I slowly walked away and headed toward the mirror, the young mother that looked back at me in the reflection, sadly shook her head. "How?" I whispered, touching a shaking, feminine hand to my soft face.
"She's ready Mommy." Nicole chirped from behind me. I slowly turned, the dress swaying around my waist strangely. "Are you going to feed her first?" The little girl asked, handing the baby to my reluctant arms.
I shrugged, "Should I?" I was hoping the little girl would show me so I didn't have to decide.
"I think we should feed her first." I found myself holding the baby with one arm as the other was being held by Nicole. We crossed the room and paused by the bed.
"Come on, let's go." I coaxed, trying to drag her on out of the room.
"You don't ever feed her down stairs, its always up here." She smiled and handed me the baby. "Sit down here like you usually do, Mommy."
I settled back onto the bed and gave her a strange look, "How is this going to feed her?" I looked from the door to the little girl... my daughter.
She giggled and began to unbutton my blouse, starting at the high collar. "What are you doing?" I lowered the baby to my knee, "Just how do you expect her to eat by doing that?"
She gently pointed at my breast, "That's where she always eats, Mommy." She replied bluntly.
I looked down at my breasts covered under the single layer of a nursing corset, it was true, ever since I felt the distortion, they have been strangely feeling full. "I... I can't Nicole." I gasped in fear as Nicole began to pull on the string, exposing the creamy surface of my swollen orbs to the hungry child. "N... No!" I cried.
It was too late, the little child recognized her lunch and leaned forward, her tiny fingers gripping the sides of one poor breast. I shuddered as she slowly worked a lactating teat from the confines of my nursing corset with the help of Nicole. I couldn't say a thing as the little one vigorously began to suck, drinking a liquid that had no place being inside my trembling body.
I pulled a button from her little grasp, Nicole watched intently from only mere inches away. "Will I be able to nurse a baby from my little rose buds?"
I glanced at her patting herself on her chest, "Rosebuds?" I asked.
"That's what you always called them." She smiled and stroked her sister's forehead. From the floor below I heard a door close, my heart jumped in my chest. "You said that one day mine would bloom like yours, you told me that was when you first knew you were a grown up woman." She paused as she listened to the visitor below, stomp the snow from their boots.
I frowned, was I stuck as I am? Would I ever be able to get out? I winced, at the constant, rhythmic pull that was being enacted on my bosom. I caught Nicole looking at me smiling, she bent down and kissed Melissa's forehead as she nursed.
"Where are my lovely ladies hiding?" Came a man's booming voice.
Nicole jumped up quickly, even before I could stop her she shouted down the stairs, "We're up here Daddy!" His steps bounced and bounded up the stairs until his large frame paused in the doorway. "Mommy's feeding Melissa." She added.
He smiled and raised his eyebrows, "I can see that honey." His smile was warm and friendly. Even this man was thinking that I was part of the family... apparently, his family. He walked over and crouched down beside his nursing daughter, tenderly kissing her forehead.
He gazed into my uncomfortable eyes, "She about done?" He said, stroking her soft hair with two of his fingers.
Even before I could answer, Nicole put her arm around her father. "On one side." She pointed at the baby nuzzling my breast, "Mommy still needs to nurse her on the other one." Nicole pushed past her father and inserted a little finger along her baby sister's cheek, breaking the suction with an audible pop. I wasn't sure what to do next, it seemed natural to move her to the other side. Slowly the tiny mouth moved as if she was still sucking, Nicole guided the little lips to the swollen nipple. "There you go sis, drink up!"
The man sat and watched his tiny daughter start nursing vigorously, for almost ten minutes we sat quietly watching this little member of his family as she drew upon my breast and fed herself. Finally as Melissa broke her suction with a huge yawn, the man, her father, handed her to his eldest. "Take her down and clean her up, we'll only be a moment."
I smiled as the little girl carried her sister gently, holding her to a small shoulder, "Burp her!" I called out softly as she carried the child into the hallway. I surprised myself by the comment, not sure of why I would have thought of something so maternally. I watched her disappear from my view, carrying the little one whom I had just nursed. 'What was going on?' I asked myself. 'Was I now trapped as the adult female of this young family?' My eyes were still locked upon the empty doorway, 'Would I ever be able to return home?' I wondered.
"I'm glad to have you to myself for a moment." My eyes darted back to his face, still only inches from mine. His voice bringing me back to awareness, I quickly shot my hand to my exposed feminine breast in an attempt to cover my nakedness.
I hurriedly began to button myself back up, he gently stopped my hand. "I need you, Abigail." I tried to stand, he put his large hand on my leg, gently holding me down. His other hand, pushed my unbuttoned collar aside. Slowly he moved toward me and guided me onto my back. His fingers were dangerously close to my exposed breast, the air caused the damp nipples to swell.
I slid out from under him and onto the floor, he got a playful look on his face and also crawled off the bed. "I... I don't think we'd better." I gasped, trying to stay his lustful alien advance. I quickly turned and began to crawl away, he gently grasped my hips in his large hands. Effectively preventing my escape.
"If you're worried that Nicole will hear us, I can close the door." He sighed in my ear as he began to gently fondle my tender breasts. My mind was racing, trying to figure a way out of this strange situation that I found myself trapped in. He slowly began to manipulate them even more erotically, I felt my breath escape my lungs. Slowly and expertly, his hands worked their way lower. In shock, I felt his hardened penis, even through the multiple layers of my long skirt.
"Make love to me." He sighed his arousal.
"I can't." I pleaded, struggling from his grasp. "Melissa... Nicole." My mind raced for excuses of why I couldn't, shouldn't couple with this man. The fact that only hours ago, I was but a mere boy of sixteen not withstanding had thrust itself into my frightened mind.
He rolled me over and stroked my hair, "You afraid of being the mother of three? What about that son you promised me?" He smiled and touched my cheek gently.
I squirmed, "It's not that..." The words expelled as a long breath. His grip held me confined, under the weight of his body. His lips lowered and began to kiss my neck, I felt myself grow very warm from his unfamiliar touch.
"What then?" He lowered his head and gently kissed the swell of my heaving breast. I felt a strange little tingle race through my body. He slowly began to pull at the long skirt, hiking it higher and higher, exposing my leg. "I know you want a son as much as I do..." His sigh created an odd flutter within the pit of my stomach. He lowered his lips to mine, I tried to force my head away but the floor held it in place. His lips were soft and warm.
Try as I might to keep from making a sound, a moan escaped from my full lips, no louder than a whisper. "I've been thinking about you while I was in the snow out there, He continued, "I'd like to try for another child... tonight."
Strange sexual images began to dance before my closed eyes, images that no young man could ever participate in... and yet, as a woman, his wife, seemed I was very destined to doing. "It's too soon!" I whispered, not sure why I answered him at all.
Suddenly Nicole stepped into the doorway, "She spit up again." I was embarrassed and quickly scrambling to cover my exposed flesh, like lightning I began buttoning the series of buttons that led up to the high collar. The man gave his little daughter a smile and slowly stood, offering his large hand to me. After pulling me to my feet, we all shuffled out of the room and headed down the steps.
My husband paused at the top of the stairs and motioned for me to pass, as I did, he gently held out his hand and cupped the roundness of my right breast. His thumb sliding dangerously across the area where my nipple was. I blushed and felt myself smile. 'My God! Why did I do that?' I chastised myself quickly stepping down the stairs. As had happened before, at about the half way point came the blurred vision and I found myself standing at the lowest step, looking at a empty, dusty unkempt room.
I glanced back up the stairs and adjusted myself, strangely, I had become aroused. I shook my head and walked to a window, staring through it's distorted glass. Outside, the little house was surrounded by the tall weeds of spring.
Gone was the loving feeling that I could sense from this young family. Gone too were the sweet little girls that thought of me as their mother. I looked upward, where I last saw the man, safe in thought that I could no longer affected by his playful advances.
My greatest fear was, of somehow becoming trapped in this domestic little role of a young mother and wife. I sighed and thought, maybe I was more afraid of liking the feeling of a family who loved me for just being... alive. I frowned, knowing that this was no place for me, I needed to return home now, before I did something stupid that I may regret for the rest of my life.
As the sun was slowly sinking in the west, I started back to my home. By the time the sun had set, I was standing by the tree in the front yard. From inside I could hear her wallowing in her drunken stupor, cursing and yelling inside an empty room. My heart sank, I knew that there would be no love inside this home... not like there was in the little farm house by the stream.
The stars were twinkling as I stood there, listening to her breaking glass and cursing loudly in the night. I stepped toward the window and peered in, she was laying on the couch, the glass tumbler was laying in shards upon the floor.
"I wouldn't go in there, even if you paid me!" A voice broke through the evening. I turned and saw my neighbor standing next to the fence behind me, "She's been like that all day!"
I nodded, "The drinking sets her off." I slowly walked back to where the man was standing, shrouded in the darkness of the shadows.
"What was it this time?" He asked.
"I don't know." I sighed, looking at the light as it reflected from the window. "She's been like that since I was 12."
He frowned, "You need to get her some help."
"I've tried. She just keeps walking away from it and... this is the result." I nodded toward the house.
"Do you have somewhere you can stay?" He asked softly, "I'm going to get the authorities involved with this. She needs to dry out for a long time in some place where she can't walk away from."
I sighed deeply, I knew he was right. "You have an Uncle or Aunt that will take you in?" I shook my head sadly, "No older brother or sister?"
"None." I sighed.
"What about your dad? Would he take you in?"
I shrugged. "Maybe, if I could find him."
The man sighed, he looked down in his hand at the cellular phone he held. "I've got to call, you know that don't you Cade?"
I nodded and watched as he began to dial for the police, my long torment would soon be put to an end. Within twenty minutes they were there and had taken her out of our house in an ambulance, the entire time she remained unconscious. An officer walked over to me slowly, "Do you have a place to stay? Would you want me to call Child Services?"
I was deep in thought, watching the ambulance slowly roll away with only its lights flashing in the dark. I knew once they had her in the system, it would be a long time before I could ever see her again. I also knew that she hated me and despised me for the simple fact that I was my father's son, she blamed me for everything. No... there would be no going home again even if did want to try.
"So, what do you want me to do?" The officer folded his arms and tightened his jaw.
"I'll be okay." I replied, looking at the lights as they flickered and blinked against the houses.
"I see that she beat the hell out of you, would you want to press charges?" He asked, shining his bright flashlight on my arms and face where she had struck me earlier.
"I won't press charges on her. I couldn't do that to my mother." I sighed, my voice shaky with emotion.
The big officer frowned, "Suit yourself. We may have a few questions for you later, you going to be somewhere close by?"
I nodded slowly, "I think so."
The officer looked at my neighbor, assuming that I would be staying with him and his wife. "See to it that his bruises get some ice. If you can, clean him up." The old man nodded in agreement.
I watched him walk away and climb into his squad car, the lights were flipped off and he backed out of the drive. The old man and I began to walk back toward his home. At his front door I stopped.
"You coming inside?" He asked.
I looked down the road, "I don't think so."
"Where you going to go?" He asked softly.
I smiled and shook his hand, "Do you have an old flashlight that you can spare?"
He nodded quizzically, turned and headed inside his house. A moment later he returned, handing it to me. "They're going to ask. What should I tell them?"
I stepped off the porch and slowly turned around, "Tell them that I'm going to be staying with a family that really cares for me."
"But, you said..." He stopped and nodded slowly. "You're not coming back are you?"
I smiled as my only answer, I turned and began to trot down the road.
In the dark, damp weeds I stood looking at the little two-story. My light breaking the night with its single beam. Slowly I approached the door and pushed it open, the room was dark and still. I followed the steps with my eyes, at the upper floors my gaze paused, "Would I be propelled back into time as I had before?" I wondered aloud. "Would I be prepared to do what was asked of me, should I go up?"
I crossed the dusty room and stood at the bottom of the steps, dust and cobwebs floated across the bright beam of the flashlight. "Could I live the life of the young woman, if I stayed?" I asked myself aloud, my voice almost a whisper.
I stepped upon the first step and hesitated, "What if I came back down? Would I become the me that I am right now?" A sound within the room caused me to spin the flashlight quickly, catching a mouse as it scurried across the dusty floor.
I swallowed hard and took another step up, "Ahead of me, is a family that loves each other." I looked back toward the door, "Behind me is a mother that despises every part of my being." Again I took a step up. "How can I stay with the family that loves me? What will keep me here?" I sighed, taking another slow step up the stairs.
"Faith!" I answered loudly, my voice echoing inside the empty house.
Suddenly a strange blurring feeling passed my eyes, again before me was the darkened hall of the little home. I quickened my pace up the stairs, the polished floor reflecting the soft glow from the candle holder that I now held. It's tiny single flame dancing with the movement of my breath. I slipped passed Nicole and Melissa's bedroom, the only sound was a soft stirring and restful breathing of the little girls.
I found a door slightly ajar, inside slept a man. I entered and placed the Silver candle holder upon a tall dresser, gently I placed my slender hand behind the flame and with a puff, blew out the light. "Abigail?"
I said nothing, quietly slipping into bed. All the while wondering if I was doing the right thing. "Checking up on the girls?" He whispered softly.
"They're sleeping peacefully." I answered, my voice soft and feminine sounding.
He rolled to his side and smiled in the soft light from the crescent moon outside. "Have you thought about what I asked you earlier?"
I nodded and smiled, "If you want another child, then we should start soon."
"What if it isn't a boy?" he asked, taking my slender hand in his.
"Well, I guess we'll just keep trying until we succeed." I replied, my voice was soft, barely above a whisper. He smiled and slowly lowered my small hand under the covers.
Even though it was still dark, the morning sun was just peeking out above the trees when I rolled out of the warm feather bed. He was already up and milking our cow. I stood and drew a blanket with me off the bed to cover my nakedness, walking to the window I surveyed the snow-covered ground around our little farm, and smiled.
I slowly dressed myself, relishing in the wonderful feelings my husband had just put me through the night earlier. I pushed open the door and walked down the hallway, stopping at Nicole and Melissa's room. I smiled as they were still both sleeping soundly.
I turned away, deciding to leave them sleep for a short while longer. I headed for the steps and stood at the top, softly I prayed. "Please let me stay, they love me and I love them. I don't care what I used to be... to them, I'm Abigail and Mommy." I slowly started down the steps, fear building as I approached the center point.
As I neared the bottom a strange feeling passed through my stomach, "No!" I cried, standing upon the bottom step. But nothing happened, I was still there in my long gray everyday dress. I began to cry softly, a great feeling of joy bounded inside my heart. I gently sank down on that last step and cried.
Slowly I stood and headed into the kitchen, my family would be depending on me to be the woman they knew and loved. From a large bucket, I filled a pan with clean water and began to brew the coffee. I glanced back up the stairs and smiled, memories began to flood my mind of giving birth to the girls, marrying Ethan, and everything. And yet, I still could recall the woman who was my mother and how she treated me.
"I will never do that to my children." I swore my oath softly and placing my slender hand upon my heart. "As God is my witness!" I whispered.
Within a few minutes, I slowly poured two cups of coffee. Placing my crocheted shawl over my shoulders, I opened the door, and headed out. I sat the cups on the porch railing and closed the door quietly behind me, so not to wake my daughters.
Crossing our snow covered yard I stood at the barn, watching Ethan as he dropped some hay into the cow's trough. He turned around as I approached. "Good Morning!" He said, his breath leaving his mouth in a great vaporous plume. He smiled and took a cup from me, giving me a kiss. "Thanks for last night."
"Thank YOU!" I sighed. "You can't possibly imagine what you've given me." I smiled, sure of our coupling as a means of my remaining here with them.
He smiled slowly, "A baby. I hope! We could try again later... if you want to make certain."
I grinned, kissing him gently. "I don't think you have to worry about that anymore."
"How could you possibly know if you were pregnant?" He asked, setting his steaming cup on a wooden barrel.
"Just say it's a hunch." Again I smiled as he drew me close to his thick chest, I placed my cup down and wrapped my arms around his neck. "A girl just knows these things."
He bent his head down and kissed me deeply, from the door of the barn we heard a giggle. "Melissa's awake." Nicole was standing at the door, wrapped inside her blanket, resembling an Indian.
I turned as he patted my behind, "We'll take this discussion up later."
"Promise?" I asked grinning, taking Nicole's hand.
"You can bet on it." He smiled lovingly, watching us walk across the yard and back into our happy little home.
It has been said that anyone can build a house from sticks and stone, but a home is made of love alone.
Inside the happy walls of another time, Cade found himself. For once, he, no she was enjoying her family for the first real time in her life. Abigail lovingly sealed her fate when she coupled under the roof of the happy little home. Now, her swelling, pregnant belly is content to be at home on the little family farm, surrounded by her dear loved ones. The farm you wonder? It's near the intersection that borders two small townships, Hope and Faith. Both are well inside the boundaries of... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.
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The Woman of the mid 1800's in Ohio
I lived for 10 months in Ohio, near Kirtland and enjoyed it very much. My Stepfather was Amish and I had several oportunities to drive past their farms, and to browse their furniture stores. Later, I had the precious good luck to happen upon a historical center not far from a very distinctive church built in the 1830's.
Touring their Historical center which included several homes, an old saw mill, a meeting house and a store, I got a brief glance into the lives of those who lived then. They were shorter than us. There were no real kitchens, as we experience them now a days. In one two story cabin, the lower floor was one room with a huge fire place along one wall with an iron beam that swung out of the fire place on a crude swivel. It was called a wife saver, and was used to hang the pot on while cooking, and when the wife or daughter wanted to stir the pot or otherwise work with it, she would swing it out of the fire, thus saving her skirts from getting to close to it and cause her skirts to ignite and subject her to yet another immolation.
There were no sinks or running water in kitchens of the fronteer of the early 1800's. The water was simply brought in in a bucket and poured on dirty dishes in a crude tray and then it ran out of the back of the tray through a hole in the wall and outside.
Your story really takes me back to that time.
The gentle people at that center totally accepted me as a Muslim woman, and when I returned to Oregon, I and the gentle people of that organisation have continued our relationship.
Thank you for this lovely story.
A Home Is Made Of Love Alone - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
Were the near the Ingells of Little House On The Prairie?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
A New Pregnancy?
>> "You afraid of being the mother of three? What about that son you promised me?" I squirmed, "It's not that..." <<
From later actions she seems able to enjoy love making! Her high blood prolactin, from nursing, should stop any ovulation. They could just keep playing until Melissa is weened. It's also easier on her body to have a bigger gap between pregnancies.
(Just a note and not to distract;) (Although we see it all over, it is only in modern times with formula/bottle feeding or in high status families that could have wet nurses, that a womyn would have two pregnancies in a year. Noble wimyn were often "used up" by thirty from having constant pregnancies. They would die in miscarriage or childbirth and be replaced by a new teenager.)
Thank you for such a sweet touching story!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Very sweet story, well done.
Very sweet story, well done.